

Display at the Wholesome Farms & Gardens booth – Garland MarketPlace August 5, 2017

The Garland MarketPlace is Garland's manageable answer to Marché  aux Puces de Paris/St.-Ouen  

That famous flea market is known more simply as the "Puces."  My favorite of all the 14 markets there is the Marché Vernaison which is the historic cradle of this flea market which was established in 1920.  Today that one market has over 300 stalls so you can see just how unmanageable the entire Marché aux Puces is with its total of 14 markets, each with hundreds of stalls.  Still it's a great place as is the Garland MarketPlace.  Regretfully, the vendors featured here in this post do not include all the vendors at the Garland MarketPlace as my time was limited.  You'll have to go the third Saturday of August and see them all and more for yourself.  Like the historic Marche aux Puces, the Garland MarketPlace is growing too!


Local is definitely where it’s happening—especially if you are talking Garland Texas local.  Charlie and I went downtown Saturday morning to support our local entrepreneurs selling their wares at the Marketplace on the square.  I bought two cinnamon rolls from Garland’s Swedish Cinnamon roll queen; two doggie mats from Deana of Jazzy Junk; some habanero pickles from my friend Stephanie Cole at Pinson and Cole’s Gourmet Pickles; a delicious lemon blueberry cupcake from KH2 Bakery; a bag of low carb gluten free chip; a jar of lemon lavender jelly; some delicious chicken salad from Texas Salsa.

If you think I’m buying local because I’m nice – you have the wrong reason. [Not that I’m not nice (most of the time)]  But I buy local whenever I can because it helps me as much as it helps the folks that I’m buying merchandise from. [Local usually translates sustainable; economic returns on your purchase; social and civic well being; etc.] It’s a proven fact that time and again more of your dollars spent on local purchases are re-circulated into your local economy than the money you spend in chain stores.

Key Studies:  Why Local Matters [accessed 8/05/2017]

Two other reasons for buying local: fresh and original.   You want to see unusual and original, come to the next Garland MarketPlace on Saturday August 19.  If you have unusual, local and original for sale, contact Kirk.


First and Third Saturday of the Month 9- 2PM

Downtown Garland Square – Garland, Texas


E-MAIL: Kirk.Eventive@Live.Com
PHONE: Tel: 469-275-9616

The Garland MarketPlace is THE place.  Just look at all these interesting people and their interesting products and please remember that I wasn’t able to stop at all the booths.  There is always more to see at the Garland MarketPlace!


Peer-to-Peer Buddy System with Local Merchants and Entrepreneurs

I love the Garland Marketplace because it often inspires me with new ideas for growing the wealth and health of Garland.  Today with the Buddy League’s peer-to-peer system still fresh in my mind, I thought: Why Not have a Peer-to-peer buddy system for local merchants and entrepreneurs?

This could be a mutually beneficial arrangement whereby the owner of a small business provides a small space for one or even more local entrepreneurs to display and sell their goods.

What’s in it for the Merchant?

-Creates a good image for their business in the community.  We Americans like it when the “big guy” supports the “little guy.”
-Increases traffic in their business. Folks who might not otherwise stop in might stop by due the attraction of the buddy’s products.

What’s in it for the Entrepreneur?

-Another outlet for their products.  [Many entrepreneurs do not have the time or money to establish a storefront.  Although virtual storefronts on the Internet are great, they miss some of that market who want to buy now in real time.]


Many of the vendors who were at Garland Marketplace last month were here on Saturday and there were new people that I had not chatted with before.  I’ll tell you about them first. Also I want to add my apologies to the vendors who are not featured in this article.  I made as many booths as I could but I had a prior commitment.  Don't worry though I'll get you the next time around as I'm sure to be there. 


Live Music at the Garland Marketplace—How classy is that?


Live Music at the Garland Marketplace today from Acoustic Audiophile

a father daughter acoustic duet that plays cover tunes that span the decades.

Tell me, how many grocery stores can you name who play live local music while you shop?  This father/daughter duo make awesome music. 


How about the Classy Salsa Texan? 

Speaking of “Classy”—How about The Salsa Texan?  Stephen at the Garland MarketPlace August 5, 2017

I know you are probably scratching your head and wondering:  What’s classy about a taco chip?  The Salsa Texan has a lot of reasons to deserve the title of “classy.”  You can start with their classy mission statement:  to provide a delicious healthy alternative to the Texas tradition of chips, salsa and queso.

All products are Organic, Gluten Free and GMO Free.

The company was founded by Stephen as he is a type 2 diabetic and he found himself having to give up his favorite things chips & salsa.  Through research he found that he could eat organic corn chips made from scratch (not from a tortilla) as long as they were baked. The Salsa Texan was born. 
Product is local to Texas – made in Arlington area.

So who buys the Salsa Texan products?  In addition to ordinary people, they are also purchased by classy establishments such as the Four Seasons Hotel and The Ritz Carlton.  I asked him how he was able to make such contacts.  Guess what?  The chef was at a local market such as MarketPlace and sampled Stephen’s chips.  Local fairs like MarketPlace can have far-reaching results for vendors—beyond the dollar value of their sales at the event..  Stephen told me that a chef from the Four Seasons was at an outdoor market event where Stephen was hawking his wares and the rest is history.



 The Garland MarketPlace has its own Classy Texas Version of a Bouquiniste (dealer in secondhand books)


Paul Himmelreich—writer, archeologist, bouquiniste -  Garland Texas MarketPlace  8/5/2017

If you’ve ever spent time in Paris and walked along the Seine you will remember all the booksellers that line the walkway. These booksellers are among the many iconic symbols of Paris. Bouquinistes is a trade that began around 1450 when the printing press was invented.  This trade is unique to Paris.  The story has it that a boat transporting books sunk near Notre-Dame Cathedral. The sailors swam ashore taking as many books as they could.  They sold these books to the people passing by to make up for the wages they lost.  Some stayed on and made a living as a bookseller.  The bouquinistes, as they became known, sold bouquins, small, old bashed books.

Our Garland version of the bouquiniste is Paul Himmelreich.  If I hadn’t already spent a lot of money (by my budget standards) I would have definitely purchased a book from him—one that he wrote titled:  Images of America Garland.  What really caught my eye on the cover of this book was the subtitle:  “Garland and Roy Rogers.”  Apparently in 1937, before the time when most of us were born, Roy went on a promotional tour with stops in Dallas, Ft. Worth and Garland.  I believe he put in a live appearance at our theater here on the square.

Paul told me that he has about twenty books that he wants to write before he passes on to that other place where we go.


Front cover of Images of America Garland – Author Paul Himmelreich told me there are some photos in this book that have not been published before.  The book, “The German Texans” fits into the category of a bouquin.  Nearly all the books in Paul’s book stall were bouquins that dealt with Texas specific topics.   – Garland MarketPlace-  Garland Texas 8/5/2017


PO BOX 494373 – Garland, Texas 75049


Classy and Eclectic:  Alexandria Elkwood

Medicine Woman, Drum Maker Herbalist, Lecturer, Consultant


Alexandria and her herbal remedies.  In the foreground left, you will see herbal products that have been made by the hands of this medicine woman.  Garland Texas Marketplace – August 5, 2017

Contact Information:

Alexandria has a great website.

Visit and learn about:

  • American Shaman products
  • Mother Earths Apothecary Plant Medicine Remedies
  • Elkwood Studio Designs
  • Online Store containing Handcrafted Art 
  • Native Hand Drums
  • Beadwork
  • Buckskin
  • Intuitive Reader
  • Intuitive Healing Services
  • Wise Woman Program


Another Local Original and Eclectic Woman at the Garland Marketplace.


Stacey Smith of ZenTala in front of her unusual bracelets, earrings, necklaces and amulets –all handmade by Stacey -  Garland Marketplace August 5, 2017. [Yes the eye on Stacey’s hand is as permanent as her own two eyes. At least no one can debate the fact that Stacey has a third eye.]


Call Stacey at 214-502-5673

Like Alexandria and many Americans, Stacey has many skills: Reiki Master, Empathic Healer, Jewelry Artist and Orgonite Healing Artist. 

In case you need definitions as I did:

Reiki master--a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being.

Empathic healer—the power to heal other people’s emotional wounds

Orgonite Healing Artist-- Orgonite is primarily made from metals chips (Copper, Brass, Aluminum curls & etc), polyester resin (fiberglass resin) and a quartz crystal.

Orgonite however, works continuously to transmute or process negative orgone/chi/qi or other energies into positive form only.  Thus if you wear Stacey’s jewelry lemons will turn to lemonade in your life.


 KH2 Bakery – a local bakery family business


Katie Hornsby (in the red apron) is the Baker/Owner.  Katie once worked in a commercial bakery and then decided she could do much better on her own.  She is flanked on the right by her mom and on the left by her husband and a niece –Garland MarketPlace August 5, 2017

I think Katie made the right decision after purchasing and eating one of her delicious lemon blueberry muffins!

Folks on their Facebook seem to agree with me.  Here is one comment:



Katie Hornsby
4721 Paradise Cove
Garland, TX  75043


And the Ruby Funnel Cake Business is Born!


Ruby and Randy show off one of their special funnel cakes at their Garland MarketPlace booth. – August 5, 2017

Randy and Ruby most often are the Kettle Korn providers for events like the Garland MarketPlace, but about a month ago they were turned down for an event because a kettle corn vendor had already been secured.  However the person setting up the event asked if they made funnel cakes—of course, the answer was “yes.”   And here they are.  Of course Randy and Ruby still provide Kettle Korn at events.




Baking Buns


Abigail Courtney—Baker/Owner on right – Garland Marketplace August 5, 2017

Among a wide range of baked goods you can also find great pies and cobblers.

Not the kind your mother would have made had I been your mother. 


Follow on Instagram:  baking_buns_03


Cell:  214-535-2146


Jazzy Junk


Deanna J. Zuniga, Owner and Designer – Garland MarketPlace – Garland Texas August 5, 2017

Deanna, like many entrepreneurs, is sustainable and self-sufficient.  She decided that she didn’t want her kids to have large school loans so she starting sewing aprons to help put them through school


Deanna J. Zuniga



Ama’s Kitchen

Ama in her booth at the Garland MarketPlace – Garland, Texas August 5, 2017

Ama comes to Rockwall Texas by way of Michigan.  Yesterday I purchased a jar of her lemon/lavender jelly—it was the last jar on her shelf of this jelly.  I had some this morning on toast.  It was delicious!





Siham Gourmet Desserts – Gluten Free Mediterranean Desserts


Display of baklava from Siham Gourmet Desserts – Garland MarketPlace –Garland, Texas August 5, 2017

Lisa was  at the booth selling her mother's baked goods.  I tried to coax her into a photo but she was too modest.  The baked good are very tasty.  If you serve these at a party, you can keep all sides happy.  Even though you may not be gluten intolerant, you will still like these desserts.


P.O. BOX 460012

Garland, TX 75040  



Wholesome Farms and Gardens


 Craig Turczynski, Ph.D. poses for our camera at the Garland Marketplace- Garland Texas  August 5, 2017

Wholesome Farms and Gardens is a private label for the meat and other food produced by Country Workforce.  They are a small faming operation who are perfecting natural methods for local consumption here in North Texas.

Their operation uses 100% natural methods including no chemical herbicides, pesticides or synthetic fertilizer on their land nor antibiotics or hormones given to their animals.  For feed, they use non-GMO feed alternatives.  Their chickens, cows and pigs are given 100% access to grassland that is frequently rotated.  And the grazing animals are protected from predators.

Many purchasing options are available to their customers.

CONTACT  for pricing and more information

1233 Eagle Point road

Van Alstyne, TX 75495

Phone:  903-482-6287 


 Miss Margie’s Spicy Pretzels

“Miss Margie” a.k.a. Margaret Chaps – Garland MarketPlace Garland Texas August 5, 2017

I asked Margaret how she got started in her business.  She said that her friends kept telling her that her pretzels were so good that she had to sell them—so here she is, selling her pretzels.  [Her friends may be sorry now that they’ll have to pay for Miss Margie’s Spicy Pretzels but they are worth it—very yummy!]


Margaret Chaps 



If you haven’t tried infused water, I recommend it.  You can do it yourself, or if you want it in large quantities for an event such as a birthday party or other celebration, call up THE GOOD WATER folks.  It’s a healthy way to drink more water and you will because infused water is so tasty.

Bryan Jones (owner) 214-524-4929


 Pinson & Cole’s Gourmet Pickles


Stephanie Cole (owner/CEO) and her daughter at a Garland MarketPlace booth Garland, Texas August 5, 2017

Stopped by Stephanie’s booth as I always do when I visit the MarketPlace.  I am not a pickle fan (but don’t tell Stephanie).  Charlie, however, is a great pickle fan so we bough a jar of Mexican habanero and Chili pickles.


Stephanie Cole



Drippin’ Rhinestones – Custom and handmade home décor.


Jimmy Clark - Drippin’ Rhinestones – Custom and Handmade Home Décor – Garland MarketPlace August 5, 2017

I stopped by this booth and chatted a bit with Jimmy.  I asked him how he got started. Jimmy said that his stepdaughter asked him to make some thing for her and from there to Drippi’ Rhinestones! 

That’s another great thing about most local businesses:  they do not operate from a “one-size-fits-all perspective.  Because they are small, they are usually able to customize their product to suit their customer exact needs.

Here are what some happy customers have said about them on their Facebook  


Krystal Aguado  214-934-6019

Jimmy Clark  303-332-3195


 The Queen of Swedish Cinnamon Rolls


Laurie Lanehart

I stopped by to visit Laurie's booth.  The last time I stopped by in July in the early afternoon there was only one Swedish cinnamon bun left.  Saturday, since I arrived in the morning, there were still about 14 rolls left.  This time, instead of free-loading (Last time Laurie gave me one) I purchased two of these delicious rolls and shared on with Charlie.

Laurie makes special orders for parties.

Call her at 972-816-3698

Or write to her at 


La Esperanza Farm


Fruit from La Esperanza Farm displayed at the Garland MarketPlace August 5, 2017 

No self-respecting local market would be without its fresh produce and the Garland MarketPlace had some beautiful examples on Saturday from La Esperanza (the hope) farm located in Nevada Texas.


La Esperanza Farm
Phone: (214) 843-2089
  • Name: Jesus Dias
    Job Title: Principal


    Jebediah's Pottery

    Handmade stoneware from the heart of Texas!

    I am so sorry I was not able to visit Jeff Beaty's booth on Saturday, but three times I went by it and it was too crowded for me to but in.  Judging from the comments on Jeff's Etsy site [ ] his customers love his work and he makes all kinds of stoneware objects--from bird houses to planters.

    Here is Jeff's (Jebediah) story in his own words: Made Stoneware From Texas

    When I was in my early twenties, I apprenticed to a potter in Philadelphia for several years. Unable to make a decent living, I decided to pursue a different career path and went into the electronics industry.

    In 2010, with my eye firmly fixed on retirement, I began to rebuild my studio. To my surprise even after nearly forty years of no pottery I was able to pick up the skill at a pretty rapid rate.

    I retired in 2016 and set up my Etsy shop, registered the name Jebediah's Pottery and here I am. The name arose from my childhood. One of my Mother's nicknames for me was "Jebediah". I work out of my garage which can be a challenge as there's barely enough room to swing a cat (and, No, I don't swing cats).

    My work tends to be simple and utilitarian. Nothing fancy. I throw most of my work on the heavy side as I prefer things with weight and substance.
    I hope you like what you see in my shop. I am always open to any questions, comments or suggestions.


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