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The Central Texas Chapter of the American Holistic Nurses Association and American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) Expanding Resources Chapter will hold the seventh annual Texas Regional Holistic Nurses conference or retreat with the theme of The Truth About Resilience—Discover the New Within Us All, from April 27 through 29 in Mineola. Speakers include Lyn McCright and Teresa Walding, chapter co-leaders of Central Texas AHNA, and Kathryn Fearnside, from Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Walding, a faculty member at Advancing Holistic Health, says, “With the Resilience Paradigm, we are able to uncover how resilience is created; it is a subtractive, not an additive process. Uncovering our natural, innate resiliency is the initial focus. Learning through insight has life-long benefits. As we discover our inherent wisdom and common sense, awareness of how to assist others will be handled with ease. Fear and anxiety drop away as they are seen for what they are. The only lasting change comes through insight. There is freedom when we realize our own inherent wisdom.”

Location: Mineola Civic Center, 1150 N. Newsom St., Mineola, TX. Register by Apr. 13 at



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