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  As I become more involved in the healing & natural living realm light has been shed on dark situations previously unbeknownst to me.  More specifically, my attention has been brought to the dishonesty & corruption of many of our current institutes.  For the sake of speaking within the realm of my educational background, I will speak of the integrity of the institutions that provide us our genetically modified daily bread...and a deluge of artificially contaminated pseudofoods.  

  Throughout my recent studies, a subject I became fascinated with was the bombardment of genetically modified foods into our food system.  I viewed a documentary in which farmers were sued over seeds, yes seeds.  I had access to videos, interviews and articles; the impetus pleas of scientists warning, producers of our foods, as to the known and unknown safety issues of these frankenfoods.  For those of you who are not familiar with the term genetically modified, I will briefly explain.  

  A genetically modified organism is one whose DNA has been altered for the purpose of improvement or correction of defects, according to the World English Dictionary.  An example of a genetically modified food is BT corn.  Scientists have genetically altered the DNA structure of corn to contain the BT pesticide in order to prevent crop die off, which can occur with pesticide spraying.  This means that even soaking your corn won't rid it of the harmful pesticides.  We must also consider the multitude of harmful side effects scientists have been warning food producers about.  Pre-cancerous cells in the digestive tract, smaller brains, livers & testicles, immune system damage, partial atrophy of the liver are just a few of the documented side effects of GMO fed rats.  In fact, the 'mutant proteins' that are formed saturate our gut and grow there, EVEN AFTER we have digested the food. 

WHY then have these foods been allowed to saturate our markets?!?!  AND not even be labeled for consumers to have the choice to decide their own fate.  

 The answer to the first part of that question, in my opinion, has to do with the mistress affair of our government and food production companies.  Did you know that Michael Taylor (former VP of Monsanto, the largest producer of GMO seeds & products) was given a newly created position as food safety guru for the FDA, under the Obama legislation?  Now doesn't this seem like a MASSIVE conflict of interest when the FDA's purpose is to evaluate the possible dangers of new ingredients and products yet Monsanto's company is responsible for producing GMO products with well documented adverse side effects, including fatality?  I must digress and say that it has only been in the last few years that there has even been any sort of acknowledgment in documenting studies, as to the safety of these products.   It has been up to the food production companies to ensure the safety of their products which means WE, the public, have been the laboratory test rats.  Unfortunately or fortunately, the people of our world have spoken and the consensuses about GMO’s have not been well received.  In fact, there are numerous countries that are banning the import of foods produced by the United States.  Let's not even get into what that could do for commerce!!  Proposition 37 was introduced in California, during the last election, to require mandatory labeling of all genetically modified foods so that the consumer has the option of playing Russian roulette with their health.  Sadly, this proposition did not pass.  However, all effort is not lost and I will include more info at the end of this blog for those of you who would like to know more about what YOU CAN DO. 

Obviously the subject of genetically modified foods can be discussed in lengthy detail but it is not the only food monster we must worry about on a daily basis.  Our standard American foods are also heavily laced with hydrogenated fats, high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, artificial colors & flavoring, additives all of which have been linked to diabetes, obesity, cancer, hypoglycemia, immune disorders, ADHD, infertility, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and the list could go on and on...Yet these foods are presented to the public in the most extravagant ways.  There are commercials of athletes performing extreme feats with the help of a certain product, promises of loving relationships and the ability to bring excitement to your life all by picking up their latest nutrition depleted, chemical infested products.  Unfortunately these messages sell and the warnings of their lengthy list of side effects do not. 

INTEGRITY, when did it leave the foundations of our country?  The United States were founded on the principle of integrity.  Our forefathers literally fought for our freedom, so that we may live on more just soil than that of preceding Britain.  For those of you unfamiliar with the term let me define it for you. Integrity is to adhere to moral and ethical principles; honesty, according to the World English Dictionary.  With this definition and the mounting evidence of the peril of our food, I think it is a fair assumption to say that integrity has left the building.  

  It is NOT moral OR ethical to sell food to the masses that is impeding their health.  Furthermore, we focus our efforts on searching for cures when the causes are right in front of our face and on our dinner plates.  I hope I can speak for many when I say that I want to know the quality & safety of the food I am buying & ingesting.  That it is safe to feed to my family and to my friends, otherwise are we not essentially living in a third world country?  My assumptions may seem exaggerated and amplified but I can assure you the environmental, economical, and health implications of these frankenfoods are not.  In fact, I have mentioned only briefly of the accounts that have been documented as to the severity of genetically modified & processed foods.  

  It is my belief that we can right our wrongs and bring our beautiful surroundings back to a state of harmony; even when the damage seems so far reaching, as does our current healthcare & food crisis.  In order to do so we must get back to the basics, to principles and morality.  When we are all operating from a place of moral ground then naturally less error occurs.  If there are moral men and women producing our food, educating our children and treating our ill then collectively we may heal these disparities not only of our nation, but of our world.  This ripple starts with YOU, and me of course.  No one, besides yourself, can make you stand on moral ground.  I can ask, demand, coax, holler, and beg for it but unless YOU allow integrity into your life it will remain only a word in a dictionary and a distant hope for our future.  Even though this ground is figurative you still have the opportunity, daily, to exercise your Integrity Muscle in EVERY choice you make.  Basically, how do you act when no one is around?  Do you honor your boss and his business when he is not watching?  If not, maybe there is a good place to start.  The beauty of integrity is that it will always grow AND the more you give the more you get.  Seriously, since I have been making the conscious effort to live with integrity new relationships have left and entered my life according to my needs.  


I want to leave you with a contemplation exercise. 

Where in your life can you be making decisions with more integrity?  Where can you start the ripple effect, small or large?  Can you become involved in an idea that is greater than yourself for the betterment of your fellow man? 


The last question stems from the earlier information about genetically modified foods, where can you become involved in the betterment of our food quality?  We have been lied to about the food we are being sold and it is not fair, it is not just, and it should not be tolerated.  I will provide a few links below as to how you can become involved if this is a subject that is of interest to you.  As always thank you for taking time from your day to read my thoughts and please forward to anyone you think may be interested.  We must share the gift of knowledge & health! 

Yours in the good fight,



Miss Nutrish

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