
I had a comment about my last post regarding the Tango Bakery saying that it was promotional and asking if I got paid for writing it.

The answer is No.  I did not get paid for writing that post nor do I nor have I ever received a penny for anything I write on If Liz Were Queen.  In regard to Tango Bakery, to date I  have neither met nor talked with the owners--ever.

Why did I Promote Tango Bakery?

  • Because I found the ambiance of their establishment classy and exceptional!
  • Because I found their desserts exceptional!--Truly the best cake I ever ate.
  • Because I found the people who waited on me and answered my questions to be nice, cheerful and professional.
  • Because they have a very unique business model.
  • Because this is a one-of-a-kind local Garland business.
  • Because I want to support them.    {Unlike chain stores, locally owned businesses don't have the advantage of national advertising.  In fact, many of them cannot even afford to advertise and often the only advertising they have is word of mouth.}

All of us should shout it from the mountaintop when we find a locally owned business that we like.  Tell our friends.  Tell our family.  Tell our co-workers.  Tell everyone.  Often the survival of a local business depends on local people doing just that--telling others why you like it.

Where we live (local) is important to us.  Local business are great for our local economy.  Statistics vary from study to study, but they all agree that more of the dollar spent in a local business stays in that local community.  

To learn more about why you should promote local businesses, here is a great link from the Institute for Local Self-Reliance  with additional links to many studies regarding why local matters.



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