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Planet 911 Youth Reports EarthxTV Programming

Planet911 Youth Reports is an emergency wake-up call to the world from today’s youth who are concerned with the future of our planet for tomorrow. Episodes will feature young journalists reporting on a number of relevant topics including the climate crisis, global policy, as well as their individual voting rights and ability to personally affect change.

The show will also celebrate the accomplishments of rising stars who are shining a positive light in the world. Environmental artists. Climate activists. Inventors, filmmakers and kid visionaries. Their common goal? To illuminate the clear and present dangers facing our planet and how we can work together to solve them.

Youth across the world answer the emergency 911 call from planet Earth to protect their own futures. In this 30-minute program, EarthxYouth reporters, anchors and moderators explore voting for a sustainable future, host town hall dialogues on the Climate Crisis with candidates and elected officials leading up to the November Election.

In additional segments, teens and young adults dissect the UN Sustainable Development Goals, celebrate the accomplishments of young planet heroes, explore moments of natural beauty, highlight young environmental artists, youth climate activists, young inventors, filmmakers and share virtual sustainability challenges for kids and teens.


FRIDAY, Sept 25, 2020

5PM-5:30PM CDT / 6PM-6:30PM EDT

Planet911 Youth Reports       30 min

Participant: Senator Sheldon Whitehouse

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