
Hello again my beautiful friends!


Immunity and longevity are the hot topics this month at Nutrish'N on a Mission. We have explored the roles of our immune, natural ways to support it, AND ways to prevent colds & flus. As many of you know I practice a holistic approach to well-being which means; yes, I prefer to use herbs, vitamins and minerals. It also entails diving into other areas of life that may be contributing to our lack or excess. Are you working at a job you loathe? Do you criticize yourself EVERYTIME you eat something you feel is not good for you?


I am here to tell you my sweet friends, that our cells are listening and they have memories too. Yes that's right, not only do your thoughts become your actions but they also become the health or sickness of your body. When we are constantly telling ourselves we are not enough, worthy, or we will NEVER be the size we want to be our cells remember these thoughts and carry them into action.


Does this all sound like foo foo? I am sure it might! It did to me until I started peeling back the layers of sickness to regain my own health. What I did know: yes, there are physical manifestations in my body. I KNEW I did not have feeling in my hands or feet. I KNEW that my pain and fatigue were so great that I couldn't even put on clothes. I also KNEW that this was not the end for me, that there had to be a better way. And so MY journey to healing began. That is when I fell in love with natural and holistic healing. It offered a solution, not one of quick fixes but of longevity and sustainability.


I started with changing my diet, supplementation, altering my workout routine, removing toxins from my body; yet the pain was still there. Yes, most of my days were MUCH better than before, but there was still a deep pain that resided in my body, especially my legs and hips. Some days I walk with a limp because the pain and lack of mobility is so enveloping. So back to the drawing board I went. Hello body!!!! I have changed SOOOO many habits in the past two years can you not just cooperate?! I mean, I don't party with friends, I eat super clean, I exercise 5 days a week, deep breath, give back, etc etc. Can't a good girl just catch a break?!


I am a seeker of knowledge, so on my journey to healing I have relied upon the doctors and healers who have done it before me. I have read extensively about autoimmune disorders, balancing hormones, toxicity, etc. My latest area of interest is epigenetics, where I found my ah-ha moment! Epigenetics is the study of the control of genes from outside the cell. Our old methodology of teaching had us believe that our behaviors and characteristics were a result of our DNA. However, we are learning that outside influences like; our thoughts, behaviors, dietary choices, and toxin levels are turning our genes on and off allowing us to express or suppress. For instance, if someone is healing from a broken leg that is filled with anger the body will take more time and effort to heal because these strong emotions have thwarted the production of stem cells (blank cells that aid in regeneration). This may sound unbelievable but this is what science is discovering. How else would IDENTICAL twins grow up and live with different health issues? Die at different times? BECAUSE GENE EXPRESSION HAPPENS OUTSIDE OF THE CELL and is greatly influenced by what we do and how we do it. It is also a fact that people who experienced traumatic childhoods are 60% more likely to develop degenerative diseases like cancer, alzheimer's, diabetes, etc. Oh yay! As if your trauma wasn't enough here's a nice dose of disease. Well, I've got divorce, suicide, abuse, poverty, Autism, and plethora of other childhood stressors under my belt so I should be good to go! :) I apologize for the dark humor but I sincerely believe you must be able to laugh at yourself and helloooo here I am all healthy, and getting better everyday!


Here's the silver lining...OUR GENES ARE INFLUENCED BY OUTSIDE SOURCES. I am sorry to reiterate but that's the silver lining! Okay yea you are sick, yea you experienced mass amounts of trauma BUT YOU can influence your DNA. You are not bound to your illness, your circumstances, or 'genetic disposition' because you have the POWER to change much of it.


And so it is, I will change the state of my health. I believe in total healing, that my 'autoimmune disease' can be reversed. Why? Because I will change my habits, thoughts, and actions to be in alignment with what I, my genes, and spirit need to become healthy and whole again. For so long I have let fear and lack live in my cells because of traumas and my response to them. Letting them take up space, leaving me with an incredibly deep feeling of loneliness. No matter who I was around that despair resonated on a cellular level. Of course sickness manifested in my body. I was trying so desperately to shrink inside that my immune system decided to take charge and say 'hello here I am!' Why would my immune system do that? Betray me like that? Except now I know it wasn't betrayal at all, it was an act of love. I am a wild child with a vivaciousness to teach and lead. In fact, for many my energy can be wayyyy too much. I am aware of that and that is why I practice yoga & meditation. J However, that is me and that is who I shall be. Since I was trying to be a shrinking violet because of my hurts, part of me decided to scream out. To resonate the pain I wasn't letting be felt.


Now that epigenetics has led me to my epiphany I can deepen my path to healing. I have the knowledge of what my body needs supplementary, nutritionally and now I can nourish myself with love and the acceptance to feel my feelings. Of course this will be a path of MORE learning but at least I have found the right road. Here are some of my favorite ways to calm the mind and be able to listen to what the body and heart needs. I hope you do try!


Spirituality: I do not care who or what you pray to. That is a personal choice just knowing and trusting that there is a creator out there who is loving and protecting you carries great value for your health.  According to a study done at Indiana State University by Jean Kristeller, a Ph.D., a psychologist, when doctors asked their terminally ill patients about their spiritual concerns they experienced a greater sense of well-being and less incidences of depression. Many studies have been performed regarding the power of prayer as well. Check out the books I have recommended below for more about these studies.


Meditation: The health benefits of meditation are numerous and I encourage you to look further into this with the link provided below. Some benefits include improved mood, attention, memory and learning ability.


Deep breathing: There are many forms of exercises to be practiced. Some invigorate the body and provide more energy and clarity. Other forms act as a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system bringing it to a more serene state. All of which are very vital to healing. I encourage you to practice at home or at your local yoga studio. I have provided links of a few below.


Visualizations: Carl Jung made this practice popular beginning in the 1970s. There have been numerous cases of patients with late stage cancer practicing daily visualization of their cancer being eaten up or overcome with stars who have miraculously recovered from their terminal illness. Practice visualization exercises for whatever health improvements you need in your life.


I hope all of you have enjoyed this blog and as always please leave a comment on the blog or on my Facebook page.  Remember, you have the key to unlock your healing and if you need a reminder you can always email me at  Now that the excuse of 'my mom or dad had this' is out of the equation, what is standing in your way of a healthier, more vibrant you?  Join me for a FREE consultation to discuss your nutritional and lifestyle goals.   

Join me this January for video style!  Featuring barre moves, recipes, hot topics and of course nutritional segments.  Stay tuned for more details!  If you would like to recommend material email

Check out these links for more info and to books I recommend!

Genie in Your Genes

A Return to Love

Soul Medicine

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