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University of Dallas Ministry Conference to Walk Together in Faith

 The ninth annual University of Dallas Ministry Conference will be held from October 22 through 24 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas. “Participants will truly ‘walk together in faith,’ by attending these significant keynote addresses and ministry-specific breakout sessions, participating in mass and prayer services, perusing the exhibitions, admiring the liturgical art display and listening to Christian musical performances,” says Bishop Kevin Farrell, of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas.

The event features two keynote addresses, one in English and one in Spanish, on Friday, and several plenary addressed in both languages on Saturday. There are session tracks specifically designed for teachers, catechists and general Catholic audiences, including talks on faith, parenting and social justice. Sessions will be offered in English, Spanish and Vietnamese, and the conference will also host more than 100 exhibitors, a liturgical art display, musical performances by well-known and up-and-coming Catholic artists, several prayer services and a conference mass.   Preregistration is $75 for members of the Dallas Diocese, $85 for nonmembers. Location: 650 S. Griffin St. On-site registration is $100. For more information, visit

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