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Mata Amritanandamayi’s life, affectionately known as Amma, the “hugging saint”, is someone who has offered her every thought, word and deed for the benefit of others. On average, she only sleeps a few hours a night and teaches by example, emphasizing selfless social service. She says, “Love is the only medicine that can heal the wounds of the world.” Amma will make an appearance in Allen June 25 and 26 at the Marriott Delta. Since 1989, she has been traveling the world giving tender motherly hugs, known as darshan, to whoever shows up.

Amma is a humanitarian, philanthropist and spiritual teacher. She inspires, uplifts and transforms through her physical embrace, her spiritual wisdom and through her global charity, Embracing the World, which has inspired charity projects in more than 40 countries, exists to help alleviate the burden of the world’s poor through helping to meet basic needs. Amma believes that these needs are fundamental rights of every human being.

Amma talks about how happy she is that many thousands of people from around the world affiliated with her organizations, including Dallas, volunteer and give of their time and energy to help others in need. “Being around Amma inspires me to be more compassionate, and to want to do more service work for others,” said Siva Kumaran, of Grapevine.

Amma has provided more than 200,000 economically vulnerable women with vocational training, start-up capital, and marketing assistance, as well as access to microcredit loans from government-regulated banks and affordable insurance plans.

Amma has many spiritual centers in the U.S., including one in Aubrey, outside of Denton. Each center conducts outreach programs, such as Mother’s Kitchen, where they provide meals for the homeless, fundraisers, youth programs, Green Friends, letters to prisoners and other programs that help the needy.

Seeing the whole world as an extension of her own self, Amma is ever ready to forego her own needs in order to bring a smile to someone’s face, wipe their tears or to simply listen to their sorrows. Be they young or old, sick or healthy, rich or poor—everyone receives the same unconditional love. Amma turns no one away. She says, “Love is our true essence, and the more you give, the more your heart is filled. Love is a never-ending stream.”

Location: 777 Watters Creek Blvd, Allen. For more information, call 806-414-6223 or  isit go to



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