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As young adults and teens, we need to start taking action on issues where we want to see something changed. We can’t just look at these issues and say someone else will do it. We were given a voice so now as teens need to use it, especially on issues that affect us more than they affect adults such as school shootings. We have to stop school shootings nationwide because we are the ones sitting in the classrooms not knowing if we are safe. We are the ones that go to school every day to get a good education. We don’t go to school to worry about whether or not we will come home that day or see our parents again. We are the ones in the classrooms, so we need to be the ones to make the change.

There are so many things that you can do on the school safety issue in your community such as starting a Dream Team club for school safety in your own school by going to This organization was started by my cousin’s mom after my cousin Alyssa was killed in the Parkland shooting. In Rockland County, you can join Youth Against Gun Violence (Students Demand Action). Established organizations can help you work toward school safety just by going to the meetings and sharing your opinions.

Another super easy thing that you can do is talk to your friends and spread the word on issues that are important to you. We need to use our voices and be heard. Speake out or get on the computer. There are so many ways that you can be part of the change for whatever you feel needs to be fixed in this world. We have the power to change the world with one click or post. It’s so easy for you to make your opinion heard loud and clear but you have to be willing to share. Once you share what you think, people will start to ask questions and you can help them to understand, as educating people is the first step to change.

If you don’t know a lot about something that you are interested in seeing changed, then ask or look it up so you can start being part of the solution. Whether you are interested in the environment, gun control, poverty or school safety, we all have the power to make a difference. So go out and change the world. When we speak in numbers, adults will listen.

To start a local chapter of Dream Team/Make Our Schools Safe, visit The Nyack School District currently has a chapter. To attend Youth Against Gun Violence meetings, contact yagv2018 via Instagram for meeting dates.



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