EatGreenDFW -
Take Our Survey and You Might Win a Month's Worth of Greenling Local Boxes

We really want you to take our Readership Survey.  As an enticement, we're going to give one lucky reader a month's worth of Greenling Local Boxes

We've been publishing it for nearly six years now, and thought it was about time to ask for your opinions.  There are only 10 questions, and if you answer them AND give us your email address, you'll be entered into a drawing for one month's worth (that's four weeks) of Local Boxes from Greenling.  Even if you don't want to enter our drawing, we hope you'll answer the questions.

The survey is open through Aug. 1 so you only have two more days to enter. 

And we really want to hear from you.




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Monday, 29 July 2013