

On April 24 we celebrated our 7-year anniversary.  Sunday September 19th from 1 to 3 PM we will be celebrating our 2021 spring and summer gardens by sharing seeds and plants and swapping garden stories.

We are also planting a fall/winter garden in two raised beds.  One bed will be planted with winter greens seeds and the other one with root vegetable seed.  Our guests who want to participate will be invited to plant the seeds which Loving Garland Green will furnish--especially fun for children.  After planting the seeds, you can visit the garden often to watch them grow.  It's more fun than you may think.  The produce from these two beds will be devoted entirely to the Good Samaritans of Garland.

The Garland Community Garden is a little different from other community gardens. Our mission is to raise public awareness of the fun and healthy aspects of growing some of the food you eat.  Our garden is not designed for mass production. There is no uniformity to the garden whatsoever.  Our beds have come into being in the same organic fashion as the plants that grow in them.  We are here to have fun and inspire others.

This morning I am making the signs for these to beds.  I'll share them with you.  Hope to see you September 19th!  Bring seeds from plants. you've grown this year and plants to share as well if you have them.  I'm digging up some blackberries from my yard today.  Also I'll have a few small jujube trees as well as Okra and Luffa seeds to share. 

I'm really interested to see how the Komatsuna spinach grows.  I know from experience that Mustard grows like a weed in our area.  But a little bit of it goes a L-----ong  way.  In fact, I'll just go out on a limb and say that I don't like it.  But the Komatsuna sounds promising--provided that it grows like mustard and tastes like a tangy spinach.





Root vegetables were very important to people of the world before refrigeration because they kept so well.  After harvesting they were stored in underground cellars, appropriately called "root cellars."  In addition fo the following root vegetables we already have sweet potatoes, baby red potatoes and Irish gold baby potatoes growing at the garden.  In addition to winter greens, other winter crops include varieties of winter squash such as Acorn squash and Butter nut Squash.  We have an entire large bed of Butternut squash in the garden that had already sprouted and should be producing by Thanksgiving. Broccoli and cabbage are two other popular plants for fall/winter gardens.

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