
Food purchased this morning at the Garland Marketplace:  Clockwise from upper left-mesquite beans, red onions, duck eggs, cantaloupe, yellow squash and golden zucchini

The Garland Marketplace, located on the downtown Garland square, is held the third Saturday of the month from July through September.  This is a new venture and, depending upon the participation and support from local citizens, it will either grow into a regular once a week event in 2014 or fizzle out.


DUCK EGGS!  I bought a half dozen duck eggs this morning.  I'll let you know how they taste.  Zach Ragsdale of Ragsdale Farms assured me they are much higher in protein than chicken eggs and they will make breads and pastry much fluffier.  Have you ever eaten a duck egg? (If you are a vegan, just ignore my question.)


The plants you see in the photo above in front of Zach are small "Moringa Oleifera” trees.  The Moringa is considered one of the world’s most useful trees.  Every part of the Moringa Oleifera tree–from the roots to the leaves has beneficial properties that can serve humanity.  In many countries Morgina Olefera is used as a micronutrient powder to treat diseases.  

The Moringa is a shrub or tree that can reach 36 feet in height at maturity and can live for up to 20 years. Like bamboo and hemp, Moringa is among the fast-growing trees as it can reach 9 feet in just 10 months. The Moringa has deep roots and can survive drought conditions well.

And, according to the literature, Moringa can rebuild weak bones, enrich anemic blood and enable a malnourish mother to nurse her starving baby.  It’s full of nutrients. A dash of Moringa is staid to make dirty water drinkable.  In West Africa doctors use it to treat diabetes and in India they use it to treat high blood pressure.  It can staunch an infection and makes an efficient fuel, fertilizer and livestock feed.

I purchased one of these plants last month from Zach, and I'm happy to report that it's still alive and has grown about five inches.


Mesquite Beans - I purchased a pound of mesquite beans this morning.

My father and grandfather--both of whom were wheat and cotton farmers in west Texas would be shocked and amazed to learn that I would pay $5 for a pound of mesquite beans. 

Turns out that people can make some money from mesquite beans.  If you don't believe me, go look on the Internet.  Mesquite flour sells for as much as $13.95 for 8 ounces.

Mesquite flour is said to not only be delicious but rich in soluable fibers, calcium, magnesium and it is gluten-free.  Mesquite pod flour, according to the literature, has a sweet, earthy taste with notes of cinnamon, molasses, and caramel. Mesquite flour is a great for a wide array of cooking and baking, and can be a valuable component of a gluten-free or diabetic diet.

You can use Mesquite beans to make a wide array of edibles--from chocolate chip cookies to wine.

Here is a good source for Mesquite bean recipes.  Lou Quallenberg Studios.



Golden Zucchini, yellow squash, red onions and cantaloupe were all purchased from the Esperanza Farms booth.

I've never eaten golden zucchini but I'll let you know what I think of it after I do.  The woman from Esperanca Farms assured me that it was sweeter and better than the green variety.


If you want to participate in the last Garland Farmer's Market for this year, Contact Kirk Lovett and reserve a space for the third Saturday in September.

Kirk P. Lovett
Eventive Marketing Solutions 


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