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Happy October Friends,


Fall marks a season of cooling & slowing down from the heat of the summer.  Our bodies naturally want to curl up on the couch and eat warming foods like soups and root veggies.  It seemed fitting to explore the realm of relaxation and being mindful to really enhance the effects of autumn. 


A simple way to bring our bodies into more relaxed state is with heat therapy, especially in the form of a detoxifying, soothing bath.  Bring the spa to YOUR very own bathroom, a chance to slip away into your personal oasis.  Please read on for a few of my most delish spa recipes.  AND for added benefits brush your skin, in circular motions, with a brush or washcloth.  This will increase lymphatic flow and lightly exfoliate, leaving the skin ready to be seduced by your bath water.


Restorative Herbal Bath


Delve into the world of herbal therapy by adding essential oils to your bath.  Below are some idea depending on what your body is needing at the moment.

  • Eucalyptus:  incredible anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial decongestant, and stimulating 
  • Lavendar:  promotes a sense of nostalgia and is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory making it a great choice after a long day or hard workout.   
  • Chamomile: brings relief to irritated skin and can be very relaxing and calming 
  • Rosemary: has astrigent and clarifying properties.  Also promotes relaxation and alertness. 
  • Peppermint: promotes relaxation and energy, depending on your personal needs    

Adding Epson Salts to your bath will add the healing benefits.  Such as, magnesium absorption which is relaxing, soothes aching muscles and helps regulate blood pressure.


How to Enjoy:


Add 1c Epson salts to running water.  Choice which oil is fitting for your mood and add 10-20 drops to a warm bath. 



Cleansing Clay Bath


Adding clay to your bath can bring an entire new experience to your world.  Bentonite Clay is one of my favorites and I prefer to use the powdered clay from 

Living Clay.  This type of clay has an energetic power that aids in binding and eliminating toxins.  It helps restore proper pH and stimulates cellular revitalization.  

How To Enjoy:

1/2c Bentonite Clay either poured into bath OR made into a paste and painted over your entire body, let dry for 5 minutes and then enjoy a nice warm bath.    

Soothe Your Skin Bath


Milk & Honey baths have been enjoyed for centuries, especially among the royal & wealthy.  Honey has a moisturizing & softening effect on the skin and the lactic acid in milk acts as a moisturizing exfoliant; as long as you are using full-fat milk. (can use powdered too). 


 How To Enjoy:


Add 1-2c of milk and 1/2c honey to running water.  Mix if necessary and enjoy. 


If you enjoy these recipes please share!  Forward this message, favorite as a pin, share on facebook.   Please check back next week to learn more about the importance of relaxation and restorative tips.



Yours in serenity,





Miss Nutrish



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