Season's Greetings from Miss Nutrish
As you all know we are talking about healthy immune systems this December so I thought we would dive a little deeper into what that entails.  Our immune systems are a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend the body against attacks by "foreign" invaders. These invaders may include bacteria, parasites, viruses, etc. 

The immune system is comprised of antibodies and white blood cells.  It also includes:

tonsils and thymus (antibody production), lymph nodes and vessels (lymphatic system), bone marrow and spleen

With the inundation of chemicals in our foods and all around us combined with the decline in quality of our food; numerous immune deficiences are plaguing our nation.  Add to that the drastic increase in degenerative diseases across the board, and I would say it is safe to say we ALL need to learn how to better support our immune systems.  Below I have included numerous ways to support your immune, naturally.  I have included so many because we all respond differently to each.  For instance, some people may do best with nutritional support in the form of food while others prefer to use herbs.  There are no right or wrong answers just what best suits you.   


Explore your options and try something new.  Let me know about it too by leaving a comment on the blog or on my Facebook page. I hope this blog finds you in good health and make sure to care for YOU this busy holiday season.


Yours in good health,


Miss Nutrish 






Vitamin C:  Necessary for numerous functions in the body. Vitamin C aids in wound healing, strengthening of the immune system, helps to reduce damage associated with toxic substances, among other essential functions. Food Sources: Citrus fruits, melon, strawberries, broccoli, kiwi fruit, potatoes, dark green leafy vegetables, red peppers, squash, mango, pineapple, blueberries, raspberries.

Vitamin D:  Used for hormone production in the body and regulates more genes and bodily functions than any other hormone yet discovered, according to Dr. Mercola. He goes further to state; 'Vitamin D could rightly be described as a "miracle nutrient" for your immune system, as it enables your body to produce well over 200 antimicrobial peptides, which are indispensable in fighting off a wide range of infections.' The best source is the sun but for many this is difficult to get an adequate amount so supplementation is often necessary.  


Probiotics:  Our digestive system is a host for beneficial microbes & microflora; which account for approximately 90% of the cells in our body. 70% of immune system surrounds our intestines and we now know over 200 auto-immune diseases are born in the gut. This means maintaining a composition of healthy bacteria and microflora are ESSENTIAL to immune strength. Probiotics offer just that, beneficial bacteria strands to help recolonize the gut.  

Zinc:  Supports several immune functions in the body and works with beta-carotene in increasing the number of T-cells to fight infection. Food Sources: mushrooms, parsley, lean beef, dairy, sesame seeds





Aloe Vera:  Contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which greatly affect the immune system. The most nutrient-rich is whole leaf cold processed. Its been well documented in the treatment of burn, bacterial infections and parasitic infections. It can be applied topically or ingested and it is very good for the treatment of ulcers, inflammation and fungi.

Bee Pollen:  Aids in reducing symptoms associated with allergies. It helps boost immunity because of the plethora of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats found in bee pollen. Lowering stress, cholesterol and increased energy have all been associated with daily use of bee pollen.
Spirulina:  Blue-green algae chocked full of protein, vitamins and minerals. Aids in strengthening immune defense and reducing cold and flu risk. Acts as high anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Usually found in a powdered form and can be added to smoothies or added to water.  




Echinacea: Increases resistance against cold & flus by stimulating the immune system. Has also been used to prevent upper respiratory tract infections and topically to boost wound healing and other skin conditions.


Cinnamon: Powerful antibacterial, antimicrobial properties to help prevent infections, viruses, flus. Helps boost your immune system by stimulating it and your metabolism. Aids in cancer prevention and reduced inflammation and pain in arthritic people. Also helps regulate blood sugar resulting in weight loss.


Ginger: Contains several phytochemicals, which contain anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. This means they bring relief for cough and congestion from a cold or the flu AND prevent them from occurring in the first place. Ginger activates the immune system which prevent cancer from developing and other degenerative diseases.


Parsley: helps regulate the immune system and protect against flus, colds and viruses because it is antibacterial. Parsley contains carotenes, vitamin C, magnesium and is a good source of iron.


Garlic: natural antibiotic and immune booster because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Its cloves are said to help treat the common cold, keep the plague at bay. One clove contains 5 mg of calcium, 12 mg of potassium, and more than 100 sulfuric compounds.


Onions:  Natural antibiotic and immune booster, contains quercetin which increase resistance to infections.  


Turmeric: One of the most potent antioxidants, 8x more potent than vitamin e & c, which helps protect body from free radical damage. The active ingredient comes from curcuminoids which gives its' yellow color. It also works in supporting memory function and heart health. The nutritional benefits are best received when used raw or uncooked.


Stay tuned later this month for more on amino acids & other essential nutrients for strong immune function.  It is time to be the best version of YOU which starts with a healthy body.   





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