
As our members continue to work on the action items related to filing Loving Garland Green as a members-directed nonprofit, I'm reminded of how talented the people are on the core team.  We all come from various backgrounds and life experiences.

Tonight I received a logo design from one of our members, Robert Opel, a local artist and designer.  In a previous post I included some preliminary designs by another member of our planning team, Ken Dyer who designs signs for a living.

Below is Robert's design.  I like that it features a heart.  I hope the logo we select will feature a heart as the heart shape is such a strong and positive iconic figure. It is also very compatible with the name we have chosen for our nonprofit, "Loving Garland Green."  I'm hoping that all the members of the planning committee will submit their ideas for the logo and then we will vote on the one we like the best.  [Perhaps as part of the selection process we might ask members to refrain from choosing the one they submitted.  Perhaps someone on the team will have a better idea as how to make this decision in a democratic way that will serve the best interests and purpose of our organization.]  Another possibiity is that we might open to the design of our logo to the community.  Perhaps that would be a good way to engage people and advertise our presence.  Lots to consider.



Even I have taken a stab at the logo design.  I prefer a simple, sleek, modern look.


or perhaps with a plant in the heart. . .


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