Finding Your Resolution Rhythm.

Renew. Recommit. Realign.

With Miss Nutrish
Happy New Year My Nutrish'ous Friends! Tis' the season for resolutions! Every day I work in the realm of resolutions, guiding my clients to recommit to themselves and their goals. What I love about this time of year is the massive support group available, since we are all making these promises collectively. When we collectively have goals, MASSIVE change happens!

As I am making a larger commitment to change this year, I must realign and reevaluate goals. This has brought me to the decision of switching up this blog schedule.  In 2014 I want to provide more e-book resources, online classes and workshops. In order to reach these goals, I must create more time and space to create these goodies. This means that I will be providing a monthly blog/newsletter that is accompanied by Facebook discussion, YouTube videos and much more!  This way, I will not be bombarding your email with blogs and YOU can decide what golden pieces of info you'd like to take with you and save for later.  :) 

This month I'd like to discuss the self, particularly the image YOU carry of YOURself and how to lose weight naturally. The New Year is the time of year where many people make promises to themselves to be better than the year before, particularly surrounding weight loss. There is a rhythm to everything, like night and day. The New Year begins the rhythm of renewal. There are SOOO many ways to lose weight, but I want to focus on the mentality involved with your finest self. Not to worry! I promise you insight into nutrition for weight loss as well as movement that has helped me trim and tone my physique so stay tuned this month.

Self image is a concept that includes the ideas that one has of oneself, including their qualities and personal worth. In honor of it being a new year, and one of my promises to myself is to be more vulnerable in hopes of inspiring others, SO I shall share my account of self image and how I have learned to love myself more, which has led to natural weight loss!

My entire life I have stood out. I was the new girl, the tall girl or the smart/nerdy girl...apparently none of which were necessarily the type of girl you wanted to be. Being tall was a sure fire way for many of the boys (and some of the girls) to make jokes about my size. Jolly green giant, linebacker, and many other giant-esque names swirled around my reputation for many years. As I said, add in the new girl nerd appeal and it's safe to say I developed quite the distorted image of ME. It was then I became on a quest to be like everyone else. Fit in whenever and however possible so that I wouldn't run the risk of being a target of ridicule. I even tried to appear smaller by rolling my shoulders forward and slouching when I was around shorter people.   Somehow I tend to attract the shortest friends too, hehe. :)For some time it felt like a big relief to not stand out with my wild style, nerdy knowings and lofty physique.   There is a funny thing about our true nature and it wanting to be seen. When we do not honor ourselves it can manifest into many 'troubles' in our lives. At first glance you may not relate the overeating, binge drinking, self sabotaging to a suppression of your 'true nature'. But I assure you they are most definitely manifestations! For myself, I became a party girl because alcohol gave me a confidence I had never possessed. On top of that I waged a war everyday with food. Having total enjoyment in cooking and food yet there was always a nagging voice telling me to not eat this or that because I was already a 'big girl.' These are just a couple of the ways my sabotage manifested, there were many more we can talk about later. :) The final stage was the illness that set into my body. I did not know how to express my sadness, anger, or other emotions so it decided to settle into my muscles and joints. So much testing I probably could have put a kid through medical school with NO conclusive 'diagnoses' except there was obviously damage present. Some days I could not walk or open a car door because of my level of pain and weakness.

Fast forward five years and you will see a much different Danae. I still work on my insecurities and shortcomings on a daily basis, but they serve a new purpose in my life. No longer do I torture myself about food. In fact, I LOVE food and ALL aspects of it. I infuse love into every bite I make. I experiment with new recipes, eat from the earth and pray before I eat, thanking ALL of the people it took to get that food to my plate. It is quite a joyous experience actually! I still struggle sometimes with the negative self talk surrounding some of my choices but I have found a loving, gentle way to reframe my thoughts and I offer compassion and understanding to ME just as I would my friends or family. To top it all off I have lost about 30 pounds and kept it off for almost five years. After years of back pain, partially induced by my posture, I have found ways to stand tall. I even teach Barre which HIGHLY encourages posture, as it is deeply rooted in ballet. What is even more interesting is I can find myself shrinking in posture when I feel insecure about something. Again, my mindfulness has allowed me to notice these responses and remind myself to stand tall because that is how I was made, and my God makes no mistakes.

 Am I a superhero for making these adjustments in my life? No way, what it really comes down to is I am just Nae. A tall,nerdy, quirky, passionate woman who is learning to change her perception of herself. Instead of casting the first stone at ME for being ME I have decided to LOVE all of ME and know that even my shortcomings are divinely placed so that I can grow and evolve into the highest expression of myself.

I believe in the power of change. I believe that in order to change we must have a deep trust that we CAN change and then a passionate commitment to ourselves to stick to our desire for change. There are many days that will be difficult. And we may lose people in our lives in the process of our change. That is because when we really start to follow our path, that which no longer serves us will be taken from our path. This is really when that immovable trust comes in. I know I am speaking of a higher lifestyle in general but this can be applicable to ANY of your New Year's resolutions. You just have to get into the rhythm of your resolution. What do I mean by this? For instance, if your goal is to lose 30 pounds what are you doing on a daily basis to achieve your goal? Are you CONSISTENTLY putting forth effort? How do you speak to yourself? You know that voice in your head, is she your cheerleader or a big bully? Believe it or not, science is discovering the depth negative self-talk can reach, to the level of our DNA. Which means it is IMPERATIVE to love yourself, your DNA can and will change if not. Here are a few of my best tips for staying on track with your goals for your resolutions or any change you are wanting to integrate into your life!

  • Break your large goals into smaller steps: Sometimes we do not pursue our dreams because they seem too lofty. We tell ourselves who are WE to look like a fitness model or create our own business. The question really is who are we NOT to receive our blessings through our goals? I have found it extremely helpful to break down larger goals into smaller baby steps. For instance, if we want to be a published author, first we must write! Give yourself a realistic timeframe of achieving your goal and then break it down into smaller steps. So to be published, you must write, build your network, contact publishers, etc. Schedule these steps into your calendar and then it is easier to see if you are on pace to meet your goal as well as reduce discouragement for not achieving your ultimate goal overnight.
  • Include the use of a calendar: if it's not scheduled it doesn't happen! Schedule your small steps towards your big goals into your daily calendar. For instance, if your goal is for weight loss schedule your exercise times, eating time and plan your meals out to ensure adherence to your goals.
  • Use affirmations: One way to reduce the use of negative self-talk is by including affirmations in your daily practice. Post them on your bathroom mirror, car, in your calendar and use them whenever that bully starts speaking up in your head.
  • Find support: Some days will be harder than others to stick to your new goals. When we have someone, or a group of people, that believe in our goals we are more likely to adhere to them. When you feel like giving up contact those around you who lift you up. There is great power in accountability.
  • Be loving to yourself: This has been the most difficult of all for myself. I can put forth the consistent effort, schedule my goals yet when I falter I beat myself up beyond recognition. Hello!!! How conducive to change can this be? NOT AT ALL my friends. So one of my new year's promises to myself is to be more loving. If I do not achieve something EXACTLY how I wanted to I am giving myself permission to asking loving questions and offer support so that I will not repeat the same mistakes.

These are just a few ways to support the rhythm of your resolutions for 2014. If you would like more accountability towards your goals that is what I am here for. Please feel free to contact me with your questions and ideas. I really believe in your dreams and for the month of January I am offering FREE 15-minute laser coaching sessions to help get you on the right track for 2014. I believe in you, it's time YOU believe in YOU.  If you would like to know more about ways I am renewing and realigning for the new year please continue reading.

My 2014 Promises to Me


  •  Reduce sugar consumption and emotional attachment to it.
  • Be open to a new relationship by being more vulnerable & open to receive
  • Ask for help when I need it,  I do not have to do everything.
  • BE larger than life.  No one is served by me playing small.  If I want to make massive changes I must BE massively brave.
  • Share my creative gift with those around me.  Starting a youtube channel to share with others all that I have learned about movement, nutrition, and spirituality.
  • Be more open to change.  Live in the flow of NOW. 
Miss Nutrish on Youtube in 2014

It has been layed on my heart to share with all of my friends, family and followers the joy I find in movement, nutrition, and living more consciously.  So I have decided to start a youtube channel with exercise videos, recipes and Miss Nutrish's advice on any & everything conscious living.  Details of this channel will be coming later this month so stay tuned and share with your friends!  If there are certain topics you'd like to see discussed here please and for your FREE 15 minute laser coaching call.

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