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Mindfulness has become one of the most popular ways to detox the brain and relieve stress among people of all walks of life. It is an age old-practice that can take many forms and combined with other types of practices in several important ways. Mindfulness teaches us to recognize, “Oh, there’s that thought again. I’ve been here before. But it’s just a thought, not a part of my core self.”  Meditation affects the body in the opposite way that stress does by triggering the body's relaxation response.

Mind-detoxing benefits of mindfulness meditation include as a quick-fix stress reliever to help reverse the body's  immediate stress response and physically relax; as a part a daily routine to help build resilience to stress; as a technique to get centered when we’re thrown off by emotional stress; to restore the body to a calm state so it can repair itself; to prevent new damage from the physical effects of stress; and to calm the mind and body by quieting the stress-induced thoughts that trigger the stress response.

There is an element of direct physical relaxation involved in meditation, as well. When practicing meditation, heart rate and breathing slow down; blood pressure normalizes; we use oxygen more efficiently; immune function improves; we sweat less; the adrenal glands produce less cortisol; and the mind ages at a slower rate, clears and creativity increases.

For more information, call Mastermind Meditation Center at 214-522-4574 or visit


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