

Plants for the Sale at My House - Other members also will be bringing their plants to the sale 

Saturday April 14 at 11AM to 3PM (or sellout)

Garland Community Garden

(Naaman School Road and Brand)

After many false starts and one canceled date, Loving Garland Green is having their annual plant sale.  We will have one of the largest if not THE largest selection of different varieties of heirloom indeterminate tomatoes.  Indeterminate tomatoes grow as spreading vines, unlike those that grow in neat bushes like Celebrity or Big Boy determinate tomatoes. Indeterminate tomatoes produce all season until frost while the determinates produce their crop and stop producing.   We will have Black Prince, Matts Wild Cherry, Valencia, Carbon, Nepal, Purple Bumble Bee, Black Cherry, Godzilla, Yellow perfection, Old Ivory Egg, Big Orange, Chocolate Striped icicle, Wild tiger, Atomic Grape, Napa Rose Blush, Honkin Big Black Cherry, Black Vernissage, Hartman’ Yellow Gooseberry, Raspberry Lyanna Tomato, Chadwick Cherry Tomato, andBetalux Tomato.

In addition to the tomatoes we will have about 10 blackberry bushes, four lemon balm, bee balm, mint, zinnia, purple coneflowers, heirloom squash, and more.

Hope to see you there!

Please pass the word on via Facebook and Next Door to all your gardener friends.

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