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EarthxTV premieres on September 21st at to kick off Climate Week

EarthX will launch EarthxTV whose mission is to become the foremost streaming network for environmental programming, covering cross-disciplinary solutions to the critical issues facing the natural world. EarthxTV will premiere on September 21st at to kick off Climate Week and will feature inclusive conversations, environmental storytelling and interactive experiences. A guiding force for collective change, EarthX is committed to bridging the divide on environmental issues and fostering constructive dialogue between unlikely parties through new media – challenging the mediums through which we congregate over the future of the planet and work together to correct the course of history in an increasingly virtual world. 

Programming will include opinion, analysis and reporting specials along with creative storytelling that explores environmental topics around wildlife, people and culture, science and technology, justice and policy, and business. EarthxTV will also feature themed series that highlight focus points in the environmental conversation through multimedia and cross-ideological dialogue.

Justice | Environmental justice has long been part of the green movement but has come to the forefront in recent years. EarthxTV will introduce Green Justice where each episode of this series will look at individual stories of people being used or mistreated by nefarious entities who are working against the health and safety of their community. It will focus on the heroes who are trying to change this paradigm through protest and resistance.

Business | Introducing EarthxCEO, EarthxTV brings a weekly virtual program where industry visionaries discuss and share how they lead their respective companies to a double bottom line. The program will serve up the leading voices in the corporate world, hearing from them directly about their struggles and victories towards guiding their entities to a more resilient and sustainable world.

Women | Women are on the frontlines of environmental issues all over the world, utilizing their critical skills as activists, organizers, journalists and leaders. Women Never Give Up is a show dedicated to amplifying the voices of women at the center of the movement, dedicating each episode to examining what they are doing through short films and video profiles as well as thoughtful in-depth interviews.

Youth | Planet911 Youth Reports is an emergency wake-up call to the world from today’s youth who are concerned with the future of the planet they have inherited. Episodes will feature young journalists reporting on a number of relevant topics including the climate crisis, global policy, as well as their individual voting rights and ability to personally affect change. 

The show will also celebrate the accomplishments of rising stars who are shining a positive light in the world. Environmental artists. Climate activists. Inventors, filmmakers and young visionaries. All sharing in the goal to illuminate the clear and present dangers facing our planet and how we can work together to solve them. 

Science | Scientists are at the forefront of understanding what is happening to our planet and its species but are often in the background of the conversation, not given a large enough stage to share their critical work. Science in Action will look at what they are achieving through a well-produced mix of interviews, graphics and video to tell a story that is not often heard and that celebrates their essential role in the future of our planet.

Policy | Natural Policy is an engaging talk show to explore our planet from all sides, with various viewpoints being discussed and debated on the environment’s most important issues. The show will take a deep look at key policies that have been taken or still need to be enacted to safeguard the future of our planet in a point-counterpoint format.

EarthX convenes the world’s largest environmental expo, conference and film festival, and is a member of IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature. EarthxTV, launching in Fall 2020 is a web-based platform for balanced, inclusive environmental conversations, programs, emerging media & films.  Founded in 2011 by environmentalist and businessman Trammell S. Crow, the Texas-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization promotes environmental awareness and impact through conscious business, nonpartisan collaboration and community-driven sustainable solutions.  Earthx2020 was held virtually in April and drew over 550,000 visitors worldwide. Visit or follow us @earthxorg on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook.

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