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Jennifer Trejo, Founder Abundant Life Wellness Ctr

Metroplex Naturopath Gives Eight Reasons to Have a Thermogram

 “My breasts are always tender and mammograms are very painful.”

During a thermogram, the high-tech infrared camera scans breasts from across the room, without compression and without pain.

 “I have dense breasts.”

Mammograms have trouble seeing through these dense tissues, but thermograms can provide valuable information on dense breasts.

 “I am in my 30s and have a family history of breast cancer.”

Routine mammograms are not recommended until women are 40 years old. A thermogram can give information years before that first mammogram.

 “I have breast implants.”

There is absolutely No risk of an implant rupturing during a thermogram because there is no compression.

 “I’m worried about the radiation from mammograms.”

A routine mammogram comprises two views of each breast and contains up to 0.2 rad per X-ray (a rad is a measure of radiation dose). Radiation accumulates in breast tissue, and each 1.0 rad of exposure increases the risk of breast cancer by 1 percent. Thermograms use infrared scanning. No radiation is involved.

 “My mammogram was normal, but I’m still concerned.”

Mammograms detect changesin anatomy; a thermogram is a test of the body’s physiology. For additional peace of mind, add a thermogram for a proven increase in detection sensitivity.

 “My doctor found a lump and told me not to worry.”

Thermography detects heat. A “hot” lump is a greater concern than a “cold” lump. For more information, get a thermogram.

 “I’m concerned that a thermography finding will make me worry unnecessarily.”

Like many emerging technologies, it has been suggested thermogram gives a false positive response when an area of concern is identified despite having a normal mammogram. A positive thermographic change is similar to finding plaque in an artery before having a heart attack. All warning signs that afford an opportunity to intervene for health should not be considered false positives.  

 For more information, contact Naturopath Doctor Jennifer Trejo, of Abundant life Wellness Center,at 817-847-0900 or visit


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