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The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Healthy Texas initiative works with employers to build employee wellness programs using research- and evidence-based education. From meal planning and nutrition to physical activity, these programs can help businesses and organizations provide healthier solutions for their employees.

On February 16, the Building a Healthy Workplace: Research Meets Practice conference will provide businesses tools and resources for businesses. Building a Healthy Workplace features Ninfa Peña-Purcell, Ph.D., providing businesses a guidebook and information for establishing employee health needs, and then building educational programing to meet those needs. Employers will be able to view a variety of low-cost programs that will help improve their employee wellness.

According to findings from the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans Workplace Wellness 2017 Survey Report, nearly 75 percent of employers offer wellness initiatives to focus on improving overall worker health and well-being, which contributes to lower absenteeism and increased work productivity.

In one such program, Step Up & Scale Down, a 12-week program that focuses on accountability, weight management, physical activity and nutrition, participants go through a weekly class that includes a weigh-in, a stay-the-course challenge, healthy recipes and cooking tips from the Dinner Tonight program, and a weight-loss planner. Brittany Martin, a family and community health agent for Dallas County, says, “Step Up & Scale Down is a great program to do with a coworker, friend or family member. It is always easier to reach your goals when you have support.” In 2017, the average weight loss was six pounds during the 12 week course.

The weekly classes can be offered online, face-to-face or a hybrid, depending on the needs of the organization and individuals. The Step Up & Scale Down program is based on USDA Dietary Guidelines, which are intended to help Americans choose a healthful eating plan. “Step Up & Scale Down is a researched-based program that has proven success in weight management and building healthy lifestyle habits,” says Regional Program Leader Paula Butler.

For more information, call 972-952-9265 or visit



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