
Cultivating space for Time Shifting begins with attention to inner and outer cycles. The body works best in cycles and the closer you can match YOUR cycles to the natural cycles of the universe, the easier it becomes to flow in your life. This is rhythm, my friends.

Why does it matter that we sync up with cycles? The less resistance, in any given situation, the greater amount of energy that is available. So, beyond our calendar and fulfilling our desires, the rhythms of our body keep us happy, healthy and alive! One could argue that dis-ease and discomfort in the body is directly correlated to defying the natural rhythms of the body.


Here are some typical signs of rhythmic imbalance:

  • digestive disturbances
  • depression
  • headaches
  • fatigue & lethargy
  • dehydration
  • missed periods
  • weight gain or loss

Ways in which we Defy our Natural Rhythms: 


  • Time Zone Hopping: Depending on which way you are traveling through the time zones, you may be inhibiting your body’s ability to release melatonin because of the confusion to your circadian cycle. Try sungazing upon your arrival to your new destination, this can help your body naturally reset this rhythm.
  • Screen Gazing: If asked your nightly routine, would it involved browsing the web, watching television or playing on your phone? If you answered yes to any of these, then you may be impeding your body’s ability to have a restful, rejuvenating sleep. The pineal gland, which releases melatonin, reacts to light and dark. This gland cannot differentiate between natural and synthetic lighting.
  • Working at night: Our bodies are designed to sleep when it is dark (thus melatonin’s production when light is no longer present) so when we work at night and sleep during the day, we are working against the Circadian sleep/wake cycle
  • Birth Control: Changes the timing of our menstrual cycles by shifting hormone production through the administration of synthetic ones.
  • Eating Patterns & Habits: If we are eating late at night or first thing in the morning, we may not be working optimally with our cycles. Eating late would require digestion during time the body should be assimilating. Additionally, the foods we choose may contribute or impede to the cycles of our body.
  • Stress: Affects our ability to digest, procreate and increases production of Cortisol, creating an imbalance in the wake/sleep cycle.

So how do we work with the rhythms of the body and what are the cycles of the body I am referring to? 

Let’s start with the what…

Some of the cycles I am referring to are; circadian rhythms, puberty, menstrual cycles, hormonal response and a variety of physiological processes like body temperatere and blood pressure.  These inner cycles are influenced & synchronized with internal rhythms (endogenous), body temperature is regulated by circadian rhythms. Other influences may be external (exogenous), like the effect of harmful plastics on your hormone production. Other examples of external influences include; exposure to light, chemical use and stress.

Menstrual cycles are an example of Infradian cycles, which occur about every 28–30 days. This cycle is endogenously affected by hormone production and the fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone. There are also outside influences that can cause disruption within this cycle.

Respecting the cycle of life and death allows us to flow with these cycles rather than resist or butt up against. In yoga, each class ends with Savasana, Corpse Pose, to remind us to die every day. Die everyday? Yes. With death there is life. So, what can you die to today so that new life can occur? I die to ideas, habits and emotions that are no longer serving me. I call in new growth and expansion.


The cycle I want to focus on primarily, is the Circadian Rhythm. 

This cycle in the body can be broken down into three 8-hour cycles. The sleep-wake cycle is the most commonly acknowledged circadian rhythm process. During this process, a variety of physiological processes are governed. For instance, our Cortisol & Melatonin production are directly influenced by this cycle. With the decrease of sunlight, Cortisol production decreases and melatonin increases to induce sleep.

Circadian rhythms also influence digestion and detoxification of the body. The three 8-hour cycles represented are:

  • Elimination 4am-12pm – removal of waste by-products from the body. Indication of out-of-balance cycle may result in waking up with headaches, bloating, coated tongues and general lethargy. To work more closely with this 8 hour cycle, choose foods that are easily digested so that the focus can remain on elimination. Also, drinking lemon water first thing in the morning will support your body’s natural detoxification ability, allowing the body to be in a more alkaline state. Additionally, our practices BEFORE we go to bed heavily influence this cycle of our day. Mindful practices and avoiding late night snacking may be helpful too!
  • Appropriation (eating and digestion)12pm-8pm  – this 8 hour cycle is optimal time for eating larger meals and digestion. Food combining is imperative to working rhythmically with this cycle. Eat small frequent meals or try eating larger meals and see how your digestion responds. We are so unique that no two ways of eating will be exactly the same.
  • Assimilation 8pm-4am – optimal time for utilizing the food consumed during the day. If we think about it, during this time your body wants to wind down and eventually go to sleep.

Chinese Medicine Body Clock: Natural Flow of Energy (Chi) 


How to Use these Cycles to Our Advantage:

Drawing from this diagram, we can schedule exercise, meal types, detoxification and supplementation regiments based off the highest functioning of our organs, at specific times.

Practice mindfulness technique when you wake up to set the tone and intention of your day, or in the evening to promote a deeper sense of relaxation and release of unwanted energies. Examples of mindful attention may include deep breathing, movement, contemplative exercises and sound therapy.

If you suspect disturbances in your natural cycles, get involved! Use alarms for sleep, waking up, supplementation and for eating times to create SHIFT within your natural rhythms. Journaling may be helpful to track patterns so that you are more conscious of where the shift needs to occur. Seek guidance. Get nutrient, hormone and neurotransmitter levels tested to find out where the specific physiological imbalances lie.

Sleeping patterns out of whack? Try removing all devices with screens at least 2 hours before going to bed. This allows the pineal gland to properly produce Melatonin so that your body can repair while sleeping.  Eating late may be a culprit so try to limit eating to after 8pm. If this is not enough, melatonin, 5-HTP and Tryptophan have proven effective for sleeping supplementation.

Stay tuned for next week’s blog where we will explore the natural cycles of our environment and how we can become more in sync to promote well-being and vitality!


This month we are exploring the topic of Time Management, or something I like to call Time Shifting. To be honest, I do not want to ‘manage’ my time or myself. I want to compassionately co-create a life that is most desirable for myself. The idea of managing feels stuffy and linear. I like to feel free and multi-dimensional. SO! That is why I have recoined the phrase to incorporate an element of co-creation…the shifting of time space.


As a health coach & mentor, a frequent excuse I hear (this seems to be a human affliction in general) is that of lack of time. It can be for A,B, or C reason, but the truth is…we all have the same amount of time in the day. It is more about HOW we utilize it AND our relationship to it that really determines how successfully we ‘manage’ time.

Why is it important to have both of these aspects? Well, you can be very good at allotting your time but what are you allotting your time to? AND how do you FEEL about it? You can be a slave to your calendar, so are you really ‘managing’ your time? You can feel angry about having such a tightly packed schedule, so are you really ‘managing’ your time?

I will give you a personal example. I became a genius at filling a calendar; color coding, multiple calendars for personal, marketing, etc. To the outside world, I looked like the perfect example of an Organizational Queen.

Calendar made by posst it with copy space

On the inside, I was dying. Or so it felt like it, slow suffocation by obligations and post-it notes. It did not matter if I was moving from one appointment to the next with ease, my underlying belief was one of rush or not having enough time. I was constantly feeling stressed about time. When I evaluated how I was spending my time, a couple of realizations were found. First, I was doing a lot of busy work, not necessarily work that was propelling me to the next stage of my goals. They were keeping me busy, yes, but progression….not so much. The second realization was a trauma reaction. My childhood experience was one of splitting time between my Texas and Canadian family. Time was always under a microscope. I always measured it. I always missed someone. The subconscious belief of there not being enough time stuck with me and pained my situation of trying to ‘manage’ my time. I basically was like a hamster on a wheel. I wanted to move forward but my fear would only allow me to stay distracted with busy work.

I hope we are getting somewhere in seeing that ‘managing’ isn’t necessarily always what is best for our WHOLE self. Sometimes we are not devoting our time to activities that will bring us closest to our highest good.

Because I am a ‘need to know’ person, lets define SHIFT. To shift is to move or cause to move from one place to another, especially over a small distance, as defined by Webster’s. This shift can be in place, position, attitude or frequency.

I do not know about you, but when I hear this definition I feel as though I can be a part of that. I am not being told what to do, even if it is me doing the telling.

The natural progression, in cultivating habits of time shifting, is to know the relationship between devotion and obligation. A similar discussion to the previous one, but concepts worth exploring none the less. To some, these terms seem interchangeable. While there are similarities there are also differences. Obligation is defined as a duty or commitment of legal or moral binding. Devotion is defined as love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause. In terms of time management, yes you have an obligation to 24 hours.

 What are the ideas that motivate your obligation to time? How are you spending those 24 hours? What activities take precedence in your life?

Here is where obligation and devotion may come to a fork in the road. If you are obligated by fear your devotion might lack the luster of love or enthusiasm – as defined by devotion.

Devotion carries an heir of freedom, I am free to devote myself to what I wish.Even devotion needs to be looked at with a conscious eye.

What are you devoting yourself to? Is it a contract that your mind/body/soul would agree to? Or are you devoting yourself to habits or time suckers that allow your soul to check out?

Mindfulness is key. Checking in is key. Compassion is key. Cyclic living is key.

So how do we use this concept of SHIFT and compassionate devotion in regards to our schedule and daily routines?

Here are a few of my favorites ways to co-create my life and daily schedule.

Get Clear: When I realized my planning efforts were causing me more strife than continuity, I decided to evaluate what I was holding the most space for. This evaluation took place in the form of journaling, meditation, mindfulness exercises and really just sitting with the idea of what I valued most. Come to find out, I was spending a GOOD bulk of my time doing busy work which yes, was keeping things afloat but not creating shift towards my life goals. I want my writing to be read by millions. I want to have a voice in my community and beyond. I want to explore new territories. Do you think daily, weekly and monthly time was allotted for these goals? Hmm, not as much time as was for cleaning and printing off fliers. With this confirmation, I have successfully added in practice to support and propel my dreams into my reality. SHIFT HAPPENS.

Schedule It: If it is not scheduled it does not happen. Once you are clear on the new ways to incorporate shift in your life, it is important to schedule time for action steps to work towards these goals. Some prefer to use pocket, iphone, or desk calendars for scheduling. Others need several (like myself). Find what works for you and get a daily routine. What about those pesky ‘busy’ habits? Where do we put time for those? Anything worth doing is worth delegating. If you want to move to the next level you have to let go of the activities and ideas that are holding you back from getting there. Maybe that means hiring someone to clean for you. Maybe that means relaxing your ideas a little about cleanliness (at least if it will interfere with you devoting time to your desires). 

If you are not sure where to start, try this Big Rocks Exercise to learn more about prioritizing what you want/need!


Seek Accountability: So often we reach out to help others but fear asking for the return of favor. It is like we feel more comfortable with giving than receiving. To grow you have to know. To know you have to seek. Often this involves other. Creating an Accountability Partner or Team allows for progress to be held by all involved. It is like your personal round table. Invite them in.

You are ready! To co-create your calendar! To be a time-shifter! Stay tuned for next week’s blog on the natural cycles of the body and how to work with them. <>


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As a food enthusiast, I strongly believe there is a recipe for everything. This includes leading a healthy and fit life, one void of yo-yo weight gain and self deprivation. Personally dealing with a compromised immune & digestive system, I have thoroughly experienced the road back to health and weight loss, both through research and application. This is why my coaching program focuses on restoring digestive function, proper detoxification and elimination, which are detrimental in providing us with our ideal weight. When I first begin to work with new clients they are completely shocked when I suggest no more calorie counting or crazy restrictions.

Instead, we focus on what is out of balance and how to bring them back to a secure state. Often we regard weight gain (or lack of weight loss) with laziness or lack of determination. However, I believe this to be entirely untrue! Could you believe for a moment that maybe your lack of being able to make it to the gym is an actual compromise your body is making because of its lack of energy reserves. Today, I would like to share with with you many aspects of weight loss that we may not have considered in the past. I will reiterate that NONE of my clients count calories, nor do they ever feel deprived of anything. More often than not, they end up eating MORE than what they had originally consumed. Below are 5 weight loss aspects that often go overlooked. I assure you that if you try even ONE, you will notice a difference.

Remove unnecessary chemicals from your home & body:  A study by Bionsen, a product company in the United Kingdom, found that the average woman applies about 515 chemicals to her body on a daily basis. This includes everything from heavy metals, fire retardants, sulfites, carcinogens and so on. This is not even including the amount of chemicals we are subjected to in our homes where we may use laundry detergent, dish soap, harsh cleaning chemicals, air fresheners and more. When we factor in these items, the number is closer to a couple thousand chemicals per day.

Your body’s ability to process these toxins is actually a huge factor when it comes to weight loss. When the organs and systems used for detoxification become so backed up, the body must deposit the toxins somewhere. Where do they go? You guessed it, your fat cells, which are actually expanded to make room for the toxins. For a literal comparison, this is like never ever taking out your trash. Where do you think all of the filth will go?

This is really a brilliant strategy by the body, because it keeps the toxins from circulating and entering the organs.The issue with this is that it becomes even more difficult to shed unwanted pounds because your body was having difficulty removing them in the first place. So my friends, think of it this way. The more fake foods you eat, the more toxins your fat cells have to feast. Often my clients work with detoxing as a preparation to their weight loss. Then they commit themselves to eating whole, organic foods to avoid saturating these cells with toxins.

If this weren’t reason enough to rethink your beauty and home products, let’s talk about what these chemicals do to your hormones. Another reason for unnecessary weight gain is imbalanced hormones. Many of these chemicals are endocrine disruptors, meaning they interrupt the signals of hormones. They bind to what is already there, telling the body that it does not need to produce more, or communicate with, the other hormones. These hormones play a vital role in weight management by regulating metabolism and ensuring our tissues stay strong and clear of toxins. When we inundate our bodies with chemicals, damage begins to occur both within the endocrine system and the adipose tissue. Not to mention, you increase your risk of poisoning when trying to lose weight, because you may release too many chemicals at once to effectively eliminate them from your body. This is why detoxing BEFORE starting a weight loss program can be highly effective. Sometimes we ignore this issue because we do not feel badly at the present moment. However, it is the accumulative effect we have to worry about. Weight gain is an indicator from our body that something internally is not right. Harsh chemicals not only lead to weight gain (or inability to lose weight) but a host of other chronic issues, including cancer. Make it a priority in your life to remove as many toxins as you can. There are MANY conscious companies out there aware of these issues that provide products that are of organic quality. Also, so many home and body products can be made in the comfort of your own home. Visit me on Instagram @missnutrish for all of my favorite DIY recipes.

Think about your food before you eat it, chew longer and eat slower: You have probably heard the saying ‘you are what you eat.’ I totally agree with this saying, but would like to take this one step further and say ‘you are what you absorb.’ Because of lack of nutrient-rich food, less time to enjoy our meals, and distractions while eating, many of us have developed an absorption issue. This can lead to acute or chronic nutrient deficiencies. Each essential mineral plays vital roles throughout the body. Knowing our mineral ratios demonstrates the efficiency of adrenal glands, thyroid, and sugar regulation which are all vital components of maintaining our ideal weight. When we possess this information about ourselves, we can create a diet & supplement program that is individualized to our specific mineral needs. Digestion begins with the thought of food. Many enzyme pathways begin to prepare for the consumption of food. I encourage you to take time to really decide what your body is needing before you just chow something down. Next, saliva in the mouth produces amylase, a vital enzyme to begin digestion. Massaging around the jaw line (close to the ears) can encourage the production of additional saliva, increasing absorption.

Get Slow to Reduce Stress:  First, I wanted to explain what is physiologically going on in the body when we are having a stressful experience, particularly in our brain and adrenals (energy powerhouses). Our amygdala is a small, almond shaped part of the prefrontal cortex of our brain that perceives stress, real or not. This is also known as the fight, flight, or freeze response. I want you to pay special attention to the fact that even when the fear may be unconscious, our amygdala is still triggered and we experience the physiological effect.


So, if our bodies perceive 100 situations in a day as being stressful, we are constantly experiencing influxes and reduction of cortisol. These stressors can be as minute as a persistent low level noise. What does this mean for you? This could result in feeling wired AND tired, having bouts of extreme energy and then severe exhaustion. You could be experiencing headaches, weight gain, and heart palpitations. The symptoms vary depending on the phase of adrenal fatigue and the hormonal storm that is occurring. Here are some symptoms associated with excess cortisol:

  • Interference of skin regeneration & healing
  • Increase in blood sugar, which can result in insulin resistance
  • Demineralization of bones leading to osteoporosis
  • Increased appetite and cravings
  • Weight gain (particularly around the middle) and visceral fat storage
  • Breaks down tissue to release fat into the bloodstream to supply nutrients
  • Inhibits protein uptake by 70% while breaking down protein to supply energy to the muscles

In my opinion, Cortisol could be considered our master hormone, for when it is out of whack everything else tends to spiral downward. It is the hormone that regulates us waking up and going to sleep and everything that happens with our energy in between. Just review the list above and see how this could affect your ability to effectively manage weight. Slowing down, taking deeper breaths, making time for relaxation are all detrimental to reducing your cortisol and bringing your body back into balance. You don’t have enough time you say? Try reducing your internet time, take time to prioritize your needs/wants, restorative practices like yoga, and turn off your cellphone when it is not in use. There are many wonderful ways to reduce your stress load so feel free to try one or all of them!

Eat for your blood type:  There are four distinct blood type groups and knowing our blood type provides greater depth into deciding what types of foods will keep us thriving and at our ideal weight. Blood type provides us with more information about our internal chemistry. Our internal chemistry affects the way particular foods are synthesized in the body, usually regarding the type of antigens that are formed by each blood type. Another factor contributing to a blood-type based diet, are the lectins (proteins found in food). Lectins are also found throughout the body and organ systems. When you consume lectins that are opposing to your blood type, they actually begin to negatively affect organs and bodily systems, including weight gain. With this information you can develop a nutrition plan, exercise and lifestyle modifications that best suit you. For instance, did you know that blood type O’s do better with more vigorous exercise than let’s say a blood type A, who actually work better with more quieting type exercises? Try eating for your blood type for even a week and take note of the results you see.


Reduce inflammation in your body:  Foods either create energy and absorption or they wreak havoc, causing dampness or unnecessary heat, such as in inflammation. This can occur in specific locations or systemically in the body. Also, foods that cause allergies in the body may contribute to inflammation. Most chronic illnesses and weight gain share the same underlying cause of chronic, silent inflammation. A major component of reducing your risk of chronic diseases and weight-induced inflammation is by consuming foods that decrease inflammation and promote balance in the body. A general rule of thumb is that the more acidic the food is, the more inflammation it may cause. Watch out for high allergen foods like corn, wheat, sugar and soy as they will contribute to inflammation and weight gain, particularly in the mid-section. Fish, turmeric, fruits low in sugar, vegetables (especially greens), healthy fats and moderate amounts of whole grains are all part of an anti-inflammatory diet.

Thank you for reading about these often overlooked components in losing weight. All of my clients and I enjoy a variety of alive foods and NEVER feel deprived. It is vital that we become more conscious of the daily decisions we make that affect weight gain. As you have read, it is not always what you are putting to your lips. You are not weak-willed or lazy, you just might be toxic and inflamed. Cheers to you and your progress towards a healthy, thriving life, one that includes your sexy body as your temple.



Never judge a book by its cover. This sounds obvious and trivial, right? I will admit that I have committed the crime of making snap judgments. I like to tell myself that I make them intuitively, but I KNOW there have been times where there was no validity for my judgments other than my own ego. Living with an auto-immune disease has REALLY put this into perspective for me. On one hand, I need to be grateful that those around me value my strength at such caliber. I am seen as someone who gets stuff done! The downside of this is that even though these people may know about my condition, few of them really get what that means in my life. Because, for the most part, there are not many visible signs, people don't understand what my fatigue means. They say, 'oh yeah I'm tired too but I'm still going to do it.' Umm no friend, that's NOT how my fatigue works. If I work past my energy level, I will get sick and feverish, 9 times out of 10. Not to mention, how do you explain to someone for their comprehension, about your skin hurting? Oh yeah sister, this shirt on my back feels like its poking me in a million places. No big deal. At first (and still at times) I get angry at the lack of impact that my communication of my symptoms can have on those around me. Those closest to me rarely ask how I am doing with my health, because I am seen as superwoman. I have learned to take this as a lesson of growth for myself. A deep understanding of what it means to judge a book by its cover. We do not know what others are going through, but trust we all have our own hardships. The best thing we can do is have a deep desire for compassion. Compassion towards others and of course ourselves.

The body's desire for balance and healing. As I mentioned, with diagnosis of illness comes A LOT of emotion. Emotions including sadness, anger, and even maybe a little relief. At first, I was so blinded by the emotion that I did not realize my body's deep desire to be whole and healed. As I started my research and implementing changes in my life, I began to hear more clearly the message of my heart. ONE deficiency in an essential vitamin can throw many of our body's systems out of whack. For example, a deficiency in zinc can lead to a compromised immune system, hair loss, impaired cognition, rashes and the list goes on. To me, this illustrates the grave importance of balance. This also illuminates the fact that in many ways, we are dealing with disease from all of the wrong angles. With statistics rising of auto-immunity, are we really getting better at diagnosing or are we possibly simply becoming more deficient? Food for thought.

Living in the presence of now. I have fought tooth and nail to be as healthy as I am. Then I came to a massive realization...WHY am I fighting what is? You see, although I have made leaps and bounds in my healing, I still experience EXTREME exhaustion, chronic infections, and times where just about standing up takes the life out of me. I get so frustrated during these times because if you know me personally, I put the buzz in busy bee. With my new realization of surrendering to the reality of the situation, I have come to have a deep compassion for myself and my body. It has also allowed me to truly understand the gift that that is called the present. I MUST always check in with my body and listen to her messages and needs. If I don't listen and I continue to fight and push, I wind up sick in bed. Listening compassionately and presently has allowed me to become friends with my disease. I have had massive awakenings since my 'diagnosis' and boy am I thankful.

Our illusion of freedom. To elaborate on my last point, are we really getting better at diagnosing all of these chronic illnesses or are variables present that have led to an increase in these illnesses? I'd like to point out another grand lesson my 'dis-ease' has taught me. The glass ceiling in which we live. America is known as the land of the free and the home of the brave. I think that motto has been replaced with the land of the sick and the home of the media-driven masses. On a daily basis, how many advertisements do you think you are bombarded with? Have you ever thought of the effects these bombardments may have in influencing your choices? Interrupting your cognition? And maybe, just maybe, what if what was being said was dressed up fancy for the purpose of 'selling'? Let's talk food for a minute, shall we? It is my opinion that if a food needs a commercial and ONLY appeals to the emotions as a selling point, then WATCH OUT. Coke promises a more invigorating life with the purchase of their products. Let's take it step further. WHY are the very companies, whose products actually INCREASE your chances of cancer and other illnesses, raising and donating money to cancer research? Do we not see the conflict of interest here? Lets remember back to grade school science when we are taught that we can control the outcome of a study by controlling the variables in which we include in the equation or experiment. So, lets make this connection. Company A chocks their products full of cancer and learning disorder promoting chemicals, and THEN they are going to fund research for these diseases. And the outcome my friends, will ALWAYS be in their favor. Genetic predisposition has led us to believe that we are doomed to hereditary diseases. However we know now that 40-60% of our genes are influenced by outside influences. Which means, we can actually break the cycle of inherited disease. This also shows us of our responsibility when it come to our own health. We have a responsibility to be mindful of all of the chemicals we're putting on, around and in our bodies. This allows us to see through the false advertising and base our decisions on facts and label reading. (make sure you know what you are looking for!)
When designing emails for a mobile audience, it's important to make sure your text can be read easily. Try and avoid tiny fonts. Use a minimum of size 12 pt for body text, and 22 pt for headlines. Also - always make sure to include image descriptions (alt text) to let people know what the image is even when it's not being displayed. Some email clients block images, so a good tip is to always preview and make sure your email still looks great, even if none of the images are displayed.

Yoga is more than just bendy moves.  


My first experience with yoga took place when I was a freshman in high school. My step mom had bought some DVDs and was practicing herself. She said it was really relaxing and helpful for her body. What I remember witnessing was a lot of foreign ways to put your body into different positions. I was confused, but intrigued all the more. I started trying it myself, and at first, great frustration accompanied my practice. I soon realized there must be a mental aspect to yoga that I was missing. One that was more about willing your body into the poses, rather than forcing contortion. I practiced yoga on and off, and when I was at my physical worst, I decided to give it a try again. At first, I started by just breathing air into the parts of my body that I could not feel, or that were extremely tight. I began to envision movement and relaxation of my rigid muscles. I would then incorporate stretching if it felt right that day. I very quickly fell in love with the practice. Finally, 5 years after originally practicing yoga, I decided to take my first class in a studio. I researched some studios in the town I was living and was immediately drawn to one such studio. The second I walked into that yoga space, I felt hOMe. I knew I was where I was suppose to be and every experience with that studio since has been a blessing. I am learning and feeling the deep undulalation that yoga provides within our body and spirit. I am practicing my yoga ways off of the mat too, because as I said, yoga is much more than just some bendy poses. It is a mind, body and soul experience that has the ability to transform your whole life if you have the power to trust. I eat in a more yogic way, I speak in a more yogic way, and I practice being more connected in a yogic way.... taking my practice off of the mat and into the real world.


Energy is everything.  


This seems like a relatively easy statement to grasp. However, since living with an auto-immune disease, this statement has taken on an entirely new meaning in my life. I have become so aware of energy around me and within me. I made the decision that in order to heal my condition, I have to find a way to bring more energy in than I am putting out. Seems simple, right? Well, let me say is EVERYTHING. Meaning every word that comes out of my mouth, every conversation I have with another, every thought I think (good or bad), and the list goes on. My point here being that when we decide to consciously refill our cups before letting it run dry...energies began to shift. You start to notice which relationships are pulling the life out of you, and which ones leave you feeling recharged. You are acutely aware of the tasks in your life that do not bring you joy and again, those tasks that make you feel like you are pulling teeth. I have come to a personal realization that I just simply do not desire to live a life of those practices that drain my energy and life force. Of course this has called for A LOT of rearranging in my personal and professional life, but the energy is good my friends, real good.:)


Love & compassion for myself. I am not sure why, but this has always been a difficult responsibility for me. To love myself, unconditionally. I seem to notice every detail about myself that is out of place. I have been driven by living and working in a world where visual appeal is EVERYTHING, and if you aren't just this way...well then you are basically a failure. So that's how my journey of self-loathing started, mixed in with always being tall AND the new kid. I've faced teasing and bullying most of my younger years in school. Those are things you assume you grow out of, except many of us do not. We allow that pain to guide our choices in how we are dressing, speaking, socializing, etc. It may take us a long time to acknowledge this pattern of living through our past fears, but for me getting sick blew that all out of the water. Really, I can say, for the past few years I have been confronting Danae Demons, sometimes on a daily basis. One of the times that I was having a flare-up and laying on the floor in tears and pain, I started praying. This was a typical practice for me, prayer while in pain. I'm so glad this has become an even more regular practice. This particular time, I begged God for some solutions and in return I would make a promise. My promise was to share my experience of my healing journey. I promised that I would be completely humble and vulnerable in sharing what has worked (and not worked) in hopes of leading others to less pain and more peace. I promised that I would devote my life to learning more about the causes of pain, and to create solutions based off facts and my heart-filled desire to serve. Little did I know that this promise would equate to me facing those Danae Demons, regularly, so that I could become even more cleansed, vulnerable, and able to see clearly past that which is keeping me stuck. As I watched my shortcomings, like a personal movie play before my eyes, a plethora of emotions would sweep over me. At first, I was mostly disgusted! Look at those memories you tried to hide! Look at that 'flaw' you're exposing...put IT AWAY!! As I am learning more about my condition and guiding others to healthier lifestyles, I have starting viewing those personal movies from a different viewpoint. Now, I have a deep compassion for my trials. 'WOW Danae! You did THAT and now you're HERE?! That's pretty terrific sister, I mean DON'T do that again, but lesson well learned!' Much different than crucifying myself for each indiscretion. I know changing my viewpoint and loving myself deeply has been and will be a special key that unlocks exponential healing over me.


Acknowledging the strength in vulnerability and humility.  


As I mentioned earlier, I have been the butt of many jokes and target of ridicule. From a young age I understood, on various levels, that I stood out from the rest. I made a decision to fit in, to look and act like most everybody else. To practice what others saw as 'cool'. Looking back, it really became an obsession. Always having to leave the house with a full face of makeup, outfit on point, and an attitude that came with it. In reality, all I was doing was masking my pain and fear of rejection. When your body starts responding to you by giving out or getting sick, everything you think you know flies right out of the window. Before, I found strength in uniformity and fitting in with the crowd. After falling ill, I knew that crowd would just trample me. Again, in my praying times, I was asking God how to rise above my current situation. I was told and have been shown that my path to healing lies in my willingness to share my vulnerability through humility. How can I share with my friends how these situations have improved or manifested in my life? What message has the Lord given me that may help someone else through their hard times? Should I really tell them about my experience with THAT?! The good news is, God also gives me some very hilarious situations to experience, making it MUCH easier to be vulnerable when you have a funny story to go with it. Each time I share something that I was afraid to share, my strength is acknowledged through the feedback I receive. The truth is my friends, deep down we all have the same fears. We all find ways to sabotage our happiness, and we are all looking for ways to live more from our hearts rather than our ego.


If you desire a particular outcome, you will have to pave your own path.  


I thank God consistently for my inner voice that led me off of the beaten path that's called 'traditional medicine'. If I had been 'traditional' I may not be writing this blog today as I wholeheartedly believe my quality of life would be drastically diminished. There was something inside of me that 6 years ago told me my diagnostics were NOT correct. I have refused to believe that my health would continue to deteriorate as a result of my conditions and dependency on medication. I knew in my being that there were answers and causes for my situation. I knew that with a HUGE faith and a humble heart, I could find peace and healing. So my real journey began. I have been building my path stone by stone. Sometimes I have to use a machete to cut back all that stands in my way, but here I am, 7 years later and in many ways in better health than I have ever been. Paving your own path is not for the faint of heart, but it is always deeply rewarding.


I am more than just this body. Paving my own path has led to many realizations that otherwise may have gone unbeknownst to me. One of which is the presence of my physical body. For a long time I just assumed my body should work perfectly. When this was tested, I was left feeling completely betrayed. I let this betrayal and negative feelings reside in my being for awhile, until I realized the contribution those feelings had to my overall health, or lack of wellness. As I began to question my state of health, many layers were peeled back. Underneath it all, I realized the delicate dance of the human spirit and body. While I was denying myself the right to feel my emotions and validate my pain, my cells, nervous system and immune system began to cry out. At the time, I was so numb to the pain that I did not realize my contribution to my illness. Through this heightened awareness, I have made the connection between physical ailments and those of my soul. The greatest discovery was just that! I am not just my body. I am a soul; a glowing, thriving, manifesting goddess that had the courage to speak up and remind my body of the intrinsic relationship between the two.  

Phew!! There you have it! Some of the MANY ways my 'dis-ease' has actually led to more love, strength and understanding. Thank you so much for allowing me the space to share my vulnerability and I hope at least one of the reasons inspire YOU to view one of your life situations from a different, more hopeful view. Leave a comment on the blog or on our facebook page. Keep your eyes peeled for many, many new additions to Nutrish'N on a Mission coming in the next few months. :)

Sending you all lots of love & healing,

Miss Nutrish
Welcome to June My Nutrish'ous Friends!

Ultimately, there is nothing that separates us, yet everything we let. No wait, there is a force that separates us; our fear-based ego. Not our insecurities, accomplishments or misfortunes, because ultimately we all have the same deep seeded desires. We layer these desires with fear, anger and hurt, like winter clothing. We hope that those around us won't acknowledge what each layer represents. We cover the fear of being abandoned with our fear of being seen, then top it of with anger towards those who have more than us. And there we stand, with our suit of separation.


At a very superficial level, we truly believe this suit to be one of protection. It's purpose is to keep those out who may inflict more of which we are already wearing. Yet underneath the heavy layers lay what we have been hiding; the beauty of our precious soul. We protect it like we would a small child, because intuitively we know the preciousness of this gift. There lies great trouble in this mentality; it keeps our likeness on lock down and offers only our rejections to be viewed.


This has been me. The life I have lived, one of fear wardrobes with my light and love carefully covered. Deep down I've always been aware of my heart's need for expression. Sometimes it would well up so much that I would lose control, totally missing the opportunity to express love because I had barracked my heart for safety. This led me to experience so many missed opportunities, fear-induced freak outs and what-ifs. I say NO MORE!! I am sick and tired of being led by my ego while suppressing my soul's desire for expression.


When we are led by our ego, our reality can be very skewed from the actual truth. At the time, you are not quite conscious of how your decisions are being based from your ego. This is why mindfulness, in every area of life, is detrimental to living a life of our own design.

That is what I want for myself. To live a life of freedom and of my dreams. Not one that is of circumstance. I was born into family like this, therefore I AM like this. No way! That is not how my reality is going to work. So my friends, I have decided to bare it all. To release my fears and shed my ego's clothing and bare more of my true nature; which is NOT always put together. In fact, I am quite the beautiful mess; always dropping, spilling things and laughing louder than quite appropriate. FINALLY, I am coming to terms with the calls of my soul and the duality of myself.


You see, when we chastise ourselves for 'shortcomings,' we are actually denying a part of ourselves. What I have come to learn is that for every dark quality we possess, there is an equal, opposite strength that accompanies it. So if we want to evolve ourselves then we must shed light on these dark qualities so that they can guide us in our growth, rather than hinder it.


Which is why for my birthday month, I will be celebrating authenticity and sharing with all of you more about the lady behind Nutrish'N on a Mission.  Including, things you didn't know about me, my personal favorites, and much more! :) I LOVE birthdays and I think we should all take the time to celebrate our birth during our special time. In celebrating authenticity, I encourage all of YOU to ask me anything you want regarding living a more conscious life. Do you have something you are struggling with? Would you like to know more about how I have, and continue to, overcome the victim mentality? Email to pose your questions or leave them on the blog. I look forward to hearing from all of you, and sharing, with heart-filled awareness, my experience of leading a conscious lifestyle.



My Top 5 Healthy Foods I Just Can't Live Without



Berries - Offering a variety in flavor and nutrients. I love to add these to my smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt, infused waters, or just all by themselves on a hot day! I like to rotate between blackberry, raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, and cherries depending on what's in season. Read more about some of their health benefits in this post


Avocados - Full of healthy fats, I love to eat these alone, in raw desserts, with gluten-free toast, on salads, wraps, and of course with some yummy organic tortilla chips as guacamole. I also use them in hair and face masks, which is another reason why I love them, for their versatility! Dr. Mercola is one of my favorite doctors to follow for nutritional advice. Hear more about the health benefits in his article here. 


Hemp Seeds:  These nutty little seeds are a great addition to my smoothies, salads, and on top of my eggs at breakfast. It contains many essential vitamins and minerals. It is known as a super food, because of the plethora of benefits we receive from eating these tasty seeds. Natural weight loss, reduced cholesterol and increased energy are only a few of the benefits of adding hemp seeds to your diet. Learn more about their healing benefits in this article. 


Beans - Yummy to my tummy! They contain tons of healthy protein, good carbohydrates, and are low in fat. I love every type from black beans to lentils. Again, versatility is key for me, as I know everyone (including myself) are always looking for ways to save $$. There are a variety of mineral and nutrient choices, making them a fabulous addition to most diets. To be enjoyed in dips, soups, as sides and even in some desserts! Read more about benefits of beans here. 


Coconuts - My all time favorite food, probably because of the versatility and comfort it brings me! I am all about effectiveness, so when you can have ONE item that hosts a variety of benefits, it quickly becomes a Miss Nutrish favorite!

:) EVERYTHING about this nut can be enjoyed. The nectar can be made into a sugar, flour, water, oil, and the list goes on. It can be used in cooking, baking, raw desserts, topically, therapeutically, medicinally, as a carrier oil for other essential oils. As I stated...VERSATILE! If anyone knows me, they would know I would almost legally change my name to Ms. Coconut...yea I like them THAT much.


Hello My Spring Friends!    


 This month I am so thrilled to share some of my most passionate information with all of you. April marks spring in full swing and to me, one of the most important seasons to DETOX! If you have been following the blog, we have been cleansing from the inside, out. This month, I want to pay special attention to cleansing from the outside, IN. What I mean by this, is illuminating the areas of your life where you may be carrying toxicity without you even realizing it! April is also Autism Awareness month and as many of you know, I have two beautiful brothers who they call Autistic. I will be intertwining Autism awareness with awareness of toxicity that may be surrounding you. As always, I will offer workable solutions to reduce your toxin load in your home and surroundings. Please leave a comment on the blog or email me at if you have any questions. Please read to the very end to learn more about events going on this month. 


Always truly....


Yours in optimal health,


Conscious Cleaning of Chemicals in our Homes & Autism Awareness Month

There are toxins swirling around us at rampant proportions. I apologize for the intense introduction, but this my friends, is the truth. Many of our receipts contain toxins that result in pseudo hormones to bind to our hormone receptors, telling our body to either over-produce or quit making that specific hormone. This results in throwing us completely out of balance. As we know, having balanced hormones is the key to a balanced life, since they are responsible for so many physiological effects in the body. This is just one of many examples of how toxins can negatively impact our health. Let's not forget the toxins in the air we breathe, from our deodorants, toothpastes, hair & skincare products, candles, detergents, pots & pans and the list goes on! Below, I have listed 7 Common Chemicals found in household & beauty products. Become a conscious cleanser and start reading the ingredient list of your favorite products. 

7 Toxic Compounds found in Beauty Products

  • Benzoyl Peroxide:  used in acne products, the MSDS states: possible tumor promoter. May act as a mutagen; produces DNA damage in humans.  Also, toxic by inhalation. Eye, skin & respiratory irritant.
  • Propylene Glycol (PG) & Butylene GlycolPetroleum plastics. EPA considers PG so toxic it requires gloves, clothing, goggles & disposal by burying. EPA warns against skin contact to avoid brain, kidney & liver abnormalities.
  • DEA (Diethamolamine), MEA (Monoethanolamine), TEA (Triethanolamine): This foam booster is a skin/eye irritant and causes contact dermatitis. Easily absorbed in skin to accumulate in body organs & brain.
  • FD&C Color & Pigment: Synthetic color from coal tar, contains heavy metal salts that deposit toxins in skin, causing skin sensitivity irritation.  Absorption can cause depletion of oxygen.
  • Parabens (Methyl, Butyl, Ethyl, Propyl):  Used as preservatives. Not always labeled. Used in deodorants & other skincare products, have been found in breast cancer tumors. May contribute to sterility in males, hormone imbalances in females and early puberty.
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) & Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES): Used in car washes, garage floor cleaners, engine degreasers & 90% of personal care products that foam. Linked to eye damage, depression, labored breathing, diarrhea, skin irritation & death.
  • Sunscreen Chemicals: PABA's are commonly used ingredients that are known free radical generators and are believed to damage DNA or lead to cancers. 

I appreciate you reading through this list, I know that some of it may be very shocking. To realize that these toxic ingredients reside in our favorite products and are sold with commercials promising a better lifestyle is frustrating for sure! I aim to enlighten you on this topic, not to bring you more fear or anger, but to offer you a new way of becoming mindful about your decisions by giving you back your personal power. The truth is, we cannot control everything that happens around us, but the more aware that we become, the more our desires become a reality.  For instance, if you felt as though you have tried EVERYTHING and you are STILL suffering from allergic reactions, it is detrimental to your health to have the awareness to begin to evaluate the choices you have made of the products, places and people you have placed around you. Could your old mattress be causing your allergies? An imbalance of good bacteria in the body? Or maybe you are using a fabric softener chocked full of harsh chemicals.  Remove the variable causing your allergy or 'imbalance' and voila! The body is given the chance to heal! THAT is what this is all about; the acknowledgement, enlightenment and empowerment is all to help guide you to a more balanced place so that healing may occur. 

I'd like to fast forward to Autism Awareness and how toxicity may relate to this 'dis-ease'. First I want to remind you, my dear friends, of the staggering rates of Autism. Below are several statistics from the CDC regarding the prevalence of Autism.

Prevalence according to the Center for Disease Control
  • About 1 in 88 children has been identified with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to estimates from CDC's Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network.
  • ASDs are reported to occur in all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups.
  • About 1 in 6 children in the U.S. had a developmental disability in 2006-2008, ranging from mild disabilities such as speech and language impairments to serious developmental disabilities, such as intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, and autism.

That's a 78% increase compared to a decade ago, let's not even talk about what percentage increase the rates are from two decades ago. With such dramatic increases, what variables are contributing to this epidemic? Before we try to address that question, I want to provide a new understanding of Autism from my favorite doctor, Dr. Mark Hyman of Functional Medicine. Below is an excerpt from an article he has written about Autism (one of many) where he offers a new way of viewing Autism. If you enjoy this piece, find the entire article below.

A New Understanding of Autism - By Dr. Mark Hyman 

"Autism is a genetic brain disorder." That is what most people -- and most of the medical community -- believe today.

I'm here to tell you that neither one of these statements is true.

Think about it. Rates of autism have skyrocketed over the years. Sure, wider criteria for diagnosis and better detection might explain some of it -- but not an increase of this magnitude.

The real reason we are seeing increasing rates of autism is simply this: Autism is a systemic body disorder that affects the brain. A toxic environment triggers certain genes in people susceptible to this condition. And research supports this position.

Dramatic scientific discoveries have taken place during the last 10 to 20 years that reveal the true causes of autism - and turn conventional thinking on its head. For example, Martha Herbert, MD, a pediatric neurologist from Harvard Medical School has painted a picture of autism that shows how core abnormalities in body systems like immunity, gut function, and detoxification play a central role in causing the behavioral and mood symptoms of autism.

She's also given us a new way of looking at mental disease (and disease in general) that is based on systems biology. Coming from the halls of the most conservative medical institution in the world, this is a call so loud and clear that it shatters our normal way of looking at things.

Everything is connected, Dr. Herbert says. The fact that these kids have smelly bowel movements, bloated bellies, frequent colds and ear infections, and dry skin is not just a coincidence that has nothing to do with their brain function. It is central to why they are sick in the first place! Yet conventional medicine often ignores this.

My friend and mentor, Sidney Baker, MD - a pioneer in the treatment of autism as a body disorder that affects the brain - often says, "Do you see what you believe or do you believe what you see?"

The problem in medicine is we are so stuck in seeing what we believe that we often ignore what is right in front of us because it doesn't fit our belief system. Nowhere is this true more than in the treatment of autism.

This is in the front of my mind, because I see so many behavioral symptoms in kids from learning disabilities to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and even autism.

And I see the rates of medication use skyrocketing for these kids -- from stimulants to anti-psychotics (one of the fastest growing drug categories) to anti-seizure medicine, and more. There is another way ..."

What a mind-blowing, game-changing, revolutionary way to approach Autism.  By looking at the root causes and imbalances, we allow the body the space to heal.  Let's again review the question I posed earlier:

With such dramatic increases what variables are contributing to this epidemic? 

Living with two brothers with Autism, witnessing how dumbfounded and baffled the medical community has been by my brother. Seeing them harm his body over and over and over with harsh drugs. All without ever taking into account the delicate balance our bodies need to function, like proper functioning of our organs that medications often like to attack. Additionally, dealing with my own extremely hyperactive brain, finding ways and remedies to be able to focus, not lose things and gather my thoughts has really led me down a path of understanding on the matter of mental illness and stability. My experiences are what led me to a path of natural wellness, a career change and a total new outlook on healing.Through practicing viewing the body as a whole, an ecosystem in it's own right, we are able to look at the big picture.Taking into account such variables as; food sensitivities, heavy metal toxicities, digestive disturbances, lack or excess of vital nutrients; we are able to gain perspective as to HOW that child's body specifically needs to be supported. 

YES these children may be displaying signs of aggression or withdrawal, but how is that physiologically happening in the body?  Does this child have brain chemical imbalances that are leading to this behavior?  If so, we must check the gut where MANY of our brain chemicals are made. Or, does this child have a severe food allergy to a food he is eating which is leading to an allergic reaction that is causing pain or discomfort they may not be able to effectively communicate? 

I hope that I am illustrating the point that the causes and reactions (or symptoms) of Autism may differ drastically, because the imbalances and chemical loads are not the same in every child. However, viewing their 'dis-ease' from this light offers a much more conducive space to healing, rather than harsh medications with very well documented short & long-term side-effects. 

So maybe these children are really our little angels, here to remind us of the importance of living clean & balanced. To remind us that when we place harmful ingredients in our bodies, living spaces, and environment, we begin to create imbalances that can manifest into 'dis-ease'. 

This month, and every month, let's breathe in change. The type of change that supports our health and excels our growth.Then, let's exhale support for those around us who are trying to do the same. Let's extend that support by cleaning up our own health, living space, and environment. The change starts with YOU! How can you perpetuate change in your life today, this month, continuously? 

Let's begin by being mindful of how we are contributing to our own toxicity. Read labels and remove products that have been scientifically proven to harm our bodies. There are so many great natural solutions out there. Please know that I am always here to support those changes that you are wishing to make in your life. 

Join me at Natural Therapeutics Open House April 20th to learn more about natural ways to support your home & skincare needs. Also, later this month we will enjoy some recipes for natural skincare and cleaning products, oh boy!!

If you enjoyed this blog leave a comment on Facebook, I love hearing from you! 

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Hello My Spring Friends!    


 This month I am so thrilled to share some of my most passionate information with all of you. April marks spring in full swing and to me, one of the most important seasons to DETOX! If you have been following the blog, we have been cleansing from the inside, out. This month, I want to pay special attention to cleansing from the outside, IN. What I mean by this, is illuminating the areas of your life where you may be carrying toxicity without you even realizing it! April is also Autism Awareness month and as many of you know, I have two beautiful brothers who they call Autistic. I will be intertwining Autism awareness with awareness of toxicity that may be surrounding you. As always, I will offer workable solutions to reduce your toxin load in your home and surroundings. Please leave a comment on the blog or email me at if you have any questions. Please read to the very end to learn more about events going on this month. 


Always truly....


Yours in optimal health,


Conscious Cleaning of Chemicals in our Homes & Autism Awareness Month

There are toxins swirling around us at rampant proportions. I apologize for the intense introduction, but this my friends, is the truth. Many of our receipts contain toxins that result in pseudo hormones to bind to our hormone receptors, telling our body to either over-produce or quit making that specific hormone. This results in throwing us completely out of balance. As we know, having balanced hormones is the key to a balanced life, since they are responsible for so many physiological effects in the body. This is just one of many examples of how toxins can negatively impact our health. Let's not forget the toxins in the air we breathe, from our deodorants, toothpastes, hair & skincare products, candles, detergents, pots & pans and the list goes on! Below, I have listed 7 Common Chemicals found in household & beauty products. Become a conscious cleanser and start reading the ingredient list of your favorite products. 

7 Toxic Compounds found in Beauty Products

  • Benzoyl Peroxide:  used in acne products, the MSDS states: possible tumor promoter. May act as a mutagen; produces DNA damage in humans.  Also, toxic by inhalation. Eye, skin & respiratory irritant.
  • Propylene Glycol (PG) & Butylene GlycolPetroleum plastics. EPA considers PG so toxic it requires gloves, clothing, goggles & disposal by burying. EPA warns against skin contact to avoid brain, kidney & liver abnormalities.
  • DEA (Diethamolamine), MEA (Monoethanolamine), TEA (Triethanolamine): This foam booster is a skin/eye irritant and causes contact dermatitis. Easily absorbed in skin to accumulate in body organs & brain.
  • FD&C Color & Pigment: Synthetic color from coal tar, contains heavy metal salts that deposit toxins in skin, causing skin sensitivity irritation.  Absorption can cause depletion of oxygen.
  • Parabens (Methyl, Butyl, Ethyl, Propyl):  Used as preservatives. Not always labeled. Used in deodorants & other skincare products, have been found in breast cancer tumors. May contribute to sterility in males, hormone imbalances in females and early puberty.
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) & Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES): Used in car washes, garage floor cleaners, engine degreasers & 90% of personal care products that foam. Linked to eye damage, depression, labored breathing, diarrhea, skin irritation & death.
  • Sunscreen Chemicals: PABA's are commonly used ingredients that are known free radical generators and are believed to damage DNA or lead to cancers. 

I appreciate you reading through this list, I know that some of it may be very shocking. To realize that these toxic ingredients reside in our favorite products and are sold with commercials promising a better lifestyle is frustrating for sure! I aim to enlighten you on this topic, not to bring you more fear or anger, but to offer you a new way of becoming mindful about your decisions by giving you back your personal power. The truth is, we cannot control everything that happens around us, but the more aware that we become, the more our desires become a reality.  For instance, if you felt as though you have tried EVERYTHING and you are STILL suffering from allergic reactions, it is detrimental to your health to have the awareness to begin to evaluate the choices you have made of the products, places and people you have placed around you. Could your old mattress be causing your allergies? An imbalance of good bacteria in the body? Or maybe you are using a fabric softener chocked full of harsh chemicals.  Remove the variable causing your allergy or 'imbalance' and voila! The body is given the chance to heal! THAT is what this is all about; the acknowledgement, enlightenment and empowerment is all to help guide you to a more balanced place so that healing may occur. 

I'd like to fast forward to Autism Awareness and how toxicity may relate to this 'dis-ease'. First I want to remind you, my dear friends, of the staggering rates of Autism. Below are several statistics from the CDC regarding the prevalence of Autism.

Prevalence according to the Center for Disease Control
  • About 1 in 88 children has been identified with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to estimates from CDC's Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network.
  • ASDs are reported to occur in all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups.
  • About 1 in 6 children in the U.S. had a developmental disability in 2006-2008, ranging from mild disabilities such as speech and language impairments to serious developmental disabilities, such as intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, and autism.

That's a 78% increase compared to a decade ago, let's not even talk about what percentage increase the rates are from two decades ago. With such dramatic increases, what variables are contributing to this epidemic? Before we try to address that question, I want to provide a new understanding of Autism from my favorite doctor, Dr. Mark Hyman of Functional Medicine. Below is an excerpt from an article he has written about Autism (one of many) where he offers a new way of viewing Autism. If you enjoy this piece, find the entire article below.

A New Understanding of Autism - By Dr. Mark Hyman 

"Autism is a genetic brain disorder." That is what most people -- and most of the medical community -- believe today.

I'm here to tell you that neither one of these statements is true.

Think about it. Rates of autism have skyrocketed over the years. Sure, wider criteria for diagnosis and better detection might explain some of it -- but not an increase of this magnitude.

The real reason we are seeing increasing rates of autism is simply this: Autism is a systemic body disorder that affects the brain. A toxic environment triggers certain genes in people susceptible to this condition. And research supports this position.

Dramatic scientific discoveries have taken place during the last 10 to 20 years that reveal the true causes of autism - and turn conventional thinking on its head. For example, Martha Herbert, MD, a pediatric neurologist from Harvard Medical School has painted a picture of autism that shows how core abnormalities in body systems like immunity, gut function, and detoxification play a central role in causing the behavioral and mood symptoms of autism.

She's also given us a new way of looking at mental disease (and disease in general) that is based on systems biology. Coming from the halls of the most conservative medical institution in the world, this is a call so loud and clear that it shatters our normal way of looking at things.

Everything is connected, Dr. Herbert says. The fact that these kids have smelly bowel movements, bloated bellies, frequent colds and ear infections, and dry skin is not just a coincidence that has nothing to do with their brain function. It is central to why they are sick in the first place! Yet conventional medicine often ignores this.

My friend and mentor, Sidney Baker, MD - a pioneer in the treatment of autism as a body disorder that affects the brain - often says, "Do you see what you believe or do you believe what you see?"

The problem in medicine is we are so stuck in seeing what we believe that we often ignore what is right in front of us because it doesn't fit our belief system. Nowhere is this true more than in the treatment of autism.

This is in the front of my mind, because I see so many behavioral symptoms in kids from learning disabilities to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and even autism.

And I see the rates of medication use skyrocketing for these kids -- from stimulants to anti-psychotics (one of the fastest growing drug categories) to anti-seizure medicine, and more. There is another way ..."

What a mind-blowing, game-changing, revolutionary way to approach Autism.  By looking at the root causes and imbalances, we allow the body the space to heal.  Let's again review the question I posed earlier:

With such dramatic increases what variables are contributing to this epidemic? 

Living with two brothers with Autism, witnessing how dumbfounded and baffled the medical community has been by my brother. Seeing them harm his body over and over and over with harsh drugs. All without ever taking into account the delicate balance our bodies need to function, like proper functioning of our organs that medications often like to attack. Additionally, dealing with my own extremely hyperactive brain, finding ways and remedies to be able to focus, not lose things and gather my thoughts has really led me down a path of understanding on the matter of mental illness and stability. My experiences are what led me to a path of natural wellness, a career change and a total new outlook on healing.Through practicing viewing the body as a whole, an ecosystem in it's own right, we are able to look at the big picture.Taking into account such variables as; food sensitivities, heavy metal toxicities, digestive disturbances, lack or excess of vital nutrients; we are able to gain perspective as to HOW that child's body specifically needs to be supported. 

YES these children may be displaying signs of aggression or withdrawal, but how is that physiologically happening in the body?  Does this child have brain chemical imbalances that are leading to this behavior?  If so, we must check the gut where MANY of our brain chemicals are made. Or, does this child have a severe food allergy to a food he is eating which is leading to an allergic reaction that is causing pain or discomfort they may not be able to effectively communicate? 

I hope that I am illustrating the point that the causes and reactions (or symptoms) of Autism may differ drastically, because the imbalances and chemical loads are not the same in every child. However, viewing their 'dis-ease' from this light offers a much more conducive space to healing, rather than harsh medications with very well documented short & long-term side-effects. 

So maybe these children are really our little angels, here to remind us of the importance of living clean & balanced. To remind us that when we place harmful ingredients in our bodies, living spaces, and environment, we begin to create imbalances that can manifest into 'dis-ease'. 

This month, and every month, let's breathe in change. The type of change that supports our health and excels our growth.Then, let's exhale support for those around us who are trying to do the same. Let's extend that support by cleaning up our own health, living space, and environment. The change starts with YOU! How can you perpetuate change in your life today, this month, continuously? 

Let's begin by being mindful of how we are contributing to our own toxicity. Read labels and remove products that have been scientifically proven to harm our bodies. There are so many great natural solutions out there. Please know that I am always here to support those changes that you are wishing to make in your life. 

Join me at Natural Therapeutics Open House April 20th to learn more about natural ways to support your home & skincare needs. Also, later this month we will enjoy some recipes for natural skincare and cleaning products, oh boy!!

If you enjoyed this blog leave a comment on Facebook, I love hearing from you! 

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Dear Nutrish'ous Friends, 

Spring has almost sprung!!! :)  Thank you all so much for your continued support.  I sincerely wanted this message out to all of you at the very beginning of the month as this is an extremely HOT topic and so important to MOST of us.  However, sometimes life has different plans for us.  The past few weeks have very tumultuous for my sweet brother Keith, who is non-verbal and Autistic.  We are currently dealing with him being treated very inhumanely and it has taken a toll on myself and the rest of the family.  Continued prayers are most greatly appreciated as I know HE and WE will prevail.  Those who WILL not be defeated CAN not be. :)  Since my understanding of Autism involves addressing the root cause and systemic imbalances in the body, I found it most fitting to share with all of you the DANGERS of both hidden inflammation and sugar this month.  Please continue reading for more about this and remember to follow my other social media accounts where I will be sharing even more insights into this HOT topic.  Since March is also Keith's birthday month I will be dedicating this blog and all of my endeavors to him: his birthday, his freedom and his peace of mind.   

I love this time of year as newness seems to be the theme.  It is about shedding the weight of winter and emerging into a greater version of YOU!  This month I want to provide both encouragement & enlightenment so that you may have greater ease into the new spring you. 

I want to start by enlightening you about the dangers of inflammation & sugar consumption.  Have no fear my darlings, I will ALWAYS provide you with workable solutions as I believe there is always one, or two or several depending on your needs. :)  When you understand these concepts it becomes easier to make better decisions towards your health & well-being. 

So what is inflammation and what does sugar have to do with it??  I should first paint you a picture of what a healthy immune response should look like.  We are all familiar with the symptoms of an inflammatory response including pain, redness and swelling.  Usually we witness this type of response when our body is faced with a healing crisis of mending a cut or clearing the body of a bacterial infection.  These inflammatory responses typically last only a few days so this is known as an acute inflammatory response.  

When I speak of inflammation this month, I am speaking of chronic inflammation which is defined as an immune response that has surpassed the acute stage and is now contributing to continual heat being produced in the body.  This type of inflammation will begin to degenerate healthy tissues in the body and will manifest in the body in a variety of chronic illnesses such as (but not limited to): heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, digestive disturbances or diseases, auto-immune disorders, diabetes, Alzheimer's and even Autism Did I say even Autism?  Yes I did!  So maybe this inflammation began as a baby or their inability to process their toxin load and maybe it was perpetualized by the mother's inflammation & toxin load.  The point is, silent inflammation is a REAL problem and the United States is quickly becoming known as the 'Inflammation Nation'.  Are you beginning to see why this is such a HOT topic (no pun intended)??  And since I know you are dying to know what SUGAR has to do with this, well my friends, here are the heated facts:


Sugar both FEEDS & ENCOURAGES inflammation! 

It perpetuates the inflammation response

It is the fuel to your inflammation-induced fire.

Okay so that's great! Now you know what NOT to do to increase your inlammation, simply remove or reduce sugar.  Except, it may not always be that easy.  First you must understand that when I say sugar I also mean many items that turn into sugar in the body such as: refined sugars and grains, grains in general, fruits and other sources of carbs.  It is not to say that you must avoid ALL of these types of foods but if you need to lose weight, detox, or reset your body's metabolism and blood sugar regulation, it may be a good idea to do least for a specified amount of time.  Not only does sugar feed inflammation, it also binds to the same receptors in our brains as opiates inducing the same effects associated with crack cocaine.  This is why sugar products are SO addictive!  

Join me this month to learn more about the effects of sugar and ways you can begin to make small & large changes in your life to start on your path to optimal health & well-being. 

Following an anti-inflammatory diet is key to reducing underlying inflammation.  When I say diet, I really mean lifestyle.  An anti-inflammatory lifestyle consists of consuming mostly foods that reduce infllammation such as:  healthy fats, lots of vegetables, complex carbohydrates and of course adequate hydration.  In addition to the food we consume, we must assess other areas of life that can lead to increased inflammation such as; exercise level, toxin load and stress management.  That's right!  Our stress levels ESPECIALLY contribute to our inflammation response thanks to our friend, Mr. Fight or Flight Hormone:  CORTISOL.  - read some of my past blogs to learn more about the role of this master hormone.  

I believe through & through in prevention.  I have learned from education, and mostly experience, the incredible power of the human body.  I have watched the health of my brother, mother and many others in my family (including my own) deteriorate in front of my eyes.  I have also witnessed the power of healing in myself, mother, and others in my family.  How you ask?  By addressing these underlying causes that otherwise would have nothing to do with one another.  What's simply amazing is how when we begin to address the imbalances in the body it starts to correct itself!  Think about it, your heart beats without command.  You breathe while you are asleep!  I'd say that's a well oiled machine :) As everything goes in life, that which is cared for will thrive.  Which is why I am so passionate about prevention and the power of the human mind, body & spirit and why I will continue to be a voice for those less fortunate in health.  When we begin to observe and operate from a place of balance we stop attacking the body and start intuitively developing a more loving approach to our own well-being.

With the information provided above, it is important to begin to assess your personal inflammation load.  When it boils down to it, every decision we make is either pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory.  Here are a few contemplative exercises to get you thinking ANTI-INFLAMMATORY!
1.  Start a 3-Day Food Journal -  What food on your list contribute to inflammation?  Remember the following foods promote inflammation:  sugar, alcohol, nicotene, artificial sweetners, colors and additives, simple carbohydrates, refined sugar and carbs
2.  Rate your stress level on a level from 0-10.  10 being intolerable amounts of stress.  Now, seperate this number into categories that are stress inducing such as:  work, family, interpersonal, etc.  Once you have your list, branch out into each area and find 3 solutions to ways you can reduce the amount of stress in that category.  
For example, if work brings you stress three possible solutions may be:  
1.  Include breathing exercises while sitting at my computer to reduce my anxiousness. 
2.  Become more assertive by voicing my valued opinion when asked or necessary. 
3.  Use a calendar at work to priortize and itemize all of the necessary tasks and duties.
Practice these contemplative exercises and see what you come up with!  Share on the blog or on my Facebook page.  I always love to hear from you!  You will be amazed what these simple exercises can uncover and help you see into your life into more detail.  True healing is about peeling back the layers of concern to find our true nature that is blessed, beautiful, and bright! :)
Finding Your Resolution Rhythm.

Renew. Recommit. Realign.

With Miss Nutrish
Happy New Year My Nutrish'ous Friends! Tis' the season for resolutions! Every day I work in the realm of resolutions, guiding my clients to recommit to themselves and their goals. What I love about this time of year is the massive support group available, since we are all making these promises collectively. When we collectively have goals, MASSIVE change happens!

As I am making a larger commitment to change this year, I must realign and reevaluate goals. This has brought me to the decision of switching up this blog schedule.  In 2014 I want to provide more e-book resources, online classes and workshops. In order to reach these goals, I must create more time and space to create these goodies. This means that I will be providing a monthly blog/newsletter that is accompanied by Facebook discussion, YouTube videos and much more!  This way, I will not be bombarding your email with blogs and YOU can decide what golden pieces of info you'd like to take with you and save for later.  :) 

This month I'd like to discuss the self, particularly the image YOU carry of YOURself and how to lose weight naturally. The New Year is the time of year where many people make promises to themselves to be better than the year before, particularly surrounding weight loss. There is a rhythm to everything, like night and day. The New Year begins the rhythm of renewal. There are SOOO many ways to lose weight, but I want to focus on the mentality involved with your finest self. Not to worry! I promise you insight into nutrition for weight loss as well as movement that has helped me trim and tone my physique so stay tuned this month.

Self image is a concept that includes the ideas that one has of oneself, including their qualities and personal worth. In honor of it being a new year, and one of my promises to myself is to be more vulnerable in hopes of inspiring others, SO I shall share my account of self image and how I have learned to love myself more, which has led to natural weight loss!

My entire life I have stood out. I was the new girl, the tall girl or the smart/nerdy girl...apparently none of which were necessarily the type of girl you wanted to be. Being tall was a sure fire way for many of the boys (and some of the girls) to make jokes about my size. Jolly green giant, linebacker, and many other giant-esque names swirled around my reputation for many years. As I said, add in the new girl nerd appeal and it's safe to say I developed quite the distorted image of ME. It was then I became on a quest to be like everyone else. Fit in whenever and however possible so that I wouldn't run the risk of being a target of ridicule. I even tried to appear smaller by rolling my shoulders forward and slouching when I was around shorter people.   Somehow I tend to attract the shortest friends too, hehe. :)For some time it felt like a big relief to not stand out with my wild style, nerdy knowings and lofty physique.   There is a funny thing about our true nature and it wanting to be seen. When we do not honor ourselves it can manifest into many 'troubles' in our lives. At first glance you may not relate the overeating, binge drinking, self sabotaging to a suppression of your 'true nature'. But I assure you they are most definitely manifestations! For myself, I became a party girl because alcohol gave me a confidence I had never possessed. On top of that I waged a war everyday with food. Having total enjoyment in cooking and food yet there was always a nagging voice telling me to not eat this or that because I was already a 'big girl.' These are just a couple of the ways my sabotage manifested, there were many more we can talk about later. :) The final stage was the illness that set into my body. I did not know how to express my sadness, anger, or other emotions so it decided to settle into my muscles and joints. So much testing I probably could have put a kid through medical school with NO conclusive 'diagnoses' except there was obviously damage present. Some days I could not walk or open a car door because of my level of pain and weakness.

Fast forward five years and you will see a much different Danae. I still work on my insecurities and shortcomings on a daily basis, but they serve a new purpose in my life. No longer do I torture myself about food. In fact, I LOVE food and ALL aspects of it. I infuse love into every bite I make. I experiment with new recipes, eat from the earth and pray before I eat, thanking ALL of the people it took to get that food to my plate. It is quite a joyous experience actually! I still struggle sometimes with the negative self talk surrounding some of my choices but I have found a loving, gentle way to reframe my thoughts and I offer compassion and understanding to ME just as I would my friends or family. To top it all off I have lost about 30 pounds and kept it off for almost five years. After years of back pain, partially induced by my posture, I have found ways to stand tall. I even teach Barre which HIGHLY encourages posture, as it is deeply rooted in ballet. What is even more interesting is I can find myself shrinking in posture when I feel insecure about something. Again, my mindfulness has allowed me to notice these responses and remind myself to stand tall because that is how I was made, and my God makes no mistakes.

 Am I a superhero for making these adjustments in my life? No way, what it really comes down to is I am just Nae. A tall,nerdy, quirky, passionate woman who is learning to change her perception of herself. Instead of casting the first stone at ME for being ME I have decided to LOVE all of ME and know that even my shortcomings are divinely placed so that I can grow and evolve into the highest expression of myself.

I believe in the power of change. I believe that in order to change we must have a deep trust that we CAN change and then a passionate commitment to ourselves to stick to our desire for change. There are many days that will be difficult. And we may lose people in our lives in the process of our change. That is because when we really start to follow our path, that which no longer serves us will be taken from our path. This is really when that immovable trust comes in. I know I am speaking of a higher lifestyle in general but this can be applicable to ANY of your New Year's resolutions. You just have to get into the rhythm of your resolution. What do I mean by this? For instance, if your goal is to lose 30 pounds what are you doing on a daily basis to achieve your goal? Are you CONSISTENTLY putting forth effort? How do you speak to yourself? You know that voice in your head, is she your cheerleader or a big bully? Believe it or not, science is discovering the depth negative self-talk can reach, to the level of our DNA. Which means it is IMPERATIVE to love yourself, your DNA can and will change if not. Here are a few of my best tips for staying on track with your goals for your resolutions or any change you are wanting to integrate into your life!

  • Break your large goals into smaller steps: Sometimes we do not pursue our dreams because they seem too lofty. We tell ourselves who are WE to look like a fitness model or create our own business. The question really is who are we NOT to receive our blessings through our goals? I have found it extremely helpful to break down larger goals into smaller baby steps. For instance, if we want to be a published author, first we must write! Give yourself a realistic timeframe of achieving your goal and then break it down into smaller steps. So to be published, you must write, build your network, contact publishers, etc. Schedule these steps into your calendar and then it is easier to see if you are on pace to meet your goal as well as reduce discouragement for not achieving your ultimate goal overnight.
  • Include the use of a calendar: if it's not scheduled it doesn't happen! Schedule your small steps towards your big goals into your daily calendar. For instance, if your goal is for weight loss schedule your exercise times, eating time and plan your meals out to ensure adherence to your goals.
  • Use affirmations: One way to reduce the use of negative self-talk is by including affirmations in your daily practice. Post them on your bathroom mirror, car, in your calendar and use them whenever that bully starts speaking up in your head.
  • Find support: Some days will be harder than others to stick to your new goals. When we have someone, or a group of people, that believe in our goals we are more likely to adhere to them. When you feel like giving up contact those around you who lift you up. There is great power in accountability.
  • Be loving to yourself: This has been the most difficult of all for myself. I can put forth the consistent effort, schedule my goals yet when I falter I beat myself up beyond recognition. Hello!!! How conducive to change can this be? NOT AT ALL my friends. So one of my new year's promises to myself is to be more loving. If I do not achieve something EXACTLY how I wanted to I am giving myself permission to asking loving questions and offer support so that I will not repeat the same mistakes.

These are just a few ways to support the rhythm of your resolutions for 2014. If you would like more accountability towards your goals that is what I am here for. Please feel free to contact me with your questions and ideas. I really believe in your dreams and for the month of January I am offering FREE 15-minute laser coaching sessions to help get you on the right track for 2014. I believe in you, it's time YOU believe in YOU.  If you would like to know more about ways I am renewing and realigning for the new year please continue reading.

My 2014 Promises to Me


  •  Reduce sugar consumption and emotional attachment to it.
  • Be open to a new relationship by being more vulnerable & open to receive
  • Ask for help when I need it,  I do not have to do everything.
  • BE larger than life.  No one is served by me playing small.  If I want to make massive changes I must BE massively brave.
  • Share my creative gift with those around me.  Starting a youtube channel to share with others all that I have learned about movement, nutrition, and spirituality.
  • Be more open to change.  Live in the flow of NOW. 
Miss Nutrish on Youtube in 2014

It has been layed on my heart to share with all of my friends, family and followers the joy I find in movement, nutrition, and living more consciously.  So I have decided to start a youtube channel with exercise videos, recipes and Miss Nutrish's advice on any & everything conscious living.  Details of this channel will be coming later this month so stay tuned and share with your friends!  If there are certain topics you'd like to see discussed here please and for your FREE 15 minute laser coaching call.

Season's Greetings from Miss Nutrish
As you all know we are talking about healthy immune systems this December so I thought we would dive a little deeper into what that entails.  Our immune systems are a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend the body against attacks by "foreign" invaders. These invaders may include bacteria, parasites, viruses, etc. 

The immune system is comprised of antibodies and white blood cells.  It also includes:

tonsils and thymus (antibody production), lymph nodes and vessels (lymphatic system), bone marrow and spleen

With the inundation of chemicals in our foods and all around us combined with the decline in quality of our food; numerous immune deficiences are plaguing our nation.  Add to that the drastic increase in degenerative diseases across the board, and I would say it is safe to say we ALL need to learn how to better support our immune systems.  Below I have included numerous ways to support your immune, naturally.  I have included so many because we all respond differently to each.  For instance, some people may do best with nutritional support in the form of food while others prefer to use herbs.  There are no right or wrong answers just what best suits you.   


Explore your options and try something new.  Let me know about it too by leaving a comment on the blog or on my Facebook page. I hope this blog finds you in good health and make sure to care for YOU this busy holiday season.


Yours in good health,


Miss Nutrish 






Vitamin C:  Necessary for numerous functions in the body. Vitamin C aids in wound healing, strengthening of the immune system, helps to reduce damage associated with toxic substances, among other essential functions. Food Sources: Citrus fruits, melon, strawberries, broccoli, kiwi fruit, potatoes, dark green leafy vegetables, red peppers, squash, mango, pineapple, blueberries, raspberries.

Vitamin D:  Used for hormone production in the body and regulates more genes and bodily functions than any other hormone yet discovered, according to Dr. Mercola. He goes further to state; 'Vitamin D could rightly be described as a "miracle nutrient" for your immune system, as it enables your body to produce well over 200 antimicrobial peptides, which are indispensable in fighting off a wide range of infections.' The best source is the sun but for many this is difficult to get an adequate amount so supplementation is often necessary.  


Probiotics:  Our digestive system is a host for beneficial microbes & microflora; which account for approximately 90% of the cells in our body. 70% of immune system surrounds our intestines and we now know over 200 auto-immune diseases are born in the gut. This means maintaining a composition of healthy bacteria and microflora are ESSENTIAL to immune strength. Probiotics offer just that, beneficial bacteria strands to help recolonize the gut.  

Zinc:  Supports several immune functions in the body and works with beta-carotene in increasing the number of T-cells to fight infection. Food Sources: mushrooms, parsley, lean beef, dairy, sesame seeds





Aloe Vera:  Contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which greatly affect the immune system. The most nutrient-rich is whole leaf cold processed. Its been well documented in the treatment of burn, bacterial infections and parasitic infections. It can be applied topically or ingested and it is very good for the treatment of ulcers, inflammation and fungi.

Bee Pollen:  Aids in reducing symptoms associated with allergies. It helps boost immunity because of the plethora of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats found in bee pollen. Lowering stress, cholesterol and increased energy have all been associated with daily use of bee pollen.
Spirulina:  Blue-green algae chocked full of protein, vitamins and minerals. Aids in strengthening immune defense and reducing cold and flu risk. Acts as high anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Usually found in a powdered form and can be added to smoothies or added to water.  




Echinacea: Increases resistance against cold & flus by stimulating the immune system. Has also been used to prevent upper respiratory tract infections and topically to boost wound healing and other skin conditions.


Cinnamon: Powerful antibacterial, antimicrobial properties to help prevent infections, viruses, flus. Helps boost your immune system by stimulating it and your metabolism. Aids in cancer prevention and reduced inflammation and pain in arthritic people. Also helps regulate blood sugar resulting in weight loss.


Ginger: Contains several phytochemicals, which contain anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. This means they bring relief for cough and congestion from a cold or the flu AND prevent them from occurring in the first place. Ginger activates the immune system which prevent cancer from developing and other degenerative diseases.


Parsley: helps regulate the immune system and protect against flus, colds and viruses because it is antibacterial. Parsley contains carotenes, vitamin C, magnesium and is a good source of iron.


Garlic: natural antibiotic and immune booster because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Its cloves are said to help treat the common cold, keep the plague at bay. One clove contains 5 mg of calcium, 12 mg of potassium, and more than 100 sulfuric compounds.


Onions:  Natural antibiotic and immune booster, contains quercetin which increase resistance to infections.  


Turmeric: One of the most potent antioxidants, 8x more potent than vitamin e & c, which helps protect body from free radical damage. The active ingredient comes from curcuminoids which gives its' yellow color. It also works in supporting memory function and heart health. The nutritional benefits are best received when used raw or uncooked.


Stay tuned later this month for more on amino acids & other essential nutrients for strong immune function.  It is time to be the best version of YOU which starts with a healthy body.