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Urban agricultural start-up Turn has launched a food waste pickup service for restaurants, businesses, special events and residents of Dallas, in zip codes 75204, 75206, 75214, 75218, 75228 and 75238. They can choose from three different subscription options or elect a one-time pickup of seasonal organic items.

At least 30 percent of what goes into the landfill is compostable kitchen and yard waste. Turn picks it up puts it to good use with local farms and gardens to feed their animals and their compost piles. So far, partners includes Bonton Farms, Texas Worm Ranch, Urban Chicken Inc., the Green Restaurant Association and the Lakewood Elementary School Garden.

Co-founder Lauren Clarke says, “We’re passionate about connecting different pieces of the local food cycle and providing a comprehensive service that makes it easy for residents and businesses to do the right thing. DFW is one of the fastest growing metroplexes in the United States, and there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be doing this, as other cities across the U.S. are.”

Residential subscriptions start at $28; commercial clients can fill out a request form. For more information, visit



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