Dear Nutrish'ous Friends, 

Spring has almost sprung!!! :)  Thank you all so much for your continued support.  I sincerely wanted this message out to all of you at the very beginning of the month as this is an extremely HOT topic and so important to MOST of us.  However, sometimes life has different plans for us.  The past few weeks have very tumultuous for my sweet brother Keith, who is non-verbal and Autistic.  We are currently dealing with him being treated very inhumanely and it has taken a toll on myself and the rest of the family.  Continued prayers are most greatly appreciated as I know HE and WE will prevail.  Those who WILL not be defeated CAN not be. :)  Since my understanding of Autism involves addressing the root cause and systemic imbalances in the body, I found it most fitting to share with all of you the DANGERS of both hidden inflammation and sugar this month.  Please continue reading for more about this and remember to follow my other social media accounts where I will be sharing even more insights into this HOT topic.  Since March is also Keith's birthday month I will be dedicating this blog and all of my endeavors to him: his birthday, his freedom and his peace of mind.   

I love this time of year as newness seems to be the theme.  It is about shedding the weight of winter and emerging into a greater version of YOU!  This month I want to provide both encouragement & enlightenment so that you may have greater ease into the new spring you. 

I want to start by enlightening you about the dangers of inflammation & sugar consumption.  Have no fear my darlings, I will ALWAYS provide you with workable solutions as I believe there is always one, or two or several depending on your needs. :)  When you understand these concepts it becomes easier to make better decisions towards your health & well-being. 

So what is inflammation and what does sugar have to do with it??  I should first paint you a picture of what a healthy immune response should look like.  We are all familiar with the symptoms of an inflammatory response including pain, redness and swelling.  Usually we witness this type of response when our body is faced with a healing crisis of mending a cut or clearing the body of a bacterial infection.  These inflammatory responses typically last only a few days so this is known as an acute inflammatory response.  

When I speak of inflammation this month, I am speaking of chronic inflammation which is defined as an immune response that has surpassed the acute stage and is now contributing to continual heat being produced in the body.  This type of inflammation will begin to degenerate healthy tissues in the body and will manifest in the body in a variety of chronic illnesses such as (but not limited to): heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, digestive disturbances or diseases, auto-immune disorders, diabetes, Alzheimer's and even Autism Did I say even Autism?  Yes I did!  So maybe this inflammation began as a baby or their inability to process their toxin load and maybe it was perpetualized by the mother's inflammation & toxin load.  The point is, silent inflammation is a REAL problem and the United States is quickly becoming known as the 'Inflammation Nation'.  Are you beginning to see why this is such a HOT topic (no pun intended)??  And since I know you are dying to know what SUGAR has to do with this, well my friends, here are the heated facts:


Sugar both FEEDS & ENCOURAGES inflammation! 

It perpetuates the inflammation response

It is the fuel to your inflammation-induced fire.

Okay so that's great! Now you know what NOT to do to increase your inlammation, simply remove or reduce sugar.  Except, it may not always be that easy.  First you must understand that when I say sugar I also mean many items that turn into sugar in the body such as: refined sugars and grains, grains in general, fruits and other sources of carbs.  It is not to say that you must avoid ALL of these types of foods but if you need to lose weight, detox, or reset your body's metabolism and blood sugar regulation, it may be a good idea to do least for a specified amount of time.  Not only does sugar feed inflammation, it also binds to the same receptors in our brains as opiates inducing the same effects associated with crack cocaine.  This is why sugar products are SO addictive!  

Join me this month to learn more about the effects of sugar and ways you can begin to make small & large changes in your life to start on your path to optimal health & well-being. 

Following an anti-inflammatory diet is key to reducing underlying inflammation.  When I say diet, I really mean lifestyle.  An anti-inflammatory lifestyle consists of consuming mostly foods that reduce infllammation such as:  healthy fats, lots of vegetables, complex carbohydrates and of course adequate hydration.  In addition to the food we consume, we must assess other areas of life that can lead to increased inflammation such as; exercise level, toxin load and stress management.  That's right!  Our stress levels ESPECIALLY contribute to our inflammation response thanks to our friend, Mr. Fight or Flight Hormone:  CORTISOL.  - read some of my past blogs to learn more about the role of this master hormone.  

I believe through & through in prevention.  I have learned from education, and mostly experience, the incredible power of the human body.  I have watched the health of my brother, mother and many others in my family (including my own) deteriorate in front of my eyes.  I have also witnessed the power of healing in myself, mother, and others in my family.  How you ask?  By addressing these underlying causes that otherwise would have nothing to do with one another.  What's simply amazing is how when we begin to address the imbalances in the body it starts to correct itself!  Think about it, your heart beats without command.  You breathe while you are asleep!  I'd say that's a well oiled machine :) As everything goes in life, that which is cared for will thrive.  Which is why I am so passionate about prevention and the power of the human mind, body & spirit and why I will continue to be a voice for those less fortunate in health.  When we begin to observe and operate from a place of balance we stop attacking the body and start intuitively developing a more loving approach to our own well-being.

With the information provided above, it is important to begin to assess your personal inflammation load.  When it boils down to it, every decision we make is either pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory.  Here are a few contemplative exercises to get you thinking ANTI-INFLAMMATORY!
1.  Start a 3-Day Food Journal -  What food on your list contribute to inflammation?  Remember the following foods promote inflammation:  sugar, alcohol, nicotene, artificial sweetners, colors and additives, simple carbohydrates, refined sugar and carbs
2.  Rate your stress level on a level from 0-10.  10 being intolerable amounts of stress.  Now, seperate this number into categories that are stress inducing such as:  work, family, interpersonal, etc.  Once you have your list, branch out into each area and find 3 solutions to ways you can reduce the amount of stress in that category.  
For example, if work brings you stress three possible solutions may be:  
1.  Include breathing exercises while sitting at my computer to reduce my anxiousness. 
2.  Become more assertive by voicing my valued opinion when asked or necessary. 
3.  Use a calendar at work to priortize and itemize all of the necessary tasks and duties.
Practice these contemplative exercises and see what you come up with!  Share on the blog or on my Facebook page.  I always love to hear from you!  You will be amazed what these simple exercises can uncover and help you see into your life into more detail.  True healing is about peeling back the layers of concern to find our true nature that is blessed, beautiful, and bright! :)
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