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The Susan G. Komen Dallas Race for the Cure, held October 28 at NorthPark Center, funds life-saving breast health services to the underserved in Dallas County. The goal is to raise $1 million this year. Starting at 6 a.m., activities include registration, a survivor breakfast, timed 5k, 1k and 5k fun run/walk races at 8 a.m., and a stage presentation that with a survivor celebration and awards.

Survivors, thrivers and co-survivors gather to celebrate and support one another in an atmosphere of genuine camaraderie. Susan G. Komen Dallas County is celebrating the 35th anniversary of the Dallas Race for the Cure, which was started by Nancy Brinker, in honor of her sister, Susan Komen.

Registration is $40 for adults and $20 for12 and under; fees go up $5 on race day.

To register, visit



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