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October, Breast Health Month, in is a reminder of a crucially important issue, but we must have some way to know if our breasts are truly healthy. Breast tissue can be influenced by a number of different factors, and symptoms often reflect imbalances in other organs and systems of the body.  For example, breast tissue is primarily lymphatic tissue, which is part of our immune system, as well as a contributor to our hormonal health.  Knowing how the lymphatic system is functioning is important because the health of the lymphatic system is a major contributors to breast health. Thermography is one of the very few ways to evaluate lymphatic functioning.

Another contributing factor is dental health. Each of our teeth sits on one of our acupuncture meridians, and issues with teeth or the surrounding gum tissue connected to meridians affecting the breasts are a very common underlying cause of a change in health.  Thermography is also one of the few ways we can evaluate the health of the gums and their related effect on breasts and other organs. All of our organs affect breast health. If the liver is overburdened or the digestive system is not functioning optimally, these imbalances can contribute to changes in the breasts, as well.

For women, each thermography report includes a full-page breast analysis that rates breast health on a scale from one to 12, notes contributing factors and points out the extent to which several key factors are contributing.  It also gives a 2-D graphical representation to pinpoint specific areas of concern.

Whole-body regulation thermography is a painless, non-invasive and radiation-free technology that can help determine the overall health of the breasts and give great insight into those contributing factors. This means no more guesswork; you know which areas of the body need support and balance in order to positively influence breast health. In addition, regulation thermography can very often see changes in the tissues seven to 10 years before they become symptomatic, which could allow imbalances to be corrected before they lead to larger issues. 

Whether using thermography or other diagnostic modalities, it is important to have a real understanding of our breast health. Regulation thermography is uniquely designed to fill the gaps left by many other diagnostic tools in our understanding of causative factors and can be a highly useful tool in our breast health toolbox.



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