

Unfortunately it seems that many of our city parks in the USA put too much emphasis on fields for aggressive sports activities and not enough emphasis on nature and the importance of growing things which teach the values of patience, humility and respect and awe for the natural world.  Fortunately for us in Garland we have several parks that combine both and even a few that seem entirely devoted to nature and family gatherings. And of course, we have the great Garland Community Garden.

If you live in Texas and you really love gardens, of course you should visit the Garland, Texas Community Garden--a garden that I founded in 2013 with a few good friends. It is a unique garden for many reasons.  It has all the usual  edibles found in a community garden--tomatoes, okra, broccoli, etc.  It also has many drought-tolerant plants native to other places in the world that happen to grow well in Texas with little care such as  Cardoon, jujube and Amaranth.  We also have ancient plants such as Teosinte, the mother of modern-day corn which began its history in Central America centuries ago as well as various native plants that once graced our Blackland Prairie such as inland sea oats.

Gardens are wonderful sanctuaries where people can regain peace of mind--very important places for human beings.

Texas Monthly recently published ‘A Guide to Texas Best Botanical Gardens” in the article below.  These gardens include the Amarillo Botanical Garden; The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in south Austin; The Zilker Botanical Garden, an oasis in urban Austin; The South Texas Botanical Garden and Nature Center of Corpus Christi; Fort Worth Botanic Garden; Dallas Arboretum  and Botanical Garden; El Paso Zoo and Botanical Gardens; also El Paso’s Chihuahuan Desert Gardens; Keystone Heritage Park’s Desert Botanical Garden located in Ft. Davis; Houston Botanic Garden; Mercer Botanic Garden (just outside Houston); The National Butterfly Center in Mission Texas; New Braunfels features a well-kept garden plot beside the home of Ferdinand Lindheimer known as the father of Texas botany  who fled Germany in 1833 when his reformist political beliefs put him at odds with his family and the German government [Not all but some gardeners are radical activists.]; Orange, Texas has the Shangri La Botanical Gardens and Nature Center; In San Antonio we have the “Frida Kahlo Oasis,” the San Antonio Botanical Garden  



Always a shady spot somewhere in the garden for people to gather and chat


Such a nice celebration in one of the nicest places in Garland!  If you are looking for conformity, uniformity or status quo, then the Garland Community may not be the place for you.  However, if you are seeking the unusual, pleasant encounters, and a feeling of contentment where edges of the wild meet with those of civilization, then the Garland Community Garden is definitely a place where you will enjoy spending time.  Many use words such as “healing” and “peaceful” to describe the atmosphere of the garden--a large area with enough ancient pecan trees to provide shade somewhere in the garden all day long.

In addition to being a community garden, our surrounding wooded area is a certified National Wildlife habitat. This is one of the reasons we use no pesticide or herbicides in our garden.


A Day Filled with Happy Surprises

Most of the jujubes were eaten and the few that remained were taken home by our guests.  I had expected to bring most of them back home. People are more willing to try new food than I realized.  Even the youngsters gobbled down several.

Pam Swendig, Director of our local Good Samaritans, came bearing lots of gifts for Loving Garland Green and our guests:  a huge box of garden seeds, lots of sanitary wipes, and the promise of one of the lovely turquoise picnic tables from Good Samaritan’s. In case you don’t know the story of the turquoise picnic tables, The Turquoise Table was an unintentional movement started in Austin, Texas by Kristin Schell in 2013 and has reached homes around the globe. Today all fifty states have at least one turquoise table.  One day, Kristin decided to have the delivery service leave her picnic table in the front yard instead of the back and proceeded to paint it her favorite color, turquoise.  Kristin soon noticed that people started stopping and talking and that there were so many neighbors she had not met or did not know as well as she wished she had. The table became a social meeting place that brought together everyone and helped form a community focused on family, friends and most importantly, hospitality. Kristin realized she had stumbled upon something most Americans were missing, authentic and meaningful conversations with the people around them and their families.

I had a similar front-yard experience, oddly enough, also in the spring of  2013. I had only shade in my back yard so I decided to dig up my front lawn and plant vegetable and blackberries, along with a few peach trees and a couple of pomegranate trees.  People driving by would stop to talk to me about my work in progress.  I began counting the people who stopped and got out of their cars to talk to me.  Over the course of two months, over 150 people had stopped.  I decided we need a community garden and then on April 24, 2014 we installed our first bed at what is now the Garland Community Garden.

Young people love gardens too!


Linsey Gilbert, School Nurse at ParkCrest Elementary, Stopped by Today


Looks like Kristy is telling Linsey a  tall garden tale.

A few years ago, Linsey spearheaded the development of a wonderful school garden at ParkCrest Elementary.  She brought together many elements of community--many of our local master naturalists such as Reba Collins and David Parrish, our Garland Neighborhood Vitality Department, and members of Loving Garland Green worked with Linsey to achieve her award-winning dream. Due to a recent discovery of tainted soil, the EPA is removing the soil and will be helping Linsey to restore the garden to an even greater condition for use by teachers, students, and the surrounding community.

Kristy, the "Okra Angel" Stopped By


Kristy eats a Jujube for the first time and likes it!

Almost every time I am in the garden, I meet someone new.  This week Kristy stopped by as I was weeding a bed.  She asked if she could pick the large okra for me.  She really felt like an answer to my prayers.  It was already getting hot and I had only minutes before had the thought “Oh gosh. I have to cut okra before I leave.”  If you don’t cut okra--especially that which has grown too large, it discourages the proper development of more okra.  You really need to pick okra daily as most Texas gardeners will tell you.



We were happy to see Angela Verlah, one of our Loving Garland Green members at the Garden. Angela, originally from Africa, is one of our more enthusiastic gardeners.  She and her daughter maintain two large beds.



There are many other happy memories of the day, but I would like to close with a special thank you to the members who helped with this event:  Jane Stroud, Charles Bevilacqua, Nancy Seaberg, Margie Rodgers, Gunvat Patel (Pat).  Also, a special thank-you  to Nancy Tunell of our Garland Neighborhood Vitality department and of course to our Garland Parks and Recreation personnel who keep the meadow in front of the garden beautifully mowed



We have save a spot just for you in the shade!




Come to the Garland Community Garden for the Fall Garden Fest with lots of freebies which include common milkweed seeds as well as seeds from other plants  we have grown in 2021 as well as gifts from our own Garland Neighborhood Vitality.


Come tell others about your gardening experiences from 2021 and before. What have you been most successful at growing?  

Walk around our garden and look at all the seedlings coming up for our Fall Garden.  We have turnips, beets, butternut squash and broccoli to name a few.  You’ll also see plenty of swallowtails and Monarch butterflies.  At just about any time of day, some part of our garden is in the shade.  We have our tables and chairs set up in a shady spot.

We also have some more exotic plants growing as well:

Look for Cardoon in our Multicultural bed.


Amaranth is another ancient lovely at the garden.  The Aztecs used the grain and ate the leaves which can be an unusual addition to any salad.

We have peas reaching for the ski surrounded by giant zinnias.


We have several stands of Common Milkweed--the home for Monarch caterpillars  .

Our lemon grass is huge!


Come see our Jujube tree and try a jujube fruit.  We have many individually wrapped in plastic bags.

Search our milkweed patches and see if you can find a Monarch caterpillar.

See our two new beds that we have devoted to the Good Samaritans of Garland.




I’ve been preparing seed packets for our Gardener’s Fest on Sunday Sept 19 from 1 to 3PM.  Thus far, I have 100 seed packets (Luffa, cantaloupe, cucumber, tomato, common milkweed, and okra). I’ll also bring three very small jujube trees; some butternut squash transplants and some blackberry transplants.  All this seed packaging activity reminded me how important seed saving is and why I encourage it.


#1 Reason:  To preserve genetic diversity

Seeds have become the domain of just a few big companies. These companies focus their attention on just a few varieties of each crop. It is cost-efficient for them to focus on selling the most popular and they can more easily control their patents on a few varieties as opposed to the plethora of choices offered by nature .  As farmers and gardeners stop saving seeds, we lose more and more varieties.

Losing seed diversity makes us all more vulnerable. While we love all of our open-pollinated and heirloom varieties for many reasons, like flavor, beauty, and frost resistance, just to name a few, we might also really need a variety’s particular traits someday.  For example, if a variety develops a vulnerability to a blight, there are fewer and potentially no other varieties of that plant in existence to cross pollinate with. 

A few years ago, Texas A&M was doing experiments with cross-pollinating of varieties of corn with Teosinte, the original plant from which all modern corn comes.  Why?  Because this ancient mother of all corn is highly disease resistant.  If people had not been wise enough along the way to save seeds from Teosinte, this would not have been possible. As a food, Teosinte has little value to the modern human.  It only has 8 to 12 kernels per ear.  They are very hard. The ancient ones of Guatemala where Teosinte originated,  pounded these kernels into meal which then was made into bread.  A friend of mine who was working on these experiments gave me some Teosinte seed.  I still have some saved.  We grew it in the garden for a few years.  We’ll plant some again in 2022.

Planting seeds from Plants Grown in Your Local Area are the Best!

These plants have adapted to your local climate and weather conditions and generally have a much better chance for being healthy than those from commercial seeds.  By the way, save the seeds from your largest and healthiest plants as not all plants (and thus their seeds) are created equal.


Saving seeds is a good way to connect with your Loved ones.
If your parents or grandparents are avid gardeners, ask them to save seeds from plants they have grown.  Growing plants from these seeds is a wonderful way to feel continuity with them for generations.

Continue your education about Seed Saving on the Internet as it abounds with related information.


Be sure and mark your Calendar for this Sunday, September 19th!  From 1 to 3PM Loving Garland Green is having a garden fest at the Garland Community Garden.  Bring your seeds and plants to share along with your best garden story.  We are located at the junction of Brand and Naaman School Road in Garland 75040.


Green Bush Beans:  Plant by September 15. - 45 days to maturity {Harvesting around Halloween]

Lima Bush Beans:  Plant by September 15. -65-75 days to maturity. [About Thanksgiving]

Beets:  Plant by October 1 -  50-60 days to maturity {About Dec 1]

Broccoli:  Plant by September 30 - 60 days to maturity

Brussels Sprouts :  Plant by September 30 - 60 to 100 days to maturity

Cabbage:  Plant by September 30 - 60 to 90 days to maturity

Carrots: Plant by September 30 - 70-80 days to maturity

Cauliflower:  Plant by September 20 - 70 - 90 days to maturity

Chard Swiss:  Plant by September 15 - 45 -65 days to maturity

Collards:  Plant by September 22 - 60 to 80 days to maturity {transplants are available at nurseries now]

Kale:  Plant by September 22 - 50  to 80 days to maturity

Kohlrabi:  Plant by September 20 - 65 to 75 days to maturity

Lettuce:  Plant by September 30 - 40 to 60 days to maturity

Mustard:  Plant by September 30 - 30 to 40 days to maturity

Onion Plants:  Plant by September 15 - 80 to 120 days to maturity

Onion Seeds:  Plant by September 22 - 80 to 120 days to maturity

Parsley:  Plant by October 8 - 70 to 80 days to maturity

Peas English:  Plant by November 3 -  65-90 days to maturity

Radish:  Plant by Plant by November 17 - 25 -40 days to maturity

Spinach:  Plant by November 3 -40   to  60 days to maturity

Turnip:  Plant by November 3 - 30 to 60 days to maturity


NOTE: Your fall garden in North Texas can have even more edibles, but these should be planted in August and  definitely before the end of the first week in September:  Winter Squash (such as Butternut and Acorn Squash);  pole beans, corn, cucumber, eggplant, okra, Irish potato, pumpkin, tomato.  You can still try your luck with most of these if they are healthy transplants but seeds are not recommended.



Things are coming together as we approach the Sunday September 19th Event at the Garland Community Garden 1-3PM

I'm relieved for the rain to keep me out of the garden this morning but I've been working at my computer on some descriptions for the plants I'll be donating to our plant/seed exchange.  We will have many pots of Lemon Balm.  We have lemon balm all over the garden.  It grows well in North Texas and seems to thrive on neglect.

It was used as far back as the Middle Ages to reduce stress and anxiety, promote sleep, improve appetite, and ease pain and discomfort from indigestion (including gas and bloating, as well as colic). Even before the Middle Ages, lemon balm was steeped in wine to lift the spirits, help heal wounds, and treat venomous insect bites and stings. Today, lemon balm is often combined with other calming, soothing herbs, such as valerian, chamomile, and hops, to promote relaxation. It is also used in creams to treat cold sores (oral herpes).

Native to Europe, lemon balm is grown all over the world.  The plant grows up to 2 feet high, sometimes higher if not maintained. In the spring and summer, clusters of small, light-yellow flowers grow where the leaves meet the stem. If not carefully controlled, lemon balm can quickly become invasive in the garden. Often, people mistakenly think that lemon balm is invasive due to its roots, like its cousins peppermint and spearmint, but in fact it’s the seeds of the lemon balm plant that cause this herb to suddenly take over a garden. Removing the flowers of the plant as soon as they appear will make your lemon balm far less invasive.


RECIPE:  Lemon Balm Pesto


  • 3/4 cup lemon balm leaves firmly packed
  • 1/2 cup pine nuts
  • 3/4 cup Parmesan cheese
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 TB lemon juice
  • 1 tsp fresh chives
  • salt and pepper to taste


1.              Place all ingredients in a food processor and pulse until smooth.

2.              Add salt and pepper to taste.

3.              Store in an airtight container for up to one week in the refrigerator or 3 months in the freezer.


The first of August, or perhaps last week of July, I posted an article on regrowing Romaine Lettuce and promised you an update.  Here it is.

Now I remember.  It had been a few years since I had done this, but the second week of August I cut off the top of some Romaine Lettuce and stuck it into water to grow.  It grew great the first two weeks.  Then, I put it in soil and gradually it began to get spindly and finally during the first week of September, it bit the dust.  Perhaps the solution is to eat the leaves when it is only about five inches tall and call it "gourmet baby lettuce."

Now it looks like the one I started a week later in August is headed down the same path.  I may try it again, but this time leave it in the water.  Several years ago I tried this with celery and it grew so well that I transplanted it into the Garden where it grew really well and I harvested off it for over two months.


I have successfully grown sweet potatoes for several years.  I decided to try my luck at growing potatoes that unlike sweet potatoes, belong to the nightshade family. [Many folks don't know this but the leaves of the sweet potato can be eaten as a fresh or cooked green but don't try this with other potatoes as they are member of the nightshade family!]

I followed the rules and ordered seed potatoes from a seed catalog.  No only were they late in coming (took a month), they were rotten!  So I went to the grocery store and bought  1.5 pounds of small red potatoes and  1.5 pounds of Irish Gold potatoes.  

I planted them about 10 days ago which is past the last date for planting potatoes in our area for a fall garden a that date is usually not past August 1.  Five days after planting the red potatoes germinated.  The small Irish Gold potatoes have get to germinate. [Note: one of the reasons to order seed potatoes is that you can be guaranteed they haven't been treated with anti-sprouting chemicals which some  of those found in grocery stores have been. 


The first of August, or perhaps last week of July, I posted an article on regrowing Romaine Lettuce and promised you an update.  Here it is.

Now I remember.  It had been a few years since I had done this, but the second week of August I cut off the top of some Romaine Lettuce and stuck it into water to grow.  It grew great the first two weeks.  Then, I put it in soil and gradually it began to get spindly and finally during the first week of September, it bit the dust.  Perhaps the solution is to eat the leaves when it is only about five inches tall and call it "gourmet baby lettuce."

Now it looks like the one I started a week later in August is headed down the same path.  I may try it again, but this time leave it in the water.  Several years ago I tried this with celery and it grew so well that I transplanted it into the Garden where it grew really well and I harvested off it for over two months.


I have successfully grown sweet potatoes for several years.  I decided to try my luck at growing potatoes that unlike sweet potatoes, belong to the nightshade family. [Many folks don't know this but the leaves of the sweet potato can be eaten as a fresh or cooked green but don't try this with other potatoes as they are member of the nightshade family!]

I followed the rules and ordered seed potatoes from a seed catalog.  No only were they late in coming (took a month), they were rotten!  So I went to the grocery store and bought  1.5 pounds of small red potatoes and  1.5 pounds of Irish Gold potatoes.

I planted them about 10 days ago.  Five days after planting the red potatoes germinated.  The small Irish Gold potatoes have get to germinate. [Note: one of the reasons to order seed potatoes is that you can be guaranteed they haven't been treated with anti-sprouting chemicals which some  of those found in grocery stores have been.



On April 24 we celebrated our 7-year anniversary.  Sunday September 19th from 1 to 3 PM we will be celebrating our 2021 spring and summer gardens by sharing seeds and plants and swapping garden stories.

We are also planting a fall/winter garden in two raised beds.  One bed will be planted with winter greens seeds and the other one with root vegetable seed.  Our guests who want to participate will be invited to plant the seeds which Loving Garland Green will furnish--especially fun for children.  After planting the seeds, you can visit the garden often to watch them grow.  It's more fun than you may think.  The produce from these two beds will be devoted entirely to the Good Samaritans of Garland.

The Garland Community Garden is a little different from other community gardens. Our mission is to raise public awareness of the fun and healthy aspects of growing some of the food you eat.  Our garden is not designed for mass production. There is no uniformity to the garden whatsoever.  Our beds have come into being in the same organic fashion as the plants that grow in them.  We are here to have fun and inspire others.

This morning I am making the signs for these to beds.  I'll share them with you.  Hope to see you September 19th!  Bring seeds from plants. you've grown this year and plants to share as well if you have them.  I'm digging up some blackberries from my yard today.  Also I'll have a few small jujube trees as well as Okra and Luffa seeds to share. 

I'm really interested to see how the Komatsuna spinach grows.  I know from experience that Mustard grows like a weed in our area.  But a little bit of it goes a L-----ong  way.  In fact, I'll just go out on a limb and say that I don't like it.  But the Komatsuna sounds promising--provided that it grows like mustard and tastes like a tangy spinach.





Root vegetables were very important to people of the world before refrigeration because they kept so well.  After harvesting they were stored in underground cellars, appropriately called "root cellars."  In addition fo the following root vegetables we already have sweet potatoes, baby red potatoes and Irish gold baby potatoes growing at the garden.  In addition to winter greens, other winter crops include varieties of winter squash such as Acorn squash and Butter nut Squash.  We have an entire large bed of Butternut squash in the garden that had already sprouted and should be producing by Thanksgiving. Broccoli and cabbage are two other popular plants for fall/winter gardens.



1. Prepare your own garden tale to share with others.  If you want to immortalize it write it down or be prepared to give others a link to you site where they can learn more.  Please limit to 5 minutes.

2.  Prepare a few seed packets of vegetables that grew well in your garden during 2021 to share with other gardeners.



1. Welcome by current Loving Garland Green President Elizabeth Berry

2. Introductions and garden tales

As we go around and introduce ourselves, people will have the opportunity to tell us about their gardening experiences for the past year, what/if they have planted a fall/winter garden, what grew well for them this past year, etc.--anything garden-related they want to talk about, perhaps even the story of how you started gardening in the first place

3. Plant and seed exchange

Those attending are invited to bring seeds and plants to share/exchange with others.  

Save seeds now from any vegetable that grew well in your garden this year and bring them to share with others.  Nothing is more reliable than seeds from successful plants grown in the area where they will be planted the next season.

4. Announcement of upcoming Sweet Potato & Luffa Shucking Event - October 24, 2021

We will close out the first hour by telling people about our next garden event.



We will present a  fall/winter garden in  two metal box beds.  One plot will contain winter greens like kale and perpetual spinach and the other will be turnips and beets.  These beds are designated 100% to The Good Samaritans of Garland Texas.  This organization does so much good for the homeless and those who are in food crisis in our community.



There will be Give Away items while they last:  Seeds, plants, fresh jujube fruit (tastes like small apples).

We will also feature jujube snacks that are available at local Asian markets.