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Paul and Stephanie Jarrett

There are new vitamin supplements, frozen and fresh health foods, and health products launched every day. If you are looking to make a lifestyle change you know how challenging it is to keep up with what is on the market. It is even harder to find samples of these products to find out for yourself what works for your body and what doesn’t before you invest your hard earned money.  

In 2012, Paul and Stephanie Jarrett had just finished running the San Francisco half marathon. They were given a bunch of different samples of healthy products. “It was fun to receive them, but it got us thinking about how none of the companies were at the event gathering market data – and how difficult it must be for those companies supplying the samples to measure the return on their investment (ROI),” shares Paul.

Stephanie Jarrett worked in the nutrition industry and knew how difficult it can be to determine the ROI of distributing samples, and the industry spends billions doing it.

An idea sparked and in 2012 they launched Bulu Box. Bulu Box is a fun and easy way for people to discover vitamins, nutrition or other health products. You just sign-up for a monthly or annual subscription, and Bulu Box will send you a box filled with different premium sample products based on your health needs. You share what you think about the products by completing online surveys and engaging in social media promotion. In exchange, you receive points that convert into cash which you can then use to buy the full-size version of the products you like.

The company is growing and has already secured $550,000.00 in capital and is working day and night to close their next round of $1 million for their startup. They are raising capital to invest in hiring more talent, investing in marketing and boosting their advertising.  

“We have found people want functional foods, foods that serve a purpose,” states Jarrett. We look forward to seeing how this company fairs in combining health, nutrition and purpose on Main Street. To learn more or order your first Bulu Box visit and sign up for your first month.  To listen to Paul’s latest interview on Disrtupt Radio click here.

Story by Cynthia Nevels, amateur chef and natural food enthusiast.

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