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Don’t disrupt the immune system; use products with naturally sourced ingredients that will help to build, not disrupt, the immune system. Use biodegradable wipes to avoid clogging the sewer. Use products containing thyme oil and citric acid, which are proven to kill 99.9 percent of illness causing germs without chlorine and other endocrine-harming substances


Jenny and Kurt Kretsinger are the owners of Health & Wellness Co. For more information, call 214-683-9901 or email


Vitamin C and zinc. In many places, including China and even New York, these are proving to be great boosters. Make sure the vitamin C comes from a whole source. Drink plenty of water. Because the coronavirus goes for the respiratory system, good fluidization in the body will help things circulate all the way through as they should.


Do not give in to fear or panic. Fear leads to susceptibility; if we are afraid something may happen and we keep thinking about it, that opens the doors to allow it to happen. Trust that the human body has an innate desire to be well; it does not want to be sick. Focus on wellness and wholeness and good, healthy thoughts, and the chances are that we will be just fine. Take a walk out in the beautiful sun and get the vitamin D3 in. Breathe through the nose slowly, calmly and deeply—and smile.

Cathy Lemmon, BA, LCPH, CHP, is a member of the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths and owner of Healthy Healing Arts, LLC. For more information, call 469-383-8442 or visit and


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