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For those of you who were able to tune in to the radio show this weekend I wanted to elaborate on some of the concepts we explored.  For those of you who were unable to this will be equally as beneficial, so please read on.   Speaking of nutrition & exercise was really exciting to do as they are both personal passions of mine.  There were many informative conversations had, but when I left the studio my mind continued to pose the same question the entire way home.  HOW do we determine what exercise is right for someone and what are the dynamics that contribute to that determination?  I pondered this question on my long drive home and I began to reflect on MY road to wellness through movement. 


Fortunately, I have always been a busy body and loved to move.  When I was younger I loved playing outside climbing trees, exploring, swinging, you name it.  I participated in athletics at a young age and grew an affinity for fitness throughout high school...always exercising during and after school.  Looking back, there was only one period of my life when I remember dreading physical activity.  It was when I decided to join a softball team at the ripe age of 9, playing with girls who had started when they were 4.  I remember not knowing ANYTHING and feeling completely INADEQUATE.  There were commands being yelled at me that may as well have been in Greek! 


I began to relate this feeling to those that are felt by individuals who have never been shown proper ways to exercise.  How discouraging inadequacy can be.  You know everything there is to know about the Great Ali and you feel a tug at your heart to box.  You watch Dancing with the Stars and are sure that somewhere inside of you lies a sleek dancer that can Foxtrot & Ramba.  So if this is what makes your heart feel bigger, then do it.  Rome was not built in a day, progress takes time.   It is our nature to move toward pleasure and away from pain.  So why is it that we seek movement & exercises that suit everyone and do not call to our own unique nature?  I know for certain that which brings me joy does not bring those closest to me the same feelings of ecstacy. 


Since I have been a small girl I have wanted to be a dancer.  I daydreamed on countless occasions of being able to move in a way as if I was floating.  I found such magic in movement.  I am not a dancer but I do practice Barre which is my form of dance.  I move in a way that makes my heart feel bigger and I receive AMPLE health benefits as a result.  There are so many forms of exercise that I GUARANTEE you will be able to find movement that brings you joy. 


The main rule I have for myself is to participate in activity that is of organic nature.  The quality of my workout always bares importance over the quantity.  Focusing on the integrity of my movements rather than 'keeping up' I am able to reduce my risk of injury and experience a greater mind/body connection.  The movements that I choose also emphasize working my body in balance; the front & back & top to bottom.  Creating this synergy in my body allows me to move more fluidly rather than over compensating with a particular muscle group I had most desired to exercise. 


Organic exercise is a term explored further by Dr. Gray Cook.  'The brain must combine some degree of flexibility, coordination, balance, strength, endurance and quickness in every movement. Why separate the attributes into packages?... . When we play, dance and perform athletics, we don't analyze (scrutinize) our movements-we synthesize (integrate, fuse, blend) our movements.'  I love the way in which he sums up this term of organic exercising.  We must synthesize our movements, we must synthesize our mind and our hearts too! 


For those of you who are feeling inadequate about exercise please allow this message to be directly for YOU!  I move because I love to, because I have found activities that bring me joy.  If I felt a sense of lack or torture when I was moving you better believe I would STOP doing it too!  However, sometimes the journey to your goal is difficult but that does not mean give up at the first chance of struggle, keep your eye on the prize.  I ask you today to make the promise to yourself to move, in whatever way makes you work up a sweat and feel joy.  


Below I have included 10 of my favorite health benefits of exercising.  If you are ready to start your joyous journey back to health email today for yourFREE consultation.

  1. Keep you young. Workouts such as brisk walking or cycling boost the amount of oxygen consumed during exercise. Improving your aerobic capacity by just 15 to 25 percent would be like shaving 10 to 20 years off your age.
  2. Reduce infections. Moderate workouts temporarily rev-up the immune system by increasing the aggressiveness or capacity of immune cells.
  3. Prevent heart attacks. Raises "good" HDL cholesterol, lowers blood pressure and reduces arterial inflammation
  4. Ease asthma. Upper-body and breathing exercises can reduce the need to use an inhaler in milder cases.
  5. Control blood sugar. Exercise helps maintain a healthy blood-sugar level by increasing the cells' sensitivity to insulin and by controlling weight.
  6. Protect against cancer. Exercise may reduce the risk of colon-cancer by speeding waste through the gut and lowering the insulin level. It may also protect against breast and prostate cancer by regulating hormone levels.
  7.  Combat stress. Regular aerobic exercise lowers levels of stress hormones. For many people, exercise helps relieve depression as effectively as antidepressant medication.
  8. Relieve hot flashes. Increasing fitness by walking or practicing yoga enhances mood and reduces some menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes and night sweats.
  9. Protect men's health. Pelvic exercises help prevent erectile dysfunction and possibly benign prostate enlargement, a common cause of urinary problems.
  10. Prolong life. Cuts the risk of premature death by about 50 percent for men and women.

Adapted from Consumers Reports, September, 2007


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