
A rock I painted last spring – 2017 – E Berry

Most projects never seem to mature as fast as I think they should and such is the case with establishing our Garland Area Makerspace. Even though we have been approved and received our Certificate of Formation to do business as a nonprofit in the state of Texas; even though we have received a sizable donation of the latest in wood-working equipment; even though plans are in the works for a maker store on our square; even though we will be touring some possible locations for our makerspace next month—the truth is:  I want to have a makerspace this minute—wah!  Some folks are born with the patience of Job and then there are hurry-up people like me.  In the end, I suppose we all balance each other out and there is a place for each of us in this world.

One thing about makers and makerspaces in Garland:  Our Garland Area Makerspace is not and will never be the only makerspace in Garland.  We already have makerspaces all over our city—in people’s kitchens, garages, yards, in our schools and especially in our libraries.  In fact, libraries all over the USA are fast becoming hotspots and centers for makerspaces—especially for children, but for adults as well.  Our great Garland library system is making sure that we encourage the maker spirit in our community.

Malia Moore- Librarian at the North Garland Branch Library

Malia and her staff at the North Garland Branch Library have planned a great event for adults, their children and grandchildren this Thursday.  From 6:30 to 8:00 PM one of the larger rooms in the library will be set up for rock painting.  It’s all free—from the materials (rocks and paint) to the instructions.

These rocks will be painted with messages and words of kindness.  The maker children are encouraged to take them home and then find a special location somewhere in Garland to place their kindness rock.

It’s a great idea!  I plan to be there and I hope you will too.  Bring a kid—yours, your grandchild, or perhaps a neighbor or friend’s child.  Let’s teach our children—not only the fun of making, but also the importance of kindness.  

Let's support maker activities in our schools and libraries.

Event:  Kindness Rocks

Place:  North Garland Branch Library 3845 Garland Avenue (in a strip mall)

Date: Thursday March 15, 2018

Time:  6:30 to 8:00 PM (come and go)

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