
In an attempt to escape the drudgery of cleaning up my home for the meeting of Loving Garland Green tonight, I went outside to inspect the garden now occupying what was once my front lawn.  Lo and behold!  There were enough strawberries ready to be picked and recorded into the crop records for my urban garden!  

Now that I think about it, I've already harvested and eaten about $15 worth of kale from my garden since January.  I must be more diligent about my crop records because at the end of the year I do want to be able to measure the value of my garden in terms of dollars and cents.  Its social value, as I've mentioned more than once is invaluable.  Its health value is somewhat measurable in that since I started my garden in June of 2013, I've lost 30 pounds without consciously trying to lose weight.  

Thus the first strawberry harvest has been duly recorded in my crop records book as:

Name of crop:  Strawberry

Location:  Raised Bed #8

Date Harvested:  April 28

Pounds/Oz/Units:  4 oz

Current Market Value:  40 cents*

*To obtain current market value, look at the grocery ads for the week of your harvest. Yesterday I purchased a pound of strawberries for $1.59.




JOIN THE REGISTRY OF GARLAND URBAN GARDEN CROP YIELDS and help us show others the value of growing at least some of the food you eat.

As part of our mission to raise awareness in our community of the value of urban gardens here in Garland, we have formed a volunteer registry that is open to all Garland urban gardeners.  We ask that you keep crop records of your harvest that include the variables from the sample above.  There are crop yield sheets available at our website for you to download free.

We would love for you to officially register  your urban garden with us by either calling Liz at 972-571-4497 or send us your information online at CONTACT US.

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