EatGreenDFW -
Natural Ways to Destress


Happy Fall Friends!

In this cooler month of September, we have been discussing the effects of stress on our body. How often do you say to yourself or out loud 'I am just stressed, that is all.'? I can personally attest to not even being able to count the number of times I have uttered this phrase, brushing it off as if it were nothing, I can DEAL with this, I always have and I always will! No big deal.

Except that it is. If you were able to read my last blog you witnessed the vast array of physical symptoms that can manifest due to stress. In case that was not enough for you to connect with, I wanted to share with you my personal experience with stress and how it has manifested in my body. This month I am participating in a BE THE CHANGE Challenge at my yoga studio, Urban Yoga Shout out to all of the beautiful ladies of the studio & challenge, you inspire me to be greater! Muah! :) Part of the participation of the challenge is to really embody change. So, I found it fitting and necessary for my growth, to be vulnerable and share my past and flaws with all of you so that you may have a personal account as to how detrimental stress can be to your health. As always, I appreciate your listening ears to my story and know that I do it all for you. To let you know that I too have been there and yet I am here to also show you how much JOY and VIBRANCY you can embody INSPITE of any "story" you may have. 

My stress literally started from birth, being delivered through the use of forceps in the good ol' 80s when that was still legal! Lol I joke, but many alternative & functional medicine places include this question on their health questionnaires because it does impact certain development. Anyhow, I moved several times, from the time I was baby, and my parents divorced when I was 2 or younger.   At that time my Dad went back to Canada where he was from. Since I was a toddler I have been travelling to and from Canada a few times a year. I even started flying by myself when I was about 7. I have four brothers, two with Autism, in Canada and two sister and a brother in Texas. There were always missed Christmases, birthdays, and a feeling of not belonging to two families who were always together. Throw in the mix of my younger years; suicide/murder of my grandma & grandpa, sexual and emotional abuse, extreme ADHD and the responsibilities of essentially being a second parent with a single mom of four. Even as a young adult, I was bright and responsible but I allowed myself to be in a relationship of physical and emotional abuse because of my total lack of self.   I am sure I am missing some things, but those are the highlights. I do not mean to speak of these hardships so matter-of-fact, as if they are just a list, but that is what they have to be. Just a page in my story so that I may move forward and stop experiencing stress in the same way that I am.

So now that you know the details you may ask HOW the circumstances and stress have manifested in my body. I can't place a finger on exactly when it started, but many symptoms reared their ugly head when I was about 22. I had suffered periodic bouts of digestive issues but this is when my neuropathy and auto-immune disorder began. How I felt was death warmed over!! I lost feeling in my thumb and then incredibly decreased strength in my hands, numbness & swelling in my feet (so much I had to buy bigger shoes), fatigue to the point of vomit, and a pain that is sort of indescribable other than to say that even clothes hurt my skin. My digestion was a mess and my periods were as frequent as 2-3x month with heavy cramping, bleeding and bloating. My cortisol bottomed out and I even experienced lower back pain whenever I am feeling EXTRA stressed out. My body started to view everything as a stressor, even the sound of a blender could cause me to have heart palpitations. Ugh I don't even typing that recollection, but as I is all for you my dears. :) 

It was in my time of desperation that I had the realization that I held responsibility in my illness. As time has progressed I have been peeling back the layers and learning ways to support my health through supplementation, clean eating, yoga, meditation, and a plethora of pain-management and alternative therapies. It has been a journey and will continue to be, however; it is MY journey and MY healing to nurture. What it all really boils down to is ME finding ways to perceive stress differently, so that I can live in a state of well being and not degeneration. Below are Dr. George Solomon's, one of the first scientists to link emotions & immunity, 7 Steps to Immune Competence & Stress Hardiness. I have posted this list on my bathroom mirror so that I will remember to engage in all, throughout my day.

7 Steps to Immune Competence & Stress Hardiness (George Solomon MD)

  •  Being in touch with your psychological and bodily needs
  • Being able to meet those needs by assertive actions
  • Possessing coping skills including a sense of control that enables you to ward off depression
  • Expressing emotions, including sadness and anger
  • Being willing to ask for and accept support from loved ones
  • Having a sense of meaning and purpose in work, daily activities, and relationships
  • Having a capacity for pleasure and play

To elaborate on Mr. Solomon's steps I would also like to include some alternative therapy & supplementation options that have been known to prevent & reduce stress and are some of my personal favorites:

  • Adaptogens such as; Ashwaganda, Rhodolia, Ginseng have been shown in studies to aid the body in adapting to stress
  • Glandular Support: If your adrenals truly are stressed adding glandular support may promote the healing of these glands.
  • Soothing Baths: taking time to enjoy a nice hot bath can be an excellent destressor - add baking soda, Epson salts and lavender oil to really help calm your nerves
  • Move your body: regularly exercising helps reduce stress by releasing endorphins to leave you feeling naturally lifted.
  • Yoga & Meditation: both have been LIFESAVERS in reducing stress. Taking the time to connect with your body will enable you to listen to the signals that are presenting themselves
  • Optimize Nutrition: my personal favorite! So much can be accomplished by being mindful of what we put inside our bodies. An anti-inflammatory diet is a great guideline & be sure to reduce your amount of anti-nutrients such as: refined sugar & carbs, hydrogenated oils, artificial coloring & additives, MSG, GMO's, etc.
  • Alternative Therapies: Reiki, Acupuncture, Massage, Cranial Sacral are all modalities I participate in regularly that help dissipate stress and enhance the natural flow of energy.


I hope that this blog has been both informative and has left you with a gem or two about the importance of adequately dealing with stress. Stress has allowed illness to manifest in my body but not my being. My being knows of healing, my task is to have the two meet and become exquisite dance partners. I will be doing so by incorporating Dr. Solomon's Steps to reduce stress as well as all of the healing alternative therapies I mentioned above. If you would like to share your story of dealing with stress please do so on the blog or email me! If you need more support dealing with your stress load, well that is also what I am here for! Again, I can be reached by email @ for a FREE health consultation to discuss how you can become an active participant in your health & well-being.

Also, if you know of anyone who may benefit from this blog please forward or share on your facebook page. Let's give the gift of health & healing!



Miss Nutrish

Tuesday, 01 October 2013