
We live in the wild wonderful world of remix and always have.  But it’s only recently with the blossoming of the digital age providing infinite opportunity to alter things that this truth is beginning to emerge in world consciousness.

Remix is a term that’s been around for years, but its usage seems to be on the rise. I see it cropping up all over the place in my reading—particularly in literature from makerspace and digital circles.  Remix is a piece of media, which has been altered from its original state by adding, removing, and/or changing pieces of the item. A song, piece of artwork, book, video, or photograph can all be remixed with something else.

Looking at things from a philosophical as well as a literal perspective, everything is a remix—most especially human beings since we are a remix of our parents’ genetic codes.  Awesome to ponder isn’t it?  On the one hand we are not original because we were made from old stuff of our parents that was already around—and yet we are unique variations occurring only once.

That old saying “ . . . there’s nothing new under the sun” really isn’t true because anything that has been altered, however slightly, or made again (even on an assembly line) is not exactly like any other thing, even though it may appear to be so. Indeed, it is another entirely new thing under the sun. While we are remixes of our parents, and we may resemble them, we are nonetheless not the same. 

Everything Is Both New and Old Under the Sun

Despite the insane drive to apply the cookie cutter of standardization to carve out a new world order spawned by the Industrial Revolution begun in England in the 18th century and carried forth in full force in the USA throughout our 20th century mass production factories—the sameness and any comfort or security we may have derived from these activities of mass production have been largely illusionary. 

Perhaps at some level we knew what we were doing when we shipped our factories out of the USA.  Perhaps our leaders thought we had to make way for the digital age (even though digital doesn’t require a lot of space).  Still regardless the wisdom of that decision, few would argue that it may have been a tad hasty to sweep the remains of the Industrial age out the door before we had at least thoroughly remixed its salvageable elements with the new ones from the digital age. 

I guess that will always be a point of debate but there is little debate regarding the downward spiraling economic hardships such decisions have caused the majority of the American people for the past 25 to 30 years.  The devastated urbanscape of many cities today look like a set from a Mad Max movie that took place in a world left behind after an apocalypse.

Old with the New is a Critical Requirement for Makerspaces 

Makerspaces, if they are designed well, include opportunities for makers to learn how to use new technology as well as how to use old tools—such as blacksmithing, welding, wood carving, pottery wheels, needle and thread, pencils, paper, etc.  Mixing the old with the new often creates something new that would never have been possible if the maker did not have a broad exposure to various tools and technology.

The nano-material, Graphene, was made possible by Scotch Tape and a lead pencil

Scientists from 3M created Scotch Tape in 1930 by combining DuPont’s impermeable cellophane with another recent discovery, masking tape.  Seventy years later in 2004 Scotch Tape solved a problem in the lab that led to the creation of Graphene a nano-material (a category of materials that encompasses products up to 100 nanometers thick—one inch equals about 25 million nanometers).  Graphene is stronger than steel and more flexible than a rubber band.  It conducts heat and electricity.  It is transparent, almost weightless, and impermeable to bacteria and gases.  Truly, Graphene is a wonder material of the 21st century that will no doubt result in the creation of many new fabulous products.

The discovery of Graphene was made possible with Scotch tape and an old fashioned lead pencil.  In 2004, two physicists at the University of Manchester laboratory (Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov) discovered they could peel off thinner flakes of graphite from the lead pencil by peeling off a layer with Scotch Tape.  They were able to peel the graphite back to a layer composed of a single atom.

Science and Art Work Together in the Makerspace and the World

In addition to mixing old with new, Makerspaces remix science and art.  For so long we kept the disciplines of science and art separate.  A Makerspace environment makes sure to include both disciplines in its environment.  Today we make music with DNA code. There are even businesses now cropping up all over the internet that will isolate a person’s genetic .signature and translate its sequence into musical pitch and rhythm.  Your DNA song. [Source: - accessed January 25, 2017]

The Organic and the Inorganic Can be Remixed

Scientists have been storing digital data in DNA since 2012 when Harvard geneticists encoded a 52,000 word book into snippets of DNA.  DNA has many advantages for storing digital data.  For one thing, it can last hundreds of thousands of years.  Storage is no problem.  A single gram of DNA is capable of storing 215 million gigabytes of digital information.  [Source: accessed January 26, 2018]


Photo Courtesy Xerces Society

Bumble bee citizen science training programs hosted by Bumble Bee Watch partners contribute much need data and expand public awareness of bumble bee conservation. These programs have significantly increased submissions on the website and the demand for verification of many new records. In an effort to supplement verification of bumble bee records, early in December, we solicited the help of expert verifiers during a one-week Bumble Bee Watch verifier blitz! Please keep reading for summaries of training programs and results of the blitz. Also, we want to hear from you! If you are a Bumble Bee Watch contributor, please take a few moments to share your experience by completing the survey below. [Select the Bumble Bee link above to see this survey and other information.]


I got a notice this morning from the Xerces society that I belong to regarding their Bumble Bee Watch Citizen Science program described above and thought I would share with my readers.  Citizen Science programs are great ways to get people outdoors and interacting in healthy ways with nature.  They are excellent and inexpensive ways for urban park departments to add meaningful programs with little cost to their offerings--along with activities like Shinrin-Yoku (Forest Bathing).


Garland Community Garden Update

Speaking of citizen science projects, Loving Garland Green, official stewards of the Garland Community Garden, launched our first Citizen science project for 2018 on January 6.  This story is featured on another one of my posts--The Tulip Project.  This project is sponsored by Journey North.  So far, the Garland Community Garden is one of a growing number of gardens in Texas participating in this particular project. We planted the fifty bulbs 7 inches deep according to instructions and last Saturday, Jane and I removed some of the soil from one area of the bed to discover the tulip stem  is a little less than 2 inches from breaking through.


ADDENDUM:   Added Jan 25 11:25


I forgot to mention that we have two new special beds planned at the Garland Community Garden this year.  We will have one bed filled Old World plants the European settlers brought to the New World and the other bed will be filled with New World edibles that were taken back to Old World.


Bumblebee in Garland Community Garden - August 2017 - Photo by E. Berry

Informal Observation about Bumblebees in our Garland Community Garden 

In April of 2014 we planted our first garden bed.  Then that summer some beekeepers installed a honeybee hive at the edge the riparian area. In the late summer of 2016 the hive was removed.  In 2017 we noticed a huge increase in the number bumblebees and native bees.  Prior to 2017 I would guess that I noticed one or two bumblebees now and then when working down at the garden.  In 2017 the bumblebees and other native bees were countless.  The European honeybee is not known for its friendly manners and some say that it drives away our native bees (who do the lion's share of pollination of our crops).


Update on Activities of the Garland Makerspace Discovery Group

Thanks to the amazing collaboration among members at our last meeting on January 23, we are now moving  at a momentum approaching the speed of light toward nonprofit certification and our official public launch.  You will be able to come and meet us at one of the April Garland Market Place events where we are planning to have a booth.  I'm almost as thrilled to be part of this great community-connected project as I am thrilled to be part of the activities at the Garland Community Garden.





Emperor Tulips – courtesy Journey North Test Gardens

Garland Community Garden becomes one of two gardens in the entire state of Texas to participate in a citizen science project to measure global warming in the northern hemisphere. 

On Saturday January 6, 2018, members of Loving Garland Green planted fifty tulip bulbs and joined 237 communities across the Northern Hemisphere who participating in this citizen science experiment to measure global warming.  The Garland Community Garden and a garden in Lufkin, Texas are the only two gardens in the state of Texas to participate in this experiment.


Is Global warming real?

There is no argument that our planet has undergone climate change since the beginning of time.  It is true, as many of the naysayers to global warming point out: Throughout history the climate of the Earth has changed. For example, in the last 650,000 years there have been seven cycles of glacial advance and retreat.  The abrupt end of the last ice age took place about 7,000 years ago. That event marked the beginning of the modern climate era and human civilization. These climate changes can be attributed to very small variations in the orbit of the Earth that change the amount of solar energy planet Earth receives.   

However, I join with the overwhelming number of qualified scientists who agree that Global Warming is a fact. The following excerpt from Skeptical Science along with information from NASA scientists sum it up for me: 

Authors of seven climate consensus studies — including Naomi OreskesPeter DoranWilliam AndereggBart VerheggenEd MaibachJ. Stuart Carlton, and John Cook — co-authored a paper that should settle the expert climate consensus question once and for all. The two key conclusions from the paper are:

1) Depending on exactly how you measure the expert consensus, it’s somewhere between 90% and 100% that agree humans are responsible for climate change, with most of our studies finding 97% consensus among publishing climate scientists.

2) The greater the climate expertise among those surveyed, the higher the consensus on human-caused global warming.

And here are few facts from NASA scientists that seal my concurrence with these scientists: 

  • The current warming trend is proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented over decades to millennia. [ Source: IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, Summary for Policymakers ]
  • The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated and accepted as scientific fact in the mid-19th century. Their ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the atmosphere is the scientific basis of many instruments flown by NASA. There is no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases will unequivocally cause the Earth to warm in response.
  • Ice cores drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and tropical mountain glaciers show that the Earth’s climate responds to changes in greenhouse gas levels. Ancient evidence can also be found in tree rings, ocean sediments, coral reefs, and layers of sedimentary rocks. This ancient, or paleoclimate, evidence reveals that current warming is occurring roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming.[ Source:



Loving Garland Green Plants Tulip Bulbs in the Garland Community Garden—Jane Stroud, President at left; Charles Bevilacqua center and Burgi Bartlett, Board member – Garland Community Garden January 6, 2018

Loving Garland Green Launches its first Citizen Science Project for 2018

January 6, 2018,  Loving Garland Green joined hundreds of other people across the northern hemisphere who have planted Red Emperor tulip bulbs in Journey North Test Gardens to monitor seasonal change in a scientific way.

This spring, when the tulips emerge and bloom, Loving Garland Green will report our observations and data that will then be added to a larger body of data from other test gardens to reveal the relationship between climate, geography, and the arrival of spring. Specifically, we will be reporting:  

1) the date our garden was planted (January 6, 2018) 

We planted this tulip bed according to exact instructions from Journey North:

            -raised bed at  least 8 inches deep

            -plant during first week in January (based on USDA Hardiness zone)

            -plant Red Emperor bulbs

            -plant 50 bulbs

            -plant each bulb 7 inches deep

            -space bulbs 4 to 5 inches apart

            -put a little bone meal in bottom of hole before planting

            -provide protection from critters digging up the bulbs

2) the date the first tulip emerges

3) the date the first tulip blooms

237 of these test gardens have been planted across the northern hemisphere.  Garland has one of the two Tulip Test Gardens planted in the state of Texas.  Go here to read our reports as they come in:


Garland Texas and the Garland Community Garden in particular, are on this page of the 237 gardens participating in this citizen science project.  Loving Garland Green, the official stewards of the Garland Community Garden, participate in many citizen science projects each year.  For example in 2017, our organization tagged and released 98 Monarch butterflies to enable research on Monarch migration.


 Permaculture Repurpose Principle in Action

We put a mesh to keep rascal squirrels from digging up our bulbs over the top of our cedar-sided raised bed (one of our many ongoing donations that we receive from generous local Garland residents).  Jane (our smart retired microbiologist President) repurposed wire coat hangers to hold the mesh in place. Strategically cutting the hanger in three places will result in three clips to hold things in place—such as critter covers and irrigation hose and I’m certain that you can think of more uses. Cut each of the sides of the hanger about a quarter of the way up each of the sides of the hanger.  The bends will serve as the hook for two of the clamps.  The hook at the top of the hanger will serve as the hook for the third clamp.  The longer end of the wire is inserted into the ground to secure the clamp.  You can easily with your hand squeeze the hook/clip part to fit the thing you are attaching it to—whether it is the wooden side of a raised bed or an irrigation hose or a wild child or pet.


Burgi Bartlett, Loving Garland Green Board member holds the three clamps that can be made from one ordinary coat hanger – Garland Community Garden – December 6, 2018


Don’t you think it’s time we do things differently when it comes to managing and growing our local economy?  I do and I’ve purchased the following book in hopes that it will provide the innovative guidelines it promises.  I'll let you know what I think about it after I read it.

THE LOCAL ECONOMY SOLUTION – How Innovative, Self-Financing Pollinator Enterprises can Grow Jobs and Prosperity – Michael Shuman

Some books I choose because I think the author will validate beliefs that I have long held, beliefs that went against current wisdom and accepted (often mindless) ways of doing things.  For example, all through the 1980’s and 1990’s and even into the early 21st century, USA economic development meant local government leaders licked the boots of multinational corporations in order to attract them into their communities.  They literally gave away the store so to speak by providing tax incentives and even outright cash bonuses, free land on which to build their plants. Many communities even lowered environmental standards to the point of allowing these giants to pollute with impunity. With the greener grass in China in the late 1990s they left anyway like so many rats deserting the ship.  

It still goes on, even today in the 21st Century. In 2010 for example, according to BaxStarr Consulting Group, Louisiana spent $196.8 million on film tax credits but only generated $27 million in tax receipts for the state and $17.3 million for local governments.  Film subsidies, in other words, are financial losers for taxpayers who foot the bill.

I have ordered the book.  The preface promises to be about how economic development can and should be done differently.  It also promises to provide 24 models for economic development that could be done by the private sector at virtually zero cost to the public.  I look forward to learning about these pollinator enterprises in addition to basking in my own smug self-satisfaction.  I already like the idea of the embedded organic metaphor the author has used to label these business models as "pollinator enterprises."  This metaphor mirrors the connectedness nurtured by permaculture design amongst the countless elements found in the natural and unnatural worlds we live in.



Another book with great potential for reshaping your local economy:

The SMARTEST places on earth - Why Rustbelts are Emerging Hotspots of Global Innovation

by Antoine Van Agtmael and Fred Bakker

David Swensen, Chief Investment Officer, Yale University had this to say about this book:  "Can Agtmael and Bakker paint an exciting picture of the future made possible by cooperative processes they call "brainsharing."  Citing unheralded developments in specific places and industries, this extraordinarily well-researched book challenges the conventional view of a developed world in decline. The authors make a compelling case for connectors, who bring together a diverse collection of players required for collaborative success.  This compellingly argued and lucidly written book is a must read for anyone who cares about the planet."


My Christmas Tree 2017 - a Volunteer Cedar that grew too close to my fence


As I look at my life I'm reminded of that old nursery rhyme, "Solomon Grundy" which stands well as a comment on the brevity of life.

Solomon Grundy,
Born on a Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Grew worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday.
That was the end,
Of Solomon Grundy.


It seems like we spend the first part of our lives accumulating things and the last part in getting rid of them through a process we now call "down-sizing." I guess all in preparation for our final downsizing to a handful of dust. Mercifully I haven't become as morbid as my Great Aunts who put relatives names on masking tape and then stuck the tape to the bottom of objects throughout their homes. Thus when they passed, everyone would have assigned mementos to take home after the wake.  

However, for at least the past 10 years and perhaps longer, I've been telling myself that I'm not having a Christmas tree that year.  There is no point as I have no children at home, and most of my grandchildren are of the age when they prefer to stay in the privacy of their bedrooms with their electronics.  Still I persist in finding an excuse to acquire a fresh Christmas tree, although I've made a few concessions along the way.

To date, there has never been a Christmas in my life without a fresh cut tree in my home.  This year (2017) was no exception.  My excuse was that I must have one for the annual Loving Garland Green Holiday Party in my home.  [I've used that excuse now for the past five years.]   

However I came closer than ever before to not having a fresh tree this year.  In case you are one of those with the fake trees, you may not have noticed but the price of Christmas trees has gone through the roof this year.  Just about the cheapest one you can find will cost $54.  I can remember when that price could have purchased a tree so tall that you would have to trim the top in order to fit the star on the top of the tree.  Well, no more.  It would cost over $100 to have such a tree this year.

With the firm decision to not have a tree in mind, I did make a concession and put some lights in my yard for the first time in my life.  I noticed that it was not without positive influence as a week later, my neighbors on either side of me also decorated their homes with outdoor Christmas lights.  Like  me they too have never had lights in their yards either.  HMMMMMM  I'm not saying but that reminded me of my father who often told my mother (to no avail) that we were absolutely not keeping up with the Joneses. {Remember that expression?]

Then yesterday when I was taking out the trash in cleaning preparations for the Christmas Party, I looked at the volunteer cedar coming up through my fence with a new appreciation.  As the old cliche goes, I killed two birds with one stone:  I satisfied the Garland Code Compliance monitors by removing unsightly wildness from my yard while at the same time attaining my fresh-cut evergreen for 2017.  I put it in a homer bucket with plenty of water, covered that with my Christmas tree skirt and set on top of a large empty plant pot turned upside down.

At first, I had the high-flown principles of having a "natural tree" and determined to decorate with branches of holly, rosemary and pine cones but that resolution did didn't last long.  By early afternoon, in addition to all the natural decorations I had added lights and other Christmas decorations from years past.

The party was a huge success.  It was a potluck with the best food ever--Much of it wholesome and tasty but all of it tasty.  A great fellowship with great friends.



What a Difference a Day Makes!


              Flowers in my yard December 6 and December 7 

Those of us who live in the DFW area live in Hardiness Zone 8a, which means that we can expect temperatures here to plunge to 10 to 15 degrees at least once each winter.  Thus, by the end of the first week in December we have had our first killing frost and most of the plants in our gardens are looking sad.

Still like other aspects of our lives, we are left with the memories of what once was and the dreams and hopes of what is to come in the new year. For the gardener this means remembering what grew well last year and dreaming about where you will grow those plants the coming year in your garden.  Of course, it is also in December when all the beautiful seed catalogs begin to arrive to cheer us up.

Citizen Science Report from North Garland High School's Experimental Garden Plot

In 2017 Jane Stroud, President of Loving Garland Green, did a fabulous job of keeping records of our harvest from the Garland Community Garden—especially records of our joint Citizen Science project with students from North Garland High School Environmental Club.  The student’s experimental bed was a space of approximately 100 square feet—about the size of a family garden in the back or front yard of the average Garland home.  The students tended the bed from April to the end of May and Loving Garland Green (mostly Jane) took over from June through September.  The experiment for 2017 officially ended the last Saturday in October with the harvesting of sweet potatoes. [Even though vegetables such as turnips, kale, and broccoli are still producing in the plot.]  We wanted to see how much produce it was possible to grow in one average-sized Garland vegetable garden.  The vegetables grown included, several varieties of peppers, okra, turnips, squash, pole beans, tomatoes, parsley, oregano, two varieties of eggplant, radishes, sweet potatoes, mustard greens, kale and collard greens.

According to Jane’s careful records, the student’s bed produced 143 pounds of produce at a total estimated savings after expenses of  $276.26.  Loving Garland Green donated 95 pounds of the produce from this bed to the Garland Good Samaritans.  In the rest of our garden at large, we estimate that we raised over 600 pounds of produce at an estimated dollar value of approximately $2,000 or more. Over 50% of this produce was also donated to charity.  All of the food grown at the garden is organically grown which increases market value 2 to 4 times. 

Food is expensive. We weighed 70 pounds of blackberries from the garden this year.  However additional poundage was picked and eaten by visitors.  We have 32 blackberry plants in our garden. The four in my yard, which I do keep close records on, produce 80 pounds a year. At an annual average of $3 for six ounces of organic blackberries, the value for just the 70 pounds from this one crop alone at the Garland Community Garden for 2017 is $558.00.  Next year I promise to keep closer and more accurate records of our blackberry harvest.  I estimate that harvest to be close to 200 pounds.

Based on four years experience:  here are my choices for what grows well in Garland


1. Pole beans – Even if you don’t have a lot of space you can easily grow pole beans in a large pot with a trellis.  Pole beans are prolific producers—from mid June to the first frost.  The organic varieties we chose included Kentucky Wonder and Italian flat green beans.

2. Blackberries – We prefer the thornless variety, as they are not as invasive as those with thorns.  You can pull up and pot replant those errant plants, or you can also sell them.  Nurseries charge $7 to $10 for a 12-inch bare root stick.  Average yearly price for blackberries is $3 for six ounces and they freeze well.  I especially like blackberries because they are drought tolerant perennials that produce year after year.  I have four vines in my yard that faithfully produce 80 pounds of blackberries each year.  This amounts to an average annual value of $639. Blackberries (if you like them) are the best garden investment for those living in the DFW area.

3. Kale, once established (if you can keep the tender seedlings away from the squirrels) will produce and produce.

4. Sweet Potatoes—particularly if you harvest and eat the leaves throughout the summer are a good investment.  Because of our heavy clay soil, I recommend you grow them in large pots filled with amended loose soil.  In addition to being an edible, they will look pretty on a patio or deck from June to the end of October when they are harvested.  Unlike the white or red potatoes, sweet potatoes do not belong to the nightshade family. Thus their leaves are edible and delicious in salads and stir-fries.


1. Lantana is great.  It is a hardy drought tolerant perennial that blooms from June  to December.  Stick it in the ground and it grows.

2. Zinnias are my favorite flower for a pollinator garden. They start blooming in late June and bloom up through the first frost.  They come in all sizes.  I prefer the giant ones.  Zinnias are heat and drought tolerant.

3. Wild Senna- This herb is not often mentioned for pollinator gardens but it is great.  The large yellow blooms begin in late July and last through the middle of October.  In fact, I like this plant so much I harvested seed from the one we have growing at the Garland Community Garden that I plan to give to friends as a Christmas present.



Among my stocking stuffers this year will be seed packets from plants that I’ve successfully grown in Garland.  Nothing says dependability quite like locally sourced seeds.  I’m making my own seed packets.  Below is one for Wild Senna—a great plant for pollinator gardens!



The holiday season officially began for me on Wednesday December 6 as I attended the Garland Noon Exchange Club’s annual Christmas Party for children.  It was an honor and pleasure to be a small part of helping 166 kids create some happy Christmas memories along with the Southern Belles, South Garland Football players, Naaman Forest Performance Choir and many Garland volunteers from various service organizations in our community.  December 6 was an especially appropriate day for this event since December 6 is the feast day of St. Nicholas who was the fourth-century bishop of a Greek province.  His reputation for piety inspired the tradition of leaving gifts for children on St. Nicholas Day.

The good heartedness of “giving back to others” permeated this event at all levels:  the adults from the Noon Exchange Club of Garland who organized, hosted and raised the funds for this event; the adults from many service organizations and individuals who assisted them; the youth from various high schools in our community who entertained and also assisted the younger students for whom the party was hosted. Then even the young guests themselves got into the act of giving back to others.  They colored and decorated cards and wrote messages of appreciation that will be sent to our troops overseas.

Volunteers from the Noon Exchange of Garland and other community service organizations at the Children’s Christmas Party hosted by the Noon Exchange Club of Garland – December 6, 2017


Some of the many student volunteers who entertained the children and assisted with making the event memorable for all


December is also the month for saying good-bye to the flowers in our yards—except, of course, for the pansies.

Tonight (Thursday December 7, 2017) we are looking forward to our first hard freeze here in Garland as the temperature is expected to drop to 23 degrees.  That means, of course, that most of the flowers in my yard will be droopy and on the way to the compost pile in a few days.  I ran around this morning taking photos of them.



Here in Garland there is no such thing as “the last rose of summer”.  Our roses usually last into December.  The photos above I took this morning (December 7, 2017).



Next year, if you can’t make it to Rockefeller Center for that tree lighting ceremony, I recommend you stop by the Garland Texas square for our tree lighting ceremony.  I’ve been to both and I’m equally impressed.  But even if you missed all the fun and pageantry of the 2017 tree lighting in Garland tonight, you can still stop by any night from now through January 1 to view our beautiful animated light show on our downtown square.


Fireworks and Christmas Lights—the holidays could not be more exciting than they are here in Garland, Texas.


Experience the magic and beauty of the season:  Visit the Garland downtown square any evening between now through January 1, 2017.



Speaking of lights, Charlie and I decorated my plum tree and a wire deer that a friend found curbside a few years ago and gave to me. That’s Santa Clause hanging on to the deer’s tail. December 7,2017


Cornish hens, hasselback potatoes and apple pie--Charlie did make the pie.  I knew he couldn't stay out of the kitchen!
Thanksgiving 2017

If Thanksgiving is any kind of reliable harbinger, the Holiday Season 2017 is indeed promising.  Thanksgiving 2017 will be marked in my diary as the Thanksgiving I discovered Kabocha squash and even made the entire Thanksgiving meal for Charlie and me--an unusual occurrence as I'm more or less the dishwasher and not the cook.  When I do cook, it has to be special and an adventure bordering on scientific experiment and so it was this Thanksgiving.     

Jane gave me a Kabocha squash Halloween week, just before she and Bob went off to Michigan for a holiday.  She told me that Kabocha squash is delicious.  I really didn't listen as I don't hold a lot of fondness for squash.  I find it bland and with a texture that leaves much to be desired as it is either mushy or stringy or both.  That squash, a little larger than an acorn squash, set on the kitchen counter for just about a month.

Then on Thanksgiving morning I impulsively decided to cook the squash instead of throwing it away.  Part of the skin looked as if it might be developing some mold, but it was still firm so I moved forward.  It's not the best of timing but tonight I read my October issue of Martha Stewart Living Magazine and discovered that she had devoted two pages to Kabocha!  Martha says:  "Don't be intimidated by the thick green skins (somewhat similar to the challenges presented by cutting an acorn squash)--a heavy chefs knife will to the trick."  She is right.  The most difficult thing about preparing Kabocha is cutting it and removing the seeds--which I saved.  I don't know if the squash I had was a hybrid or not, still I'll try a few of the seeds and order more for next spring from a reliable heirloom seed company.

I cut the Kabocha up, scraped the seeds off, and peeled the skin with a potato peeler.  It was not fun.  Then I put it in a steamer and cooked until it was done.  When I put it in the serving dish I put a little butter over it and that was it--not salt and no pepper.  The squash was a wonderful delicious surprise--Its texture is velvety smooth with a rich flavor that is a cross between pumpkin and sweet potato.  It was so good that I've giving it as a present to friends for Christmas.


As for the cornish hens, I have always associated them with pretentious wealthy British people. Don't ask me why--perhaps the name "Cornish".  Perhaps it's because I was raised in West Texas and don't know any better.  Although I grew up eating quail now and again as a kid in the late 1950's and early 1960's, I never thought of that as being fancy because my mom prepared them.  I never cooked a Cornish hen, but seeing them on display at the grocery store a few days before Thanksgiving I decided to purchase two of them.  They are reasonably priced at $2.99 each and we found that one was enough for two meals.  I followed instructions found online for cooking them: Chop up fresh rosemary, coarse pepper and salt.  Melt butter.  Squeeze a lemon over the hens.  Put a slice of lemon in  each cavity.  Pour the melted rosemary seasoned butter over the hens.  Put in oven at 450 for 20 minutes to brown along with Hasselback potatoes.  Then turn heat down to 350 and cook for 40 minutes.  Check with thermometer to ensure 165 degrees at the end. 

We had fresh cranberry sauce, gravy and green beans with pumpkin and apple pie for dessert.  A wonderful meal.  I've had all kinds of Thanksgivings in my life, but this was one of the best.  By the way Cornish hens are great!  Better than chicken and better than turkey.  But perhaps not better than quail.  



This year I think I'll wrap my plum tree in Christmas lights--something else I've never done--had outside Christmas decorations.


This Thursday is a special night in Garland.  It's the night we turn on our holiday lights around the downtown square. If you didn't see them last year, you absolutely must this year.  Downton Garland has the BEST the very BEST Christmas light display in all of the DFW area.  Come and see for yourself!  I know you will agree.


Christmas on the Square—Dec. 7

5:30 p.m., Downtown Square, Sixth and Main streets. Enjoy snow hills, photos with Santa, holiday foods, children’s crafts, pet adoptions and much more. As always, the attractions are free! Santa Claus will assist with the tree lighting at 7 p.m. and then spend the evening visiting with children about their holiday wishes. Garland ISD choirs will entertain the crowd with holiday classics beginning at 7:30 p.m.

Members of the Garland Fire Department will be stationed at the corner of Sixth and Main streets to collect new, unwrapped toys to be given to local children. After donating your gift, be sure to pick up some festival food and check out live ice carvings by James Pappas.

Parking for the event is free and will be available at the following locations: Central Library, Senior Center, First Baptist Church on Glenbrook and DART on Walnut St. For full event details including parking map, stage schedule and event map visit



What’s more fun for Cub Scouts than an Easter egg hunt?  Unearthing sweet potatoes in the Garland Community Garden November 2, 2017

Cub Scouts in the Garden November 2

Sweet Potato Lessons

Children are the biggest fans of gardens.  Perhaps children love growing things so much because they too are growing. Few things rival the enthusiasm of a child in the garden.  We closed out October with our Children’s Harvest Festival and we began the month of November with more children in the Garland Community Garden.

On Thursday, November 2, we entertained a local pack of Cub Scouts after school in the garden.  These young boys had the opportunity to harvest sweet potatoes and they were very enthusiastic about the process.  They assisted in overturning two large containers of sweet potatoes and dug through them finding the potatoes in soil.  In addition to harvesting the potatoes, the cubs were taught how to care for their potatoes after bringing them home.


A dad gets into the act showing the Cub Scouts how to grind teosinte by hand.  The Cubs learn that thousands of years ago, it was not that easy to prepare food. November 1 – Garland Community Garden

Teosinte Lessons

Following the sweet potato harvest, the scouts learned all about teosinte, the ancient mother of corn. We have a patch of it growing in the garden.  The history of modern-day corn began with teosinte at the dawn of human agriculture, about 10,000 years ago.

Teosinte doesn't look much like modern day corn, especially when you compare its kernels to those of corn.  The teosinte “cobs” are tiny with only six to 12 kernels. The cob itself is only about three inches long. However, at the DNA level, the two are surprisingly alike. They have the same number of chromosomes and a remarkably similar arrangement of genes.  The cub scouts enjoyed the opportunity to grind some teosinte kernels—in the same way that the ancients did and experienced first-hand all the work the ancients had to do in order to prepare their food.

The scouts were served organic popcorn and organic blue corn chips along with bottled water.  Our local Garland Noon Exchange Club provided the refreshments as well as the sacks and handout materials.  We are so grateful for their support of the children of Garland.


Brothers in the Garden November 2

After the Cub Scouts left and dusk was approaching, a father and his two sons stopped by the garden.  I was still loading up the truck with the materials I had used for the Cub Scout event.  These two brothers (ages 6 and 4), as often is the case with children, had hounded their father to stop at the garden they drove by.

As it would happen, we had a lot of green beans that needed to be harvested.  I gave each of the boys a sack and showed them how to pick beans. Each bean they found elicited additional squeals of delight from them.  Between the two of them they picked enough for dinner for their family of four.  It was their first experience at bean picking/grocery shopping at the garden.


Hayden in the Garden in November 7

It was already dark when Charlie and I drove past the Garden—6:30 or 7:00 pm.  We noticed a truck with its bright lights turned on the garden.  In the light we could see a man and a little girl down there so we stopped to see what was happening.  The man told me that he was driving past with the daughter who wanted to stop.  Hayden ( about 8 or 9 years of age) has been down at the garden many times.  Her dad said it was dark and no.  Then Hayden began to tear up.  Dads are usually suckers for their daughter’s tears so they stopped, even though it was dark.  The father explained to me why they were there and then introduced himself as Randan.  Turns out that Randan is a singer and guitarist that I had written about in one of my blogs about MarketPlace here in Garland.  I showed Randan and Hayden about the garden with the assistance of my phone flashlight and found some sun gold tomatoes for her to pick. 

Special moments in the garden like these are priceless, but they are all a part of why I too love the garden so much—it’s a great place for great experiences.


Photo from November 2016 Leaf Awareness Campaign – Last year We collected 713 bags at an estimated total of 21,290 pounds.  This may sound like a lot, but unfortunately 713 bags of leaves is tiny when measured against the bags of leaves that are likely taken each year from the homes of Garland residents to the Hinton landfill.  Given our approximate 80,000 households and estimating low at five leaf bags per household, we send close to a half million bags of leaves to the landfill each year.  Essentially what we are doing is removing potential soil from our community and sequestering it in a landfill where it cannot be used for many lifetimes—if ever.  It’s not a smart thing to be doing.


A lot of people in Garland still mistakenly think the bags of leaves they put curbside are picked up by Garland Environmental Services and mulched.  We know because we’ve asked a lot of people.  Bags of leaves left curbside in Garland are taken to the Hinton landfill where they are added to the landfill mass.  This is not the best choice.

The tree limbs and shrub trimmings left unwrapped on the curb in Garland are picked up and mulched and made available to the citizens.  Perhaps this is where the confusion comes in.  People just assume because the City picks up the tree branches and mulches them that they do the same with the bags of leaves.  They do not.

We love Garland.  We also believe that people need to know the truth in order to make the best decisions—for themselves and for their community.  In regard to leaves, the most environmentally responsible decision is to recycle the leaves where they fall—either by simply leaving them alone, or by composting them and then using the compost to enrich the soil in the yard by replacing the nutrients and minerals that were used to make the leaves.  We are losing soil in our urban areas at an alarming rate. 

It is a serious ecological mistake for our city to carry an estimated 12,000 tons of leaves to the Hinton landfill each year.  Ideally leaves should remain very close to the place where they fall.  Decaying leaves are nature’s way of building new soil and replacing nutrients taken from the existing soil to grow those leaves.

This can be achieved simply through a public awareness campaign to:

1) Educate people that the leaves they put curbside go to the landfill. (Many of our residents mistakenly believe these leaves are recycled by Environmental Waste Services.)

2) Educate people regarding the better choices they have available to them.

When you have your leaves hauled off—whether it is to a landfill or to a recycle center such as they have in Plano Texas with their Texas Pure Products—you will still at some point in time need to replace nutrients and soil by purchasing it.  You will also deepen your ecological footprint by driving to the recycling center to pick up the soil (thus burning fuel for the trip and adding strain to the infrastructure and pollution to the air).

We are literally shipping the future soil out of our yards and to a landfill where no one can use it.


Although we recommend you mulch the leaves and use them in your own yard, we prefer that you don’t leave them curbside for the landfill.   You can bring them to the garden and leave them beside the green fenced compost area.

We will pick up a few leaves as we have time and drive by homes but Loving Garland Green does not offer a leaf pickup service—although this would be a great idea for someone who had the acreage and wanted to go into the garden soil and compost business.




Bailey, a Garland First Grader holds a worm as her father watches. One of the many garden experiences made possible by our Garland Texas Noon Exchange Club and Loving Garland Green at the Garland Community Garden on Saturday.  Margie Rodgers, one of Loving Garland Green founding members, helped make this lifetime memory for Bailey by handing her the worm.

And a Big Texas THANK-YOU to our Garland Noon Exchange Club!

Our Noon Exchange Club of Garland made yet another great event possible in our community on Saturday October 28, 2017.  They donated $250 for expenses of things such as color markers, printing for educational handouts, rocks to build a caterpillar, gift bags (with free seeds, handouts, loofahs and sweet potatoes) and refreshments for guests at the Garland Community Garden’s Fall Harvest Festival.

The Garland Texas Noon Exchange Club has been hosting great events for our community since 1982.  They are affiliated with the National Exchange Club.  This great organization has been serving their communities for 104 years.  For example, we have our Garland Noon Exchange Club to thank for Garland’s annual Labor Day Parade—one of the best and longest Labor Day Parades and celebrations in the USA.  They plan ahead!  If you are interested in being part of the Labor Day 2018 parade and celebration: Contact Rosie Neely, Secretary

Another outstanding event hosted by the Garland Texas Noon Exchange Club is their annual Kids Christmas Party.  They provide gifts for over 100 students in Garland who would otherwise have no Christmas.  This event is also about teaching the children in our community about the value and pleasure in giving and serving others as well.  Students in our local schools are involved and, along with citizens like you and me, they help in the fund-raising for this event.  This year Loving Garland Green will be sponsoring some children for this event.

To quote Javier Solis, Club President:   “Students from across the district who normally would not come together outside of competition work side by side to serve the children. The excitement of serving others helps plant the seed of community involvement, which we hope will carry on after they graduate from GISD.”  If you would like to be part of this great event, contact Rosie at the link above.

IN GARLAND WE ARE PROUD OF OUR FLAG, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR MONARCHS.  Yvonne Divine, a member of the Garland Noon Exchange Club donated an American Flag to the Garden and Javier Solis, Noon Exchange Club President installed it.  To date members of Loving Garland Green have tagged and released almost 100 Monarchs.  Burgi and Jim Bartlett have 18 Monarch pupas that are almost ready to eclose.  These will definitely be the fifth generation that will fly to Mexico soon.


A Great Event for Families, Children and Youth!

Children and adults posed as Monarchs at the garden.  Above we have Jack and Erin.   


This year in the Garland Community Garden we had eleven large pots of sweet potatoes growing.  On Saturday we harvested all but three of them which we are saving for a class of elementary students this week.  When harvesting sweet potatoes, there are a few rules:

1. Do not leave them in the ground after the leaves die because, unlike other root crops such as carrots, sweet potatoes will rot.

2.  Be gentle when removing them from the soil.  Their skin is tender and thin at first.

3. Gently brush off as much soil as possible with your hands.  Don’t wash.

4.  Put in a dry place and leave them alone for at least a week. 
     [Sweet potatoes need at least a week to toughen their skins and develop their flavor.  When eaten right away they will be tasteless.]


DUMPING A SWEET POTATO POT - The sweet potato pot shown above is from the North Garland High School Environmental Club’s garden.   Beaver MST first grade students decorated this pot for the club in April at the Garland Community Garden.


DUMPED POT - We planted 14 different varieties of sweet potato slips this spring at the Garland Community Garden.  Some varieties are darker than others.  As you can see the difference:  the dark red potato is at the left as compared to the orange one on the right.


Sweet Potatoes from the Garland Firewheel Farmers’ Market- One never knows what will happen with a root crop.  Thus we purchased some organic sweet potatoes to make sure there were enough for all guests to have one to take home.



ROCK AND WIRE CATERPILLAR-  This new addition to the Garland Community Garden was created by the children visitors with a little assistance from Margie Rodgers, an officer of Loving Garland Green’s board and a founding member.  We decided to put it in the spiral herb garden—appropriate since Margie is one of the members who built this bed.


Jane Stroud, President Loving Garland Green, assisting students from North Garland High School Environmental Club in weighing the harvest from their garden.  Their garden plot of 100 Square feet has produced 140 pounds of produce this year and over 80% of it has been donated to the Garland Good Samaritans.  The Garland Community Garden has produced approximately 600 pounds of produce this year and approximately 70% of that has been donated to the Garland Good Samaritans.



A FLAMINGO IN THE GARDEN - Yes that’s Anna Maria DeYoung, president of Flamingo Neighbors, a local nonprofit here in Garland Texas who promote neighbors getting to know neighbors as a means of fun and crime prevention.  Anna Maria acquired an old Dallas Morning News stand from our Vital Neighborhoods City Department.  Then together with Loving Garland Green, we got the newsstand transformed and registered as a Little Free Library down at the Garland Community Garden.