EatGreenDFW -
Pruett Inspires Hope

Lacey Pruett will offer a new kind of online Facebook “happy hour” mindful meetup at 7 p.m. CST, September 26, designed for busy women that may not be able to get out to a class. It will include tips to simplify life for fall and stay mindful and present.

She says, “Mindful meet-ups put a new spin on meeting up with the girls. Our daily routine can lead to discussions surrounding the strain of our daily routine. Break out of the average social chat by signing up for a women-only mindful meet-up where we'll discuss mind, body and spirit development techniques to inspire you to live ‘in the black’, a concept used to express lifting the deficit many feel with their current health and lifestyle situation.”

Each meeting  focuses on a different aspect of holistic health and provides useful takeaways for doing life well. Living in any type of deficit can leave a person feeling hopeless.

Sign up at For more information, visit or call 214-418-3239.



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Friday, 21 September 2018