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Self-care and beauty have such a natural relationship that we may take it for granted. The mindfulness we extend to the process is a reflection of the self-esteem that lights us from within.

Maple Shade Spa says, “Caring for ourselves through diet and exercise is very important; it’s also important to use good skin care. We have found that many people neglect to exfoliate, and without exfoliation, our skin has trouble absorbing skincare products. We highly recommend using a cleanser with exfoliation such as an AHA/BHA cleanser.” 

Misaotra Beauty Sanctuary notes, “We can redefine the way women nourish the body and the spirit with wholistic facial rituals and self-care ceremonies that are deeply rooted in authenticity and the belief that true ageless beauty comes from self-awareness and self-love. Using Chinese medicine protocols such as gua sha and Italian facial reflexology, skilled, loving hands can create remarkable results erasing the signs of time.”

Maple Shade Spa, 432 Mapleshade Ln., Dallas,

Misaotra Beauty Sanctuary, 6465 E. Mockingbird Ln., Ste. 344, Studio 27, Dallas,



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