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This month’s Chef’s Table Program cooking demonstration at Keller Farmers Market is being hosted Saturday, July 21, by Chef Bob Stephenson and Chef Carlos Arevalo of the soon to open FnG Eats.

At 8:30A, the chefs will create and sample a light summer watermelon beverage, then at 10:30A, a blueberry dessert. As always with Chef Bob and Chef Carlos’ presentations, each will be prepared with in-season fruit and other items purchased fresh at market.

Terry Allan Hall will be on hand to treat customers to his own brand of folk, country and humorous rock music between cooking demos. It is also “Survey Saturday,” so all KFM attendees are invited to stop by the Information Booth and complete a short survey on this month’s topics.

Keller Farmers Market is open every Saturday from 8A – noon from May – Oct, around the Keller Town Hall Fountain. For more information about the market, vendors and sponsors, and for directions, visit

FnG Eats will open in August and will occupy the previous City Hall Restaurant location in the ArtHouse area of Keller Town Center. For more information about FnG Eats, visit, or find them on Facebook.

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