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The city of Dallas Sanitation Services Department is seeking four schools to transform a blank dumpster into a piece of art that will shine a light on the importance of recycling. Held in collaboration with EARTHx, at Fair Park, the Art 4 Dumpsters contest is open to any middle school and high school in the Dallas Independent School District to showcase their artwork on a city recycling dumpster from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. April 20, at EARTHx. Teams will comprise between four and 10 students and at least one adult chaperone from the school. Four winning schools will each receive cash prizes.

The intent of the project is to provide a creative message about recycling and how it affects the environment; increase awareness of the city’s recycling drop-off sites; provide a recycle container with artwork that reflects the community and culture of Dallas; allow student artists to exhibit their work on an unusual canvas in a highly visible area; and create a family-friendly event that communicates positive environmental messages through local art.

The artwork must use the recycling logo and incorporate Dallas into the theme. The dumpsters must be painted using weather-resistant materials.

The submissions deadline is April 8. Schools will find an application form with all details online at



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