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More than ever, kids today are spending more time indoors at home and at their desks at school. Our children’s activities and definitions of “fun” shouldn’t be limited to television, iPads and video games. More than ever, kids today are more stressed, living in a hurry-up world.

Yoga allows us to interact with our children in a playful way by fueling their imagination and lust for life. Yoga keeps children fit, excited and curious, while still proving educational. With time, a consistent yoga practice can help develop their emotional and social skills, among numerous other mental and physical benefits.

These benefits include boosting confidence; increased focus; creating a sense of calm; building physical, mental, social and emotional strength and flexibility; cultivating resilience; developing mindfulness; and self-regulation.

Children that are calm, relaxed, happy and focused are easier to teach. Watch these amazing benefits ripple out into the children’s home environment, into the community and beyond.


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